» Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:33 pm
DarN, I want to compliment you on your work with this UI mod. It has a great layout and you paid good attention to detail. The fonts are hand-picked for specific purposes and work well as such, the lists display a clean number of items (i.e. none shown partially cut off), and of course, there's now room to display a lot of information. Also, the redesigned/combined status screen is notably commendable.
However, I noticed a couple bugs. I'm using Alpha 9.2 with default config settings.
> Certain notes in pip-boy won't display all of the text (ex: The Guardians of Gillyfrond).
> On G.O.A.T. Question #4, the text spills out of the box.
Finally, I have a suggestion for enhancement. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=86 has a nice feature that extends the width of the grabbable area on the scrollbar handle for any menu. This makes it easier for grabbing it to scroll quickly through a long list. Perhaps you could implement something similar.
Thanks for all your hard work in making this excellent mod! =}