
! But thankfully, I got a wind of what he was working on sometime ago, and managed to
Spoiler fraternize and pump him
Heh. I just got it from a code snippet with some telling names.

oh ... I though you made the fonts included ! I suppose you just converted them to fnt versions eh ...
God no that would take forever! I use the Font Generator to convert ttf files, adding some fx and such along the way.
Great - Some more beans ...
* More fonts :bolt: ?
* Can the wz_ version of the inventory be modified to look like the one in this especially the bottom menu-buttons ?
* How teh hell did you manage to pull off such a ? The lighting looks almost real - I didn't even know Oblivion could do that !
1. More fonts are planned.... The theme version has the votes though, so after that some time.
2. Of course it can! I wouldn't butcher it of it's features.

inventory_menu.xml, lines 227-229:
<!-- change theme here --><include src="darn\inventory\theme_journal.xml" /><!-- <include src="darn\inventory\theme_container.xml" /> -->
Just make it use the container theme. I really should make that inventory tutorial soon...
3. It's Natural (well DarNified actually

) Environments - I don't remember the exact weather type though. Gorgeous eh?

Not intentionally. I just read my PMs as soon as I can and when I don't reply right away, I forget to do it later on. :banghead:
Me too. I'm the same way with SMS.