[UPDATE] DarN Revelation

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:54 am

DarN Revelation Working

EDIT 1: I managed to get this figured out and working - feel free to try it out yourself, the process is described below:

EDIT 2: Please note, all I really did was take some time to figure out what was causing the anomalies that people kept bringing up in the comments for these mods. As can be clearly seen, all that needs to be done is the removal of an unnecessary file that causes some problems if kept in, so all the original work from the original modders is what is present, and thus they deserve the credit for this and not myself. Please ensure to thank these modders for their hard work, and provide their works with endorsemants on the Nexus site so more people can be aware of these great products.

EDIT 3: I forgot to include a screen of the new Quantity Menu originally, but that has now been added with the rest of the screens, sorry I forgot it.

EDIT 4: Updated the install process to include another fix pointed out on FO3 Nexus.

I am not sure if this is worth even repacking the file and uploading it due to the simplicity (please note that the Revelation aspects act essentially as a Replacer, so this will work with any and all mods that I can think of for HUD options and the sort, but I don't know if this would work for any other UI mod than DUI).

For those looking to mix together the awesome DUIa11+Hotfix by DarN and the great Interface Revelation by SGHi, but have never been able to get the patch files made by Vomitus to work with your setup, then the solution to your problems is finally here! This fix, to my knowledge, does not work for the Return of the Talking Heads mod (that a patch was also included for by Vomitus, and this is because I personally do not use it).

The overall effect is brilliant, in my humble opinion, allowing the HUD, Pip-Boy, and Message Box Interfaces to all have their own unique appearance and feel to them (where, in my opinion, with DUI you really only have a HUD/Message Box Interface Mixed and Pip-Boy feel going on as the HUD blends with most Interface styles). I would then, personally, recommend combining this effect with the new http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15771 by Gopher (yep, that's right, this will work just fine with that), and some of the great HUD additions available from there (I myself am using Dynamic Crosshair, Selective Fire, Stimpack Counter, Adjustable HUD or aHUD, and Immersive HUD or iHUD to get a truly modern and unique interface feel to the game).

http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18810-1/Sample_001.png (Highlighting now working per DUI)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18813-1/Sample_002.png (Text coloring now working per DUI)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18816-1/Sample_003.png (Text anomalies no longer present)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18819-1/Sample_004.png (Text anomalies no longer present)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18822-1/Sample_005.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18825-1/Sample_006.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18828-1/Sample_007.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text - not corrected to v1.0)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18840-1/Sample_011.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text - not corrected to v1.0)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18831-1/Sample_008.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18834-1/Sample_009.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18837-1/Sample_010.png (Shows the new interface from Revelation used with DUI text, also shows the iHUD Config Menu)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18901-1/HUD.png (Please note I use aHUD and iHUD when considering this screen)

Install Process: (Links Provided)
*Note: If you already have DUI and Hotfix/Patches installed, start on Step 2 of the Process
1) Install http://www.gamesas.com/?showtopic=1045221 (and any updates like the http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761)
2) Install http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=47 (the textures look just as good to me, and I see no menu lag in my game with it)
3) Install the http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5054 (the solo one that does not include CTF - RTH)
4) Navigate to the Data -> Menus folder and conduct the following process:

# Open the file barter_menu.xml in a text editor.
# Find the line:
<!-- ===== START ITEMS (LEFT) SIDE ===== -->
# Now scroll down to the first appearance of:

# Now scroll down to the first appearance of:
# Change the 6 to the value of 3
# Save

5) Navigate to the Data -> Menus -> Prefabs folder and delete the list_box.xml file from the folder
6) Load the game and that stuff will be a nice blend without the text anomalies in the Pip-Boy or on the Main Menu as featured in the previous post.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:42 am

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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:49 am

Sorry, to better give an idea, http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=47 and http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5054 I mentioned before (also does Return of the Talking Heads integrated too, but I am not looking for that). There is also one to make the http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15154, but this is the part of DarN I want to keep personally. Thus, I was really uncertain if I could just get away with tossing in Revelation without it messing up the DarN HUD I have in place currently (or any of the Main Menu stuff that DarN adjusts).

EDIT: Looking things over, I think it may actually be as simple as drop and go as it looks like Revelation is a replacer only, no ESP, so it should at least be easy enough to just try.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:38 pm

Oh I remember now.

Your going to need a break down of what the various xml files cover. You can probably guess most by names and file structure.

I'd do that then narrow down the parts you are confused about then ask Darn. He does have http://darnified.net/forums/ if he does not respond here.

Let us know results.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:54 pm

Okay, so I did my initial trial, and it looks like they do play somewhat nice together. Doing a simple drop of Revelation on top of DarN got the general mix I was looking for out of the two, but it does cause a few small anomalies that I will probably want to figure out how to correct (though none of them are game or immersion breaking things). Darn had a better text size running overall compared to the Revelation version of the same menus, so I will need to look into that (adjust size and spacing, possibly font too, not sure on that yet). Font color in some areas is not what I would expect it to be with using DarN by itself either, but again, basically a non-issue there too. Really all I feel I need to adjust would be getting the old DarN text sizes back on the adjusted menus. I'll peek over the XML files here over the next few days to come up with the proper portions to edit to get a nice mix of the two.

EDIT: Having a heck of a time with this little aspect actually - Darn used some complex XML to generate his plugin, and Rev is fairly basic in comparison, but I just can't seem to fully piece together what I am looking for. Anyways, posted on Darn's forum to look into it a little more, and if I manage to get this all cracked out I may release my first FO Mod.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:40 am

Redeye - you should get in contact with Gopher on the Nexus forums. He has done extensive HUD revisions including Unified HUD where I think this fits cause it includes a lot of mods that change the HUD that I use. However, I dont want to dissuade you into making your own mod either
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:40 pm

Oh, I agree, it really does belong with Unified HUD, I just don't personally use uHUD (no real good reason, to be honest, I just had all my stuff hand installed by the time it came out, save for this little bit - other than that I like the personal control I have over things by doing them manually, even if it means asking for help and taking more of my time) so I am trying to cobble this together as a result of that fact - though, anything I find out/make in the process I would happily offer up to the uHUD project for incorporation purposes.

EDIT: Further testing with this shows that the patch file for just the DarN and Revelation mod does seem to work out pretty well, still some small things to correct on it though regarding the text colors in certain instances (mainly on the Pip-Boy, text comes in as my HUD color in there, which looks odd on the green background I like to keep).
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:18 am

If you wouldnt mind posting in the uHUD thread (Revelation looks sweet) and asking Gopher cause I use all of his mods plus the newest ones uHUD, iHUD and aHUD. uHUD gives me integration of all of Gophers mods (advanced tech mods), FWE, dynamic crosshair, powered power armor, ambient temps. iHUD allows me to eliminate the HUD altogether by toggle key and aHUD allows me to move anything on the HUD.

You may want to go this way because of all the features and functionality.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:57 am

I won't lie, I have been thinking about switching over to uHUD for a little while now, since it also now supports just about any and all of the files I have effecting the HUD. Revelation is more of a menu overhaul though, and there is no ESP with it, simply overwrites some XML files and tosses in some prefabs and new textures that then get used on the menus, as such, there really isn't much for uHUD to do with it I wouldn't imagine. At this point I am just trying to figure out what all I need to get updated still in the patch file for DarN/Revelation (that just replaces the XML files from Revelation to keep most of DarN's Font settings and maintain the rest from Revelation's changes), as some things still appear to be anomalies to me from the plain DarN system without Revelation being in.

I think the issue is that DarN may have adjusted some small things in comparison to the patch file in the later editions, so really I probably just need to compare these (current DarN menu XMLs that are replaced and the patched version of the Revelation files) in UltraEdit to see what the differences are in the code coming from the DarN files. Once I get that sorted out I can just repackage it all up and toss it up onto the Nexus site, as all it will end up taking to work right will be to drop it in your data folder.

I'll keep folks posted on results to that though, since again, this is really just a replacer, not so much a mod per se.

EDIT: Well, so far looking over the dialogue menu differences the one that I am seeing that stands out most to me as a likely culprit for the weird text anomalies in some places is probably as follows:

DarN Setting:
			 &noglow_branch; 		 &hudmain;<!--All menus now pipboy color--> 

Revelation Setting:
			 &noglow_branch; 		 <!-- &hudmain; --><!--All menus now pipboy color--> 

As you can see, obviously, the Revelation edit is commenting out the &hudmain; portion in the systemcolor line, going to be fiddling with this setting first in the different menu XMLs and checking into the results on it, as again it strikes me as the most obvious place to start.

EDIT 2: Well, that didn't work out as I intended, looks like that just blends the HUD hue over top over the boxes, so was not the function I was looking for. I think the most confusing part for me is the fact that it is list text in the Pip-Boy (though the effects area looks right here), the Effects part of the Stats in the Pip-Boy (everything else on this page is correct), and on the Main Game Menu the highlight around the menu selections and the text in the load game area seems to have been adjusted by things as well (the reason that this is odd is that the Rev mod does not touch these menu files as far as I can tell).
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:42 am

So, to touch a little more on what I am talking about with the anomalies that are present after mixing the two, I have grabbed a couple screens to show folks what it actually is and see if maybe someone might be able to point me to what exactly would be hitting these areas (at this point, I can only assume that it is something in the prefabs area):

http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18780-1/MainMenuHighlight02.png (The red text from DUI is still coming through, just the highlight seems wrong)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18807-1/SaveGameListHighlight.png (Clearly no longer looks like DUI, but again, Revelation does not touch this menu file as far as I can tell)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18801-1/PipStatsEffectNoSelect.png (Shows the Effects Display issue with not selecting an effect to show the display area below is fine)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18804-1/PipStatsEffectSelect.png (Shows the Effects Display issue with an effect selected to show the display area below is now hued and colored text)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18786-1/PipSomeTextNotAll002.png (Shows how only some text, specifically lists, are effected in different areas)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18789-1/PipSomeTextNotAll003.png (Shows how only some text, specifically lists, are effected in different areas)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18792-1/PipSomeTextNotAll004.png (Shows how only some text, specifically lists, are effected in different areas - this also covers the scroll bar as well)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18795-1/PipSomeTextNotAll005.png (Shows how only some text, specifically lists, are effected in different areas)
http://www.otherfamily.net/gallery2/d/18798-1/PipSomeTextNotAllAndScrolls.png (Shows how only some text, specifically lists, are effected in different areas - this also covers the scroll bar as well)

Again, my guess is that the issue has something to do with one of the prefab menus that went in with Revelation, but checking through the menus packs it doesn't seem any of the prefabs that Revelation adds are things that would be overwriting content from DUI.

EDIT: In the mean time, while I work on this, I added in aHUD and iHUD, and ran uHUD on my setup, but it seems as though it may not be working right, might have to reinstall some stuff here to get it working, my grenade hotkey icons from FWE are gone now, but I still like

EDIT 2: Scratch that, seems that it is a known problem, I'll just be waiting for some updates - good stuff, my game is nearly perfect at this point, and as far as I have been able to tell while playing it is pretty stable (though I may get hit by late game nastiness still, always possible). Hoping to get the interface anomalies worked out (and probably release the updated patch so others can use it without manually editing things), and I hope to see some small adjustments to that new Action Point Project, and my game will be complete.

Regarding the DarN/Revelation patching though, I could certainly use direction from any able to provide it in regards to working this out in a timely manner (though I will get it done one way or the other).
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:36 am

(Part removed to be added to the OP)

This solution now posted here (Bethesda Forums - though this one is the best presented, with links to the applicable files included in the post), in the comments for the patch on Nexus, and on the Darnified Forum - hopefully this will help to encourage people into mixing both of these great mods with some of the other great interfaces available today for a truly unique and modern feel that still holds true to Fallout (though you will lose the size adjusting dialogue boxes, as they will have a template texture used on them that doesn't really resize well - I tried fiddling with that, but it was not so nice). I will be back at some point tomorrow to further edit this post to include screens of the final product so people know what to expect before they do it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

Okay, I have updated the OP to include the screens of the two mods mixed together, as well as the process to get it all installed and working together as I had promised last night. Also gonna see if I can possibly to get a mod to adjust the topic title for me so it better reflects that this is no longer a request to the community.

EDIT: Thanks to the mods for updating the topic title so quickly
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James Wilson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:25 am

Redeye - your directions for adding revelation with Gophers HUD mods works perfect. Thanks.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:28 am

No problem, I just hope it encourages more people to use these great mods, they all really go great together
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:14 pm

Just a small end of the week bump for anyone that may have missed this and wanted to try it out, probably just gonna let this one taper off after this due to its basic nature
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:29 am

Updated the install process in the OP, there is now a new step 4 (thanks to Maczincus at FO3 Nexus for catching this and reporting a fix along with the catch) that will correct a small text anomaly on the Barter Screen (the name slot on the player side had a different font than the name slot on the merchant side). Please follow the step to further smooth out the mix of these two interfaces. Assuming that any more tweaks come up that need to be done with this I will probably just go about repacking it and tossing it up on the Nexus page fresh so that people don't have to keep editing XML files.

EDIT 1: Actually, looking back over a few of the screens quick, I can think of a few things I would like to do so as to further patch this up. This will probably result in me repacking this and tossing it up on the Nexus once it is finished up, and should end up working just fine as a replacer update for those who have already followed the install instructions up to this point (as you'll just be overwriting a few of the XML files). More on this a little later.

EDIT 2: This is now its own mod for download, see the Rel Thread:

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