I'm not too sure really, but those 2 have conflicting files in my obmm. When I install one OMOD, it asks to overwrite the others 2 files, here's when I install Atmospheric Loading Screens:
Textures/DarkUI/Menus/stats/stat_skill_level_ribbon_emptydui.dds already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod
menus/loading_menu.xml Already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod
That's what I get but vice-versa for the other one.
Hmmmm....now that I think about it, I might have let the ALS OMOD overwrite files when asked; I installed it after DarNified UI (again, the standard DaNified, not the DarkUI variant) and I don't recall having any issues at all.
I did just remember something, though: ALS comes with two Bashed tags (Graphics & NoMerge) I believe (or I added them myself). Now, when building/rebuilding your Bashed Patch, check under Import Graphics and make sure ALS is checked (as is the check box next to the Import Graphics setting itself) and rebuild your Bashed Patch. *Don't* uncheck the ALS .esp file though (when I tried, it messed up the ALS loading screens a bit, namely the background color wouldn't be ALS's nice deep red but instead be the default tan from the vanilla game), though; just make sure its checked in your Bashed Patch.
Again, install DarnifiedUI/DarkUI (whichever you use) and install ALS afterwards, then check your Bashed Patch options and set as above and see if that works.