Got a little problem that is driving me mad

Yesterday I decided to do a completely fresh install of FNV, as I've been 'mucking about' with it for years (countless mods installed, reinstalled, uninstalled, updated, etc). Anyway, everything is the same as before - or so it seemed - except I installed the very latest version of The Nexus Mod Manager (upgrading from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0) and ditto for The Mod Configuration Menu (upgrading from 1.2 to 1.5). However, now both DarNified UI and MTU conflict with Project Nevada and TMCM, no matter which order I install and uninstall them (and, in fact, MTU did not work or change anything - the vanilla/huge fonts remained). They just 'crash' TMCM and PN.
Meaning that I get error messages like "There seems to be a problem with your PN installation because the HUD extension was not detected", "the Mod Configuration Menu cannot access the menu files", etc. Yes, I am using the very latest version of NVSE, and all the other mods work fine (and I've got hundreds!). Very frustrating, as I find the game all but unplayable with these big, ugly, default, fonts/icons. Also, yes again, running FNVMasterUpdate and making a Merged Patch makes no difference (vis-a-vis DarNified UI and MTU).
And unfortunately, I cannot track down an older version of TMCM (ie, v.1.2).
Got any ideas for me?