The Great Forrest, near Weye “Get up! Hurry!”
The voice was frantic and high pitched, belonging to a young woman. It held a shade of stark terror, her fluid motions painted with the same shade of fear. “Come on!” she said once more as she pulled her companion, a smaller male, to his feet. Together, they began to run once more, dodging inbetween the large trunks of trees of the great forest, the Imperial City burning like a beacon in the night behind them. On they ran, fleeing under the cover of darkness and moonlight, utterly ignorant to the danger they were in.
“Keep going!” the man said as the pair of humans drew closer to their death, lungs laboring as hard as physically allowable. The scent of sweat, grease, and blood radiated off of them like perfume. But best of all was the horror, the fright, the terror. It made killing so much better, so much more pleasurable. The creature that was hidden in the midst of the Great Forest’s upper branches killed for the lords of the coral, but it was driven by the fear that it drank from its victim’s blood. The fear was what it lived for.
“I think we lost them” gasped the woman as she neared an old sapling, her breath failing, a cautious relief filtering into her voice.
The only thing you have lost is your mortality. There was a blur of motion, the upper branches of the sapling shattered under the sudden force, sprinkling down to the forest floor like rain. The humans cried out in surprise, the noise arousing their assailant’s senses. The man leapt inbetween the creature and the woman on pure reflex, his emotional attachment overriding his desire to flee and survive the coming onslaught. A sinewy limb of black, almost resin-like flesh lashed out, forearm sized talons tearing through the man’s pitiful excuse for armor and opened up his chest cavity like a tin can.
He gasped in surprise and his heart was torn asunder, falling to the ground. The horrendous conglomeration of rotted flesh produced a shriek of glee from within its throat, if you could consider it to have a throat, and rushed towards the woman, his blood soaked hand outstretched. The woman moved, faster than expected, a glint of silver sparkling through the night as her blade cut towards the horrid machination of flesh and souls.
The beast was now shrieking in pain, not elation as its outstretched hand was amputated by the woman’s broadsword. Stepping back and preparing for some sort of parry or feint, the woman held her blade high, prepared from some sort of retaliation. The severed hand that lay on the ground began to blister and smoke, quickly dissolving into a black ichor that ran like a small stream back to the form of the creature. With a sickly gesture, the beast absorbed the ichor, his hand reforming as if made from clay.
Terror returned to the woman’s eyes, stronger than before. Her fate was known, now all that was left to the battle was just stepping through the motions. The two beings seemed to stand as still as statues before blurring back into motion, blade and talons vying for purchase. Grotesque tentacles sprouted forth from the creature’s other hand, and wrapped around the woman’s sword-arm. Her weapon arm rendered useless, she struck the beast’s chitinous skull in vain as another flesh-grown tentacle wrapped around her foot, and yanked her to the ground.
Nearly immobile, she threw all of her weight forward, trying to off balance the demon, but ended up slamming into its slimy, half-rotted flesh. The surface of the skin began to bubble and unzip into a large mouth, equipped with sharpened fangs dripping with putrid saliva. She screamed as it enveloped her, crushing he skull and ripping her apart piece by piece.
The beast threw the half eaten corpse to the ground, and went to work drawing the blood from the two new victims. It felt like hours were spent wallowing in their blood, their life’s fluid, their spiritual nectar. It drank and drank, absorbing their fear, anger, and pain. The souls that composed the creature screamed in delight as their hunger was sated.
It truly was not long when the Calling ripped the creature from its meal. The Lords of the Coral wanted him- need him once more. No, not the coral kings; just their bastard slaves. Their mage minions were summoning him, directing him towards a target. It was like a push, a pull, a mental noose that drug him to and fro, to direct him towards the Lord’s will. The Calling tore him from his meal, away from his duty to stop humans from escaping into the forest, and back towards the city.
Will I enter the city? Tear down the mortal spell and sword wielders and drink their blood? Will I join my brethren? The Calling directed him towards a small town, its name once known by one of the souls that inhabited the creature’s being, but was long forgotten. The village, if it could be called that, was but a small smattering of hovels around the bridge to the Imperial City. The Calling pointed towards one of the larger structures, a place of rest and recovery for mortals. Those inside were his target. With a feral hiss, the beast followed his master’s bidding, hiding in the darkest recesses of the treeline, waiting for the humans to leave, waiting for them to make a mistake.
OOC: You wanted a boss fight

lets get all the politics straitened out in the Inn before we take this shape-shifting zombie alien thing on.