Wow, completely forgot about this thread. The themes still have it I see. Now's the time to vote if you need bigger fonts...
W.r.t. to the poll-clears-when-edit bug, I've seen someone here that makes two posts for polls, and reserving the first one only for the poll, and putting in the second the actual content you want in the first ... Is a workaround to the problem.
Trust me, that's exactly what I'll do next time.
I had an idea for a possible feature, not sure if it's feasible. What I was thinking of is some kind of hack for the chargen race/six xml file to show the stats and skill bonuses. Would that be doable?
Probably doable with OBSE backing.
Yes not great is it, pity they didn't get you to design it, your own forum is a joy to use after this.
By the way is there any effective way to search this forum so far Iv'e had no luck at all with searches sometimes Google can find me stuff on here but it's very patchy to find my way to here I searched page by page till I found it BB
The forum search is a joke. Why they haven't switched to a better forum is beyond me. There are far superior
free packages out there. I use SMF, btw.
I loled at that. Reminded me of when I did the same thing ages ago. Btw thats the first time I've heard someone swear on these forums.

Lol, surely "crap" is not swearing?

Btw is there already option to remove the dark box behind the subtitles and change the subtitle colour?
Sure. In dialog_config.xml and hudsubtitlemenu_config.xml.
Also unrelated to fonts is there an option to scale the compass size?
It doesn't scale "properly". I added a setting to control its width, but the frame and zoom level is static.
The last time I installed Darn UI 1.32 and attempted really to convince myself to use it. Played with it near one hour, but I ended to uninstall it. My majors requests:
- Biggers fonts especially those of the quest log (they are too smalls)
- Biggers inventory icons (wz_inventory doesn't solve the issue and is secondary for me)
- Bigger Map (scale in Cyrodiil map).
- Fonts will come...
- Inventory icons are scaled according to the item they reside in. Any bigger, and they bleed into each other. The inventory config file has some options you might wanna look at.
- The map scale can be set between 40 and 100%. What more do you want?
I've been using the Darnified UI lately and I don't know why in Oblivion I never used it before! Awesome!!!
Is there any way to change the fonts without reloading the .esp?
The fonts can be changed with a simple ini edit. The esp?
I would love to find a way to reduce the size of the various hud elements. For instance it would be great if I could see the merchant I'm dealing with when I buying from him instead of having him obliterated by an enormous menu.
This could be achieved with a camera tweak maybe. Reducing the menu is kinda counter-productive, as the point here is more info available in the menu...
I've always wished I could change fonts on the fly to suit mood or character. For example, I'd love to trade in all the calligraphy for something more script-like or block-like or gothic etc. sometimes, or change it right back, and I'd like it to be a uniform change throughout the UI. I have no idea how feasible this is, or if it means I should vote for fonts or themes. But you've got a great eye for what works at what size and in what relative position, so I figured you were the man to throw it at.

Edit: By "on the fly", I mean from within the omod installation script or somesuch, as I don't suspect that's a change you can apply while the game is loaded without funky stuff happening.
I have options for font 1 in the installer already. When I make the font release, I have plans for more alternaitives for the rest of them too.