AND THE MOMENT OF TRUTH, DADADADA . . . everything worked out, aside from a couple of sore bullet wounds. As far as I could tell, everything turned out fine. I am sure that me being a bit older than her was a bit off putting, but like I said, I was honest, up-front, and I think he knows I am not here to take advantage. We had a solid hour long chat about certain guidelines I must abide by, curfew, conduct when in and out of the house, what you would expect. In his words "She could do worse. You seem relatively normal". I think I found a new best friend. No one has ever said such kind things about me. But in all seriousness, I think everything is set. Didn't get a chance to talk to the mother, though I am sure she is going to be filled in in my absence. As for now, take things slow and getting to really know eachother. I've known this girl for a while, been to a few of the same parties and such, but nothing too deep. Probably going to try and set up something for tomorrow, just don't know what that is. So, what you guys think?
Good work.