Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:52 am

Quick question here:

You know the location info panel, right? I was just wondering how it gets the information about which region the player is in from, as this could really help me with identifying the region the player is in, which I need for EW and AN. Does anyone know where it gets this info from?
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:26 am

Quick question here:

You know the location info panel, right? I was just wondering how it gets the information about which region the player is in from, as this could really help me with identifying the region the player is in, which I need for EW and AN. Does anyone know where it gets this info from?
I've done some digging for this in the past so I might aswell try to anwser your question. The game controls it directly in hud_main_menu.xml. At the very top there is a user8 trait. You should be able to use GetMenuStringValue to get the current region (well the name of the current region). Although I'm not a 100% sure if it is always updated correctly.


Question of my own. You know that when you go to third person you can zoom in or out to suite your taste. I was wondering if there is a XML trait that holds the info on the current 'zoom level'. I've already tried accessing the user6 in the hopes that it would also contain the info on third person zoom. But allas, it's just used as the initial inventory zoom. :( Might the Mighty DarN know something about this?

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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:37 pm

Thanks kyoma! If this works like I need it to, it will be a great help indeed.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:59 pm

I tried to use the same trick for accessing the exterior cell name, but unfortunately that info is in the map_menu.xml and it's only updated when the map is opened. :shrug:
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sally R
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:34 am

You know that when you go to third person you can zoom in or out to suite your taste. I was wondering if there is a XML trait that holds the info on the current 'zoom level'. I've already tried accessing the user6 in the hopes that it would also contain the info on third person zoom. But allas, it's just used as the initial inventory zoom. :( Might the Mighty DarN know something about this?


I don't think that value is in the menus anywhere. Probably completely game controlled.

I tried to use the same trick for accessing the exterior cell name, but unfortunately that info is in the map_menu.xml and it's only updated when the map is opened. :shrug:

Yup. Pretty annoying that. I don't think the HUD's user8 is completely valid all the time either IIRC...
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:57 pm

No, turned out it wasn't updating in game mode, so I couldn't use an existing OBSE function to get it, though I was able to get the same information through an OBSE plugin, which I scrapped after learning that what I want is going to be in the next OBSE anyway. :shrug:
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:49 am

Well, at least you learned some thing along the way. :)
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:00 am

In regards to the ExtraData corruption that SkyRanger-1 and I brought up earlier, I found an http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=880282 that hasn't been junked by the forum software. It has a little more information in it about the problem.

I thought about just sending this as a pm to SkyRanger-1, but it might interest some other people as well.

Sorry about the slight derail, DarN :)
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:41 pm

Alright, I came here from the other "vote for next feature" thread (DarN redirected me here), and I come with questions:

1-When I lvl a skill up, I hear the drum-beat played but there is no onscreen message saying my skill/character lvled up. Any thoughts? I use Elys's Uncapper now (recently upgraded to it from Toasters), so I dunno if that has anything to do with it. Before I installed the new Dark-Darn UI OMOD (I had an older version) and Elys, things displayed just fine.

2-I use Galahaut's OMOD Atmospheric Oblivion Loading screens. Whenever I launch Oblivion and the Bethesda logo comes up, I press ESC to skip it. This takes me to the main loading screen into the game menu. On this loading screen is the Oblivion Symbol in the center. But now all I see is either a white box, or the original Oblivion symbol, not the Gothic DarkUI/DarNified one. I installed the Atmospheric compatability plugin from the v 1.6 OMOD and it conflicts with 2 files of the Atmospheric's default OMOD install, asking to overwrite them. Those 2 OMODs apparently share those files and if I re-install one, I have to overwrite those 2 files from the other to do so. This isn't necessarily a major problem, but it irks me none-the-less.

I originally had an older manual install version (1.4.2 to be precise) which I could never get to work 100%, so that's why I upgraded to this OMOD. BUt it displayed the above problems fine before hand.

And I don't mean to derail the thread a scooch, but could someone tell me the dmg value of a daedric bow (125% durability) at 100 AGI and 100 Marksman? It's a small question and the only one off-topic. I want to see if switching from Toaster's messed up my stat damages :rolleyes:
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:23 pm

Alright, I came here from the other "vote for next feature" thread (DarN redirected me here), and I come with questions:

1-When I lvl a skill up, I hear the drum-beat played but there is no onscreen message saying my skill/character lvled up. Any thoughts? I use Elys's Uncapper now (recently upgraded to it from Toasters), so I dunno if that has anything to do with it. Before I installed the new Dark-Darn UI OMOD (I had an older version) and Elys, things displayed just fine.

Is the LevelUp Menu installed? Look for Data\menus\levelup_menu.xml. If it's there, try renaming it and see if it works. That should give you the default menu. If it still doesn't work, the problem lies elsewhere.

2-I use Galahaut's OMOD Atmospheric Oblivion Loading screens. Whenever I launch Oblivion and the Bethesda logo comes up, I press ESC to skip it. This takes me to the main loading screen into the game menu. On this loading screen is the Oblivion Symbol in the center. But now all I see is either a white box, or the original Oblivion symbol, not the Gothic DarkUI/DarNified one. I installed the Atmospheric compatability plugin from the v 1.6 OMOD and it conflicts with 2 files of the Atmospheric's default OMOD install, asking to overwrite them. Those 2 OMODs apparently share those files and if I re-install one, I have to overwrite those 2 files from the other to do so. This isn't necessarily a major problem, but it irks me none-the-less.

I originally had an older manual install version (1.4.2 to be precise) which I could never get to work 100%, so that's why I upgraded to this OMOD. BUt it displayed the above problems fine before hand.

The DarkUI integration is Gothic's area. The DarkUI'd DarN thread is http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=861322, but Gothic251 seems to be on hiatus these days, so you might as well shoot him a pm and hope he gets email notification. :)
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Big Homie
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:13 pm

Is the LevelUp Menu installed? Look for Data\menus\levelup_menu.xml. If it's there, try renaming it and see if it works. That should give you the default menu. If it still doesn't work, the problem lies elsewhere.

Well as an update, I found out that it's sporadic. Sometimes it will display, sometimes it won't. I triggered it by clicking the "Show Generic Symbol" option for messages that have no symbol- off, then on again. But even that's not fool-proof. It also doesn't display the messages when I discover new locations, ie "You have Discovered Rockmilk Cave". I'm thinking it's more of a problem displaying generic messages than it is with the level up menu.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:02 am

You might have installed it wrong - never experienced anything similar. Does a message usually appear when you level up?
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:56 pm

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's turning out to be random, sometimes it'll display a skill gain, sometimes it won't, and I have yet to see it display that I discovered a location yet.

Also I installed the OMOD version, so I dunno how it could be installed wrong.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:05 am

Try to test it with no other mods active.
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:38 am

It works fine without the other mods/OMODs active, but I just decided to live with it. I think it might have to do with Atmospheric Loading Screens, not sure. My Oblivion's messed up though from deactivating all those mods.

Still a good mod though, I recommend it to anyone, and thanks for trying to help.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:05 am

It works fine without the other mods/OMODs active, but I just decided to live with it. I think it might have to do with Atmospheric Loading Screens, not sure. My Oblivion's messed up though from deactivating all those mods.

Still a good mod though, I recommend it to anyone, and thanks for trying to help.

Odd; I've had no problems whatsoever with Atmospheric Loading Screens & DarNified UI (not DarkUI), and I don't recall even using any compatibility patches for the two, either. You sure its ALS interfearing?
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:33 pm

Odd; I've had no problems whatsoever with Atmospheric Loading Screens & DarNified UI (not DarkUI), and I don't recall even using any compatibility patches for the two, either. You sure its ALS interfearing?

I'm not too sure really, but those 2 have conflicting files in my obmm. When I install one OMOD, it asks to overwrite the others 2 files, here's when I install Atmospheric Loading Screens:

Textures/DarkUI/Menus/stats/stat_skill_level_ribbon_emptydui.dds already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod


menus/loading_menu.xml Already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod

That's what I get but vice-versa for the other one.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:12 pm

I'm not too sure really, but those 2 have conflicting files in my obmm. When I install one OMOD, it asks to overwrite the others 2 files, here's when I install Atmospheric Loading Screens:

Textures/DarkUI/Menus/stats/stat_skill_level_ribbon_emptydui.dds already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod


menus/loading_menu.xml Already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darkuid_darn_16_omod_version-11280.omod

That's what I get but vice-versa for the other one.

Hmmmm....now that I think about it, I might have let the ALS OMOD overwrite files when asked; I installed it after DarNified UI (again, the standard DaNified, not the DarkUI variant) and I don't recall having any issues at all.

I did just remember something, though: ALS comes with two Bashed tags (Graphics & NoMerge) I believe (or I added them myself). Now, when building/rebuilding your Bashed Patch, check under Import Graphics and make sure ALS is checked (as is the check box next to the Import Graphics setting itself) and rebuild your Bashed Patch. *Don't* uncheck the ALS .esp file though (when I tried, it messed up the ALS loading screens a bit, namely the background color wouldn't be ALS's nice deep red but instead be the default tan from the vanilla game), though; just make sure its checked in your Bashed Patch.

Again, install DarnifiedUI/DarkUI (whichever you use) and install ALS afterwards, then check your Bashed Patch options and set as above and see if that works.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:50 pm

That sounds like a decent solution, except that I don't know how to use Wrye Bash yet, it seems more complicated than what it's worth. But I do know the good it can do, so I'm keeping it open as an option. I use OBMM to do my things, but patching games myself sounds risky, in my book. I'm having a time as it is learning to set big files into OMODS and have them work without messing up. It's harder than it looks.

So far though the messages have been coming up more frequent now, but I have yet to gain a skill and see if it shows up. The more I play though, the more it sounds like an inconvenience rather than a problem. I really appreciate the help from you guys though.
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brenden casey
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:17 pm

That sounds like a decent solution, except that I don't know how to use Wrye Bash yet, it seems more complicated than what it's worth. But I do know the good it can do, so I'm keeping it open as an option. I use OBMM to do my things, but patching games myself sounds risky, in my book. I'm having a time as it is learning to set big files into OMODS and have them work without messing up. It's harder than it looks.

So far though the messages have been coming up more frequesnt now, but I have yet to gain a skill and see if it shows up. The more I play though, the more it sounds like an inconvenience rather than a problem. I really appreciate the help from you guys though.

Whoops, my bad. Wrye Bash has gotten dang-near mandatory for stuff like this, and I assumed you already had it. lol I guess I forgot there are still those who don't use it (in some cases, don't even need it). I personally still use OBMM to manage OMODs and to set my load order and use Wrye Bash for the Bashed Patch and to decide what mods are actively running and which ones aren't (and which ones are merged into Bashed Patch).

Still, I think what I said before might be the solution to your problem... :shrug: ^_^
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:40 pm

It probably would, but it's not life or death in terms of priority. Thought there may have been a way to do it w/o resorting to Wrye Bash, is all.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:49 pm

It probably would, but it's not life or death in terms of priority. Thought there may have been a way to do it w/o resorting to Wrye Bash, is all.

There might be, but I can't think of another way off the top of my head. Even if I could, I don't know if it would be any easier to implement... :shrug:
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:12 am

Oi ... I've got a OBMM script error. The script seems to be calling a undefined function in line 211. This one's in the 1.3.2 release. I haven't tried it with the latest version of OBMM, though I doubt that could be the cause ...
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kevin ball
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:17 am

This requires OBMM v1.1.12+ and 'Allow additional script types' to be set in OBMM settings.

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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:56 am

Call me an idiot for the stupid-cry :embarrass: Never though OBMM's scripting ability could be the issue. Seems like I'd been looking for the definition which was built into OBMM .
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Tiff Clark
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