» Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:09 pm
Well first of you are more imature than she is in MOST cases. Not all the times, but generally girls are way more mature than boys. So you being 19 (or did you say 20) and her being 16 she is a bit more mature than your or are about on equalle footing. I always say in most times, a male should have a wife about 5-7 years younger just for that maturity factor. I am not saying it will not work, I am just saying the girl will be more mature in most cases.
As for being legal, why would you say that? Is some places age of consent is 14, but that still doesn't make it right. So not sure why you would bring this part up.
If you are interested in her, just ask her out. Talking through Facebook is not talking to her and will only fail. If this is your only way of communication, then I can understand but to say this is how you talk, in most cases it is doomed for failure. People talk when in the same room, side by side looking at eachothers eyes. How are you really "talking" when you leave a message and she leaves a message.
As I said if you are really interested in her, as her out before it's too late. Then you may miss your chance. Just because she is "16" doesn't mean she is less mature, as I said before, she maybe more mature than you. Going out after the first, second or third date, you will see if she is mature enough for you. You seem like you got a bright chip on your shoulder so I say ask her out and enjoy your time with her and as someone already has said, abastain from six. This way you will know if you really like her or not and if she likes you or not.
*edit* just saw your last post, how I missed it, not sure. You are doing the right thing. This is a first that I have read anyone asking the parents first just to have a date with a girl. This hasn't been done in ages. I know I have never done this, but I see how you are respecting her and her parents by doing the way you are doing it. Good for you.
Good luck and yes it was good knowing you the few minutes I have been reading this post. :foodndrink:
Serious though good luck for the both of you.