Arturo Leonde, Market District
Spoiler Name: Arturo Leonde
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Class/Profession: Gladiator
Physical Description: Not as tall as most of his kin, but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in his lean and agile physique. Tanned skin, not unlike most Imperials, and short dark brown hair, almost black, that naturally form a fauxhawk of sorts. Clean shaven, and relatively handsome, with deep set, engagingly beautiful brown eyes, and a perpetual charming smile that sets itself right under a perfectly curved nose, and above a bold looking chin, supported by a strong jaw. His body however, is riddled with various scars from the slashes of swords, and gashes from arrows that hit. When in the arena, he sports nothing more than light padding for his private regions, leather boots, and leather gauntlets. When outside however, he dons a loose robe and coarse silk lowers.
Mental Description: Arturo is a charming and friendly sort. Enjoys a good joke, and generally an amiable person. His good-natured disposition is however, a mask that veils his deep, inner pain and angst that he has kept inside of himself since childhood. A rage the likes of which would strike fear into the heart of any man. He only lets this part of himself take manifestation in the arena. Takes a liking to bards, hunters, warriors, rich and poor alike. Is neutral about mages, but harbors a severe loathing for thieves and assassins.
Equipment: Light leather padding for legs and mid-region. Leather gauntlets and boots.Two steel shortswords, the hilts of which are notched every time he kills.. A coin purse of gold.
Combat Skills: Fiercely skilled in one handed combat, he dual wields swords most of the time, but knows how to use a bow, or his hands if needed.
Magic Skills: Low level restoration. Minor healing spells.
Other Skills: Very quick and agile. Can run fast and strike down multiple foes in a flurry. Very sharp during combat and uses environment to his advantage. Also a great speaker and bargainer.
History: Arturo was born into a rich, influential, and prestigious and family, and since childhood had taken a liking to the arena, and gladiators. His father used to take him there as a boy. However, his father took to drinking and gambling, and eventually, they lost everything. Unable to continue with his education, Arturo took what little he knew of combat, and improved it until he was able to join the arena. With his family finally supported once more, Arturo was pleased with life when suddenly an enemy of his father performed the black sacrament, ordering the Dark Brotherhood to kill his father. The contract went wrong, and his entire family was killed in the process, while looters took everything they could, and burned the house down. He survived only because he was at a match at the time. He acts as if nothing ever happened, and carried on with his life, but this deeply scarred him.
Sitting at his favorite table at the Feed Bag, Arturo drank and laughed with his friends, insisting of course to pay for each of their meals out of the days winnings. He ran a hand through his short, dark hair, and leaned back in his seat, shooting a wink at one of the barmaids and throwing on his signature smile. A smile that could (and often did) melt the hearts of the maidens he came into contact with. "That last swing Arturo!" one of his Khajiit friends laughed. "I swear by the Nine, it was-" he was cut off by a sudden intrusion of a seemingly insane person enter the establishment."The end! The end I tell you! The end is near!" he yelled, as he leaped into the room and slammed the door shut behind him, resting upon it so as not to let anyone else in. It seemed to Aturo that the mad man was being chased. Several stood up and asked him what was wrong, while the bald, plump proprietor had a look outside. When he re-entered, his usually red face had lost all color and wore a grave expression.
"What the man says is true," he began, trying to sound calm, but ultimately failing, "For our safety, I will bar this door, no one enters, and no one leaves." he said solemnly. "For the time being, of course." he added with a gulp.
This caused an outburst of hushed whispers among the crowd who had up until now been silent with shock.
Barred for the time being? That's no good. I had a date at the Bloated Float later. Arturo snickered to himself silently. His friend caught him doing this.
"Woe! Oh woe! For Arturo has taken leave of his senses, and now laughs mindlessely like a skooma-addicted beggar!" he said.
"Quite the contrary, old friend. My mind is it's proper place. My blades however, are not." he smirked, reaching for the hilts of the steel short swords that hung from his waist. Just as he was about to lay a hand on them, there was a sudden and loud thud on the door. It came to their attention that the barkeep had not yet been able to fully bar the door, despite several patrons helping him. The thud caused a gasp in the crowd.
"Whatever is going on, I suggest you all head to your families. I'll clear the way, depending upon what lays ahead." Arturo said, as he climbed his way up onto a table to announce this. As he looked to and fro, he found that he was the only capable fighter in the building.
Yet another thud followed on the door, and another, and another. Soon, the door broke down completely and entered a wave of what Arturo found to be...
Could it be? Masses of undead? he wondered to himself.
Hmm, this is going to be a killer. he smiled to himself once more, as was his habit. Arturo jumped off the table he was standing on and both his swords landed in the foreheads of the two zombies that stood at the front of the parade.
Slicing and dicing away, the quick Imperial managed to clear a path out of the building, turning to the crowd as the last zombie fell to a burst of applause. Doing a little bow, he smiled and instructed everyone to leave if they valued their lives.
Outside however, Arturo found dozens more of the undead creatures, along with several corpses. Some of which he even recognized. The crowd behind him split into several directions, everyone obviously panicked by the sight of so much death. Arturo however, with his cool disposition, did not let it effect him. At least not yet.
This is... alarming. However, I must keep my head on if I wish to live this... crisis. he sighed as two more zombies approached him.