Oh and download linky ofcourse: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34792
DarNifiedUI Config
Addon v1.4
1. Description
2. Install
3. Version History
4. Contact and Feedback
5. Credits
1. Description
We've all experienced it, ever since DarNifiedUI had ingame settings people have asked if they could be made permanent. Although this was not possible through conventional means, nowadays it can be done. So I present you just that: a mod that makes any ingame settings for DarNifiedUI stick. No more writing down the values, making a screenshot and searching for the config files.
Also works with DarkUI'd DarN!
2. Install
Copy "DarNifiedUI Config Addon.esp" to your Data folder and activate the esp.
* This mod requires OBSE v19 or higher (found at http://obse.silverlock.org/)
* This mod requires either:
+ Pluggy v125b or higher (found at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Pluggy)
+ ConScribe v9.0 or higher (found at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:ConScribe)
* There are no extra steps required to upgrade from a previous version.
3. Version History
* Fixed string_var bloating with one of the scripts, cleansave is required to remove previous bloat.
* Fixed console error messages from appearing.
* Compiled with OBSE v19 non-beta.
1.3 beta
* Can now work with latest ConScribe, but also means it requires OBSE v19beta. As a result, this release is also a beta.
* Fix bug with the Auto Cutoff setting getting decreased with each game session.
* Recompiled scripts with OBSE v18 instead of v19beta.
* Initial release.
4. Contact and Feedback
Should you have any questions or comments you can PM me (kyoma) at the Elder Scrolls Forum or post in the forum thread (see top of readme). Alternatively you can email me at daaf.paradox -at- gmail.com or PM me (KyoParadox) at the TESNexus forum.
5. Credits
* DarN for making DarNifiedUI. This mod is only a small extension of the already awesomeness that DarNifiedUI adds to the map.

* Gothic251 for making DarkUI'd DarN
* The OBSE team for the wonderful gift that is the Oblivion Script Extender.
* Elys for making Pluggy.
* shadeMe for making ConScribe.