I had a question about a slight modification to DarnUI:
I wanted to bind the exit button to the right mouse button instead of E (or X for the barter menu). I saw in the contaner_menu.xml:
<_PCButton_E> CM_ExitButton
and under the B button section
<_PCButtonText> &-sPCMenuHintE;
So what is needed if I wanted to use the right mouse button or one of the mouse thumb buttons?
I tried _PCButton_RMB, _PCButton_M2, _PCMouse_2, and _PCButton_B (since the vats menu has B listed even thouth the RMB also works as well as

The hint changes as directed, but the correct syntax for the mouse is not accepting any of these.
I saw on http://darnified.net/forums/index.php?topic=183.0 when i was trying to find an answer before submitting the post, so I take it there is still no solution at this time?
Aside from maybe using glovepie to remap the right mouse button to keyboard B and all exits to B so it would still work in vats as well...