I love open world games, but always feel overwhelmed at first. What should my character look like? Should they be good or bad? Male or female? I am embarrassed to admit that I am actually stressed about it already for Fallout 4! I look at the skill tree creator and keep going back and forth on what I should concentrate on. I know I want to focus on charisma because I liked all the special chat options from Fallout 3. But I also know that I won't be able to talk my way out of every situations and will have to fight so I need weapon skills. This means I will need focus on perception and guns. I love the idea of creating settlements and need to focus on crafting but need strength in order to carry more items. Ugh! What to do? I'm glad we can spread the points and perks around so that way I can put a little in each. Then when the game starts, what missions do I accept? Where do I go? I think the only way to solve my dilemma is to wait until November 10th and actually get to play it and do it. This pre planning is driving me crazy!