Daughter of Festus Crex

Post » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:53 pm

He's a remarkable Mage. Possibly the most able destruction Mage that exists in 4E 200. My player-character in Skyrim plays the roll of his illegitimate daughter that he presumably had to another student of the college of Winterhold during his time there. I've written a fair bit on it already but I wouldn't mind checking one thing and asking for additional suggestions. Two things actually. First being, during the college of Winterhold quest line, when you see the ghosts of Tolfdere or whatever his name is' previous student who he led to their deaths, does Festus Crex's time at the college line up correctly for a female in that group to be my character's possible mother? Secondly, moving on now to my character's advlthood and going down the path of joining the Dark Brotherhood, would it be considered unethical for my character to engage in a life-long romantic relationship with Babette? I mean I know she's been around a lot longer than Aegaleus has, but she also looks 12 so I don't know where the moral standpoint is on age there. Furthermore, I want Aegaleus to be a master of alteration magic, and presumably through subconscious extension of her great power, have Babette conceive a legitimate offspring (for those who've seen Star Wars, not unlike how Anikin had no father). Yes I like the supernatural, and yes I'll probably use this as an opportunity for Aegaleus and Babette's child or children to suffer a new derivative of vampirism that I won't get into the specifics of. So yeah, I'd love any thoughts on my ideas I've presented here, or further suggestions of tie-ins I could be making that I'm not thinking about.
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