Greetings DarN!
First, thank you very much for what is, IMHO, simply the best UI ever made for Oblivion! I've been using it for some time now, and really just can't say enough good things about it. :bowdown:
Recently I switched my opening movie to (which is really quite nice, btw). And that was cool... but I realized that I would probably enjoy this one even more if the UI buttons were lined across the bottom again, instead of stacked in a column in the middle. Contrary to popular belief (I'll explain that another time), I actually do know XML, and after studying yours for a bit I figured out what I needed to do to line them back across the bottom. I am actually quite pleased with how it looks, and I lost none of your functionality.

The reason I am writing is, do you ever get people asking for this? I'd be happy to offer it up to anyone that wants it, but not before running it by you first, of course! Besides, it could probably be improved... my version is hard-coded for a 1024x768 in game display. Other sizes could be hard-coded like this, or better yet, possibly the one version could be versatile enough to get the disply dynamically.
OK, getting ahead of myself! But seriously, thank you for this awesome UI! And if this alternative could be useful, please let me know!