Dawn of the Dead- Chapter two: Exodus

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:39 pm

The Dawn of the Dead

My hand trembles as I write these words which will surely be my last. I have been wounded, receiving a blow that it surely fatal in my frantic flight from the Arcane University’s besieged walls, and I’m sure that my end is near. My name is Curvias Mordane, and I am- was, a scholar at the University of Arcane in the Imperial City, the province of Cyrodiil. I was studying the recent epidemic that most common folk have heard wild rumors about- the infectious spread of undead bonewalkers.

It is no secret that bonewalkers- or zombies, a term coined by us westerners, have been spotted shambling about the countryside and even through the sewers of large cities, in massive numbers. It has been whispered that when these zombies bite a person, men, mer, and beast alike, the victim falls ill and becomes one of the ravenous bonewalkers themselves. These rumors are, unfortunately, true. The zombies- if that’s what they truly are- are basically just hosts for a certain strain of biological and magical material that flows through the blood and saliva of the zombies. At certain glances, my associates and I thought that it was a simple natural virus or bacteria, but at another glace, it seems as though the special form of parasitical life was magically created with mysticism dark as the night itself.

Whatever the cause of this strain, we could find no cure for it. The zombies became more organized, devouring entire cities and provinces, and I’m sure you, the reader, no doubt knows. I’m sure you also know that these zombies seem to feel no pain, taking ungodly amounts of damage before falling. I have witnessed a member of the City Watch dismember several walking corpses with his longsword just to escape being bitten. In addition, we have noted that some of the bonewalkers have mentally evolved, and developed the use of tools- mainly weapons and blunt objects to help bring down their prey easier.

The Empire could not stop them, especially after how weak they had become after the Oblivion crisis. Only hours ago, I witnessed the Imperial City catch fire and burn before my eyes, the legions of undead numbering well into the thousands, marching forth from the charred remains of the once greatest city on Nirn and into the Arcane University. My companions, fellow students… all dead. I teleported away as fast as I could, no specific destination intended. I was surprised I survived re-entry, but my relief was short lived, for I discovered that one of the infernal corpses managed to plant a shortsword into my stomach before I teleported.

So here I lay, bleeding out, my organs devouring themselves. Here I will die, not knowing what province or even continent I lay in. Off in the distance I see a group of people- survivors. It looks as though this town was hit by a horde of zombies as well, for many buildings are ablaze and bodies litter the streets, looters running to and fro. I just only hope this small group of survivors will be able to make their way in the world, escape, survive, and thrive where my associates and I could not. Maybe they will even be able to stop this strain of hellish parasite and save the world? It is unlikely. Maybe they will just be torn to pieces before making it out of the town? I cannot help but wonder before I go, who are they, and what is their story? It matters not, the Nine take me now.


Meet The Characters

The Ascended Sleeper

Name: Varth
Race: Dark Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Physical Description: Varth is a tall man, standing at roughly 6’ 2’’, with handsome, hawk-like features and burning red eyes like others of his race. His skin is the pale ash color of other Dunmer, and his body structure is thin and wiry, with well-trained muscles hiding beneath his duster.
Mental Description: Varth is easy to get along with, and enjoys telling jokes and spreading banter. He can rather naive at times due to his age, which often gets him into trouble. Despite this, he is rather wise (at least for his age), is a natural leader, and has an insatiable hunger for power. He has a small, sarcastic ego, but is confident in his abilities nonetheless.
Equipment: Varth carries a simple iron saber as his main melee weapon (which is often used). He wears no armor except a pair of leather travel boots. Varth is often seen wearing a black leather duster jacket full of many pockets, in which he holds many useful items such as pocket knives, potions, alchemical ingredients, his purse, and other oddities.
Combat Skills: Varth was trained by a swordmaster in the land of Morrowind before beginning his pilgrimage into the world. The training was brief, but the Dunmer learned a lot, becoming an adept in swordplay and learning the technique behind many unarmed fighting styles, though he is but a novice in martial combat.
Magic Skills: Varth is highly skilled in the fields of Alteration and Conjuration. He excelled in the field of Alteration (and its sub-schools, thaumaturgy and mysticism), surpassing other’s skills within a few weeks, and figuring out new ways to use the school, such as through creating sympathetic links, and creating physical attacks through the school. Conjuration, his other favorite skill, is used to summon unique Deadra from the outer realms, as well as his powerful ethereal ancestors. Destruction and Illusion, his other two used magic schools, are rarely used, but still dangerous.
Other Skills: Varth is very skilled in alchemy and cooking, and has just begun to grasp the basics of enchanting. In addition, he is well versed in ancient history and lore.
History: Varth was born and raised in an orphanage in the city of Balmora, never knowing his parents. After ten years of surviving on scraps of food and constantly stealing to survive, Varth was discovered by the Tribunal Temple, and inducted into its ranks. His prowess in magic was quickly noted, and he soared through the ranks, being the youngest acolyte to complete the Seven Graces. It was decided my envious superiors that Varth would have to take an extended pilgrimage into the world to understand how other faiths are inferior, in a hope that he would be killed.

Not Provided
Name - Hroggar the Mad
Race - Nord
Gender - Male
Age - 56
Class - Priest
Skills - He is an adept of Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration and Illusion, and can make various odd, crippling poisons.
Appearance - He is a tall, stocky fellow, with ragged, greying brown hair. One of his eyes is green, and the other is amber. He is an old, hardened man with a number of mysterious scars. He has the tan of someone who considers having a house to be posh. He's missing two of his teeth (which he claims he sold to the Ayleids in exchange for the meaning of life). He has hoarse, gravelly voice.
Inventory - He has a tall, gnarled wooden staff, inscribed with a number of Daedric runes. Through unknown means, he's magically bonded himself to the staff, so that he can cast spells through it without even holding it. (For instance, he could position the staff on the opposite side of a room from him, and cast a spell so that comes from the staff instead of from him). His connection to the staff is limited so that he has to be aware of where the staff is; if it was stolen, he wouldn't be able to use it, but if someone told him where it was, he could.
He wears a suit of leather armor, with a long, tattered leather cloak. He has a bear-skull helmet, with a single deer's antler implanted on the left side of it's forehead.
Biography - He was born in one of the most backwater, inbred noble families of the Reach. Descended from Hackdirt cultists, they made their fortune managing a large, isolated diamond mine. His family had been seen as recluses and eccentrics for generations, and were generally treated with great suspicion, but young Hroggar was a rare exception. He was seen by the locals as a nice, intelligent young lad, and he would often make trips to Markarth to converse with the locals. When he was nineteen, he moved to the Imperial City and quickly became known as an expert in subjects such as the Outer Realms, the Psijics, and other oddities of magic.
His studies lead him into the dustiest, oldest annals of the University Library. Over the years, he went from being an extroverted, likable youth to a moody, anti-social obsessive. His studies engrossed him, and he rarely even discussed his findings with the other mages.
Eventually, completely confident in his abilities as a mystic, he attempted to travel to the Outer Realms, using an old Altmeri ritual he'd discovered in a tome from the mid Second Era.
The ritual, which he performed on the shores of Lake Rumare, was a complete failure. The ingredients were all in the wrong quantities, he mispronounced a number of the words, and he hadn't nearly enough magic to power the trip.
It left him broken, trap in a bizarre border-realm between Oblivion and the Mundus, a place of alien geometries and dark, trapped beings.
It was there that he was found by Sheogorath, who claimed him for his own. Hroggar solemnly took his place as an agent of the Mad God, spreading Paranoia and Schizophrenia to the citizens of Tamriel. He has since wandered Tamriel, babbling nonsense prophecies and begging for spare change.

Name: Ray
Age: 25
Race: Imperial
Gender: Female
Physical Discription: She is tall, (5'7") skinny but altheltic looking. She has milk chocolate brown wavy hair, that comes to about her shoulders. She has hazel eyes, and tanned skin. She is very pretty.
Mental Discription: She is perky, fun, outgoing, which can be a disadvantage to the fact she often acts without thinking things through. If she dislikes somebody she can hold a grudge and will either use the silent treament or be very mean towards that person. If the time calls she can be understanding and quiet
Equimpent: Studded armor, iron boots, achient Nord sword, bow and arrows (20)
Combat Skills: One handed, mainly. A ltitle archery, but not much
No magic skills
Other skills: Speechcraft, Intelligence (sometimes lol)
History: Ray grew up in a very political home. Her family were nobles in Cyrodill, and were well known throughout Cyrodill. She was always differnt from her brother and her 3 other sisters, who followed in the proper way of edicute and such. She didn't care about getting dirty, and she always loved the outdoors. With the secret support and help from her father, she learned to swing a blade and hit a target at age 12. Her mother espically frowned upon the whole fighter/adventurer dream of Ray's. She spent day after day nagging Ray about being a proper lady. Ray was finally fed up with her mother's constant pulling at the way she wanted her to live, and she moved out at 16. Now, and just after the Oblivian Crisis, she has begun to travel up to (wherever the rp begins), to find a strange aura about the land.

Name: Marque Hearthton
Race: Breton Gender: Male
Age: 56
Physical Description: Marque is sleek in build, both in torso and limbs. His legs and arms have slightly more muscle mass, due to the common walks he preforms. His hair is gray, and still long, but going no further than his ears and the bottom of his neck. While normally combed back, current situations have stolen the time to do so, and as of such, it runs loose and wild. Skin is somewhere lost between tan and pale. Wide brown brown eyes compliment his nose of similar size, and large lips finish it all off. Wrinkles showing his years are most common near his lips and eyes, though mostly they mass on his forehead.
Mental Description: In times of peace, Marque is a kind man. Blessed with a yearning for knowledge and high intelligence, he loves to talk of all things magic, and is a natural teacher. Ever the patient one, he is willing to listen to others plans for hours on end, often adding in his own thoughts. When someone does not understand something, he does his best to describe it in terms they understand. Marque is a While excusing stupidity, the ignorant make him enraged, as of such, he mocks them loudly. When they are not around, of course. However, when under stress, the aged Breton has a rash manner of thinking, constant worry, a obession for his well being, and only his well being.
Equipment: Marque is often found in a blue mages robe with a leather belt tied around the waist, with shoes of simple pigskin. The most interesting piece he has is a Mace of Daedric orgin. He bought it from a odd traveling merchant, in hopes of it being a effective weapon. It turned out that Mace is one used by Dremora, but hardly as dangerous as a true Daedric mace. Forged by weaker Daedra, it's potency equals to that of a common steel mace. It is quite a cumbersome weapon, but over the years, Marque hs gotten used to his weapon. The only reason he refuses to throw the mace away is because he refuses to waste it, even if he did pay a inflated price for it. Combat Skills: Marque is a mage, not a fighter. The only skills he posses that one may consider combat oriented are the ability to wield blunt weapons efficiently, and a talent for athletics. Often times, he would take morning walks around the arcane university everyday, for sevreal years. Other days, he would jog around the campus to keep himself in shape. Pratice with the mace over the years has made him handy with a mace.
Magic Skills: Being a Scholar at the Arcane University, Marque needed to have a talent in the magical arts. Since a young age, he has been studying Destruction spells, Conjuration of Daedra, and the Restoration school. Under the various schools, he knows several spells that can be used in combat without to many bad results. Such spells include a burning ball of flame being thrust forth in one united orb (Fire Ball), bringing a low ranking Kyn of Dagon's deadlands into Mundus to act as a Guardian (Summon Dremora Catiff), and the mending of damage to one's physical form (Heal Major Wounds).
Other Skills: Amazing memory, high intellect
History: Growing up in Chorrol, Marque was always in close contact with the Mage's Guild. Enchanted by their sercets, he joined at the age of 17. Noted for his apptitude for helping other mages learn, he spent years attempting to get to the lofty goal of all Mages, the Arcane University. He learned many things there, and when he became 30, he was offered the postion of a Scholar. His research revealed much about the various schools, and students were always happy to learn under his calm hand. A short time after the Oblivion Crisis, he bought a Daedric mace, but was dismayed to learn that it was a weak weapon, made for Churls of Dremora. He planned to spend the rest of years teaching and learning about Magic.

Skyrim Guy
Name: Aenar Snow-Hunter
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Physical Description: He is relatively strong from his past years of being a soldier and after that a sellsword. He has lost some muscle due to his lack of vigorous excursive but he still has some bulk to him. He stands at about 6'5" with soft blonde hair to his shoulders. He has the pale white skin of most nords and a telltale scar that starts at just below his nose down to his chin.
Mental Description: He is normally quiet and stays off to himself but he is very kind and will continue any conversation started by another person. He often tries to make jokes but they mostly turn out to be cruel and harsh. Despite his size and stature he doesn't try to take control instead he'd prefer to simply make suggestions and stay in the background.
Equipment: Aenar carries around a steel longsword with Nordic runes up and down the blade. He prefers not to use a shield but he still carries a steel shield on his back.
Combat Skills: Aenar is extremely skilled with a shield and sword combo. He knows how to use a bow pretty well but he never carries one except to hunt. He prefers to use heavy armor but he can use light just as well.
Magic Skills: He never really tries to practice any magic but he knows a basic healing spell for minor wounds.
Other Skills: He knows how to use basic ingredients found around the forest to make potions.
History: Aenar was born to a merchant woman and and old Nord soldier. As he grew up his father saw the boys talent with combat and began to train him. When Aenar was 18 his father went off to confront some bandits who had been troubling merchants including Aenar's mother. His father was brutally murdered and he was never the same again. He grew quiet and distant rarely speaking to his mother. Eventually when he thought he was ready he joined the imperial army. Eventually he grew bored of the army because it was too strict and wasn't exciting enough for the young Nord. He left the army and became and sellsword fighting for anyone who could pay him. He sent money to his mother often as he had no need for it himself. When his mother died he went back home and took up his mothers job as a merchant.


Name: Trannigan 'Dratt' Drattmer
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Physical Description: Slightly taller than the average Imperial, and with a more muscular body build. He is stronger than most men of his race but less agile because of being slightly more built than most. He has tanned skin and unkempt hair grown a few inches past the shoulders as well as a grown out goatee. His hair is black and goes a about an inch past his shoulders and his eyes are a bright green with amber flecks in the outer edges. On his right cheekbone is a scar from where he got shot by an arrow head, a scar that still occasionally causes him pain and causes his face to not be able to take a punch like it used to.
Mental Description:
Confident in his abilities yet sometimes very arrogant and full of himself. He has been known to pick fights with individuals for various reasons, The main one being when someone insults him or insinuates that they are better then he is. He also tends to be quiet when in a group, which some people view that as him being a shady individual but he is usually just not a very chatty person unless in a good mood or drunk. Tends to have respect for the beast races of Tamriel on account of where he grew up as a child, he also has a respect for Orcs, Nords and Redguards while disliking most Dunmer for their thinking they can use others as their slaves and male Bosmer as very tiresome to be near for too long. Altmer and Bretons he is indifferent about, as he respects The arcane power that they wield yet finds them to be of The most arrogant of all races.
Since the apocalypse however he has become weary of necromantic magic users, believing they are the most likely cause for the dead seemingly coming back to life. He will try to help most individuals that he comes across as long as they seem like they really deserve it, even the races he once thought negatively about.
Equipment: His specially made Scimitar. It is made out of Quicksilver and moonstone instead of the usual steel, and the hilt is black with jade designs. He also carries with him 2 normal daggers and 3 potions. 1 health potion, one magicka potion, and one potion of cure disease. Normal clothes consists of a short sleeved wool shirt and blacksmiths pants, as well as deer skinned moccasins and. Carries with him a sack that has the 3 looted potions as well as 10 lock-picks and some hunted animal meat and fruits food to make a meal the next oppurtunity he has to eat. His armor consists of (oblivion styled) Orcish cuirass and gauntlets, Ebony greaves and an Imperial Horseman helm. He also has 40 gold that he las looted from a few empty places during his travels.
Combat Skills: Blade, Armoror, Heavy Armor, Unarmored , Hand to Hand, Axes (but only one handed ones)
Magic Skills: Destruction and Restoration. (his restoration skill is only at novice though, because he only started using it once the apocalypse really got bad and it became much harder to be alive.
Other Skills: Sneak, Security, Speechcraft and Hunting.
History: Originally from his home land of Cyrodiil, Trannigan grew up in the city of Bravil, Trannigan figured out in his early teen years how much he liked doing tasks that let him use his natural talents, aswell as tasks that came with a payload, so he became a Mercenary. He then traveled the country for years doing most tasks he found that payed well enough, save for a few things that went against his moral code such as slavery or skooma/sugar smuggling. Although Trannigan did gain fame as well as quite a bit of infamy in Cyrodiil so he left before the law could bring him down. When the apocalypse broke out he had to retreat to the wilderness (of wherever we decide we are lol) and took to live off the land. He tried to stay out of big cities and instead stuck with smaller villages, aiding people in necessary or checking for needed supplies if they ended up being over-run or abandoned. the plague had in some way been beneficial to Trannigan for before the zombies showed up his talents were more focused towards a warrior that was proficient with shock magic. He now knows how to make some basic healing potions and cure disease potions and he has gotten better at sneaking past small groups of the bonewalkers.

Holy Assassin-dead

Name: Arturo Leonde
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Class/Profession: Gladiator
Physical Description: Not as tall as most of his kin, but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in his lean and agile physique. Tanned skin, not unlike most Imperials, and short dark brown hair, almost black, that naturally form a fauxhawk of sorts. Clean shaven, and relatively handsome, with deep set, engagingly beautiful brown eyes, and a perpetual charming smile that sets itself right under a perfectly curved nose, and above a bold looking chin, supported by a strong jaw. His body however, is riddled with various scars from the slashes of swords, and gashes from arrows that hit. When in the arena, he sports nothing more than light padding for his private regions, leather boots, and leather gauntlets. When outside however, he dons a loose robe and coarse silk lowers.
Mental Description: Arturo is a charming and friendly sort. Enjoys a good joke, and generally an amiable person. His good-natured disposition is however, a mask that veils his deep, inner pain and angst that he has kept inside of himself since childhood. A rage the likes of which would strike fear into the heart of any man. He only lets this part of himself take manifestation in the arena. Takes a liking to bards, hunters, warriors, rich and poor alike. Is neutral about mages, but harbors a severe loathing for thieves and assassins.
Equipment: Light leather padding for legs and mid-region. Leather gauntlets and boots.Two steel shortswords, the hilts of which are notched every time he kills.. A coin purse of gold.
Combat Skills: Fiercely skilled in one handed combat, he dual wields swords most of the time, but knows how to use a bow, or his hands if needed.
Magic Skills: Low level restoration. Minor healing spells.
Other Skills: Very quick and agile. Can run fast and strike down multiple foes in a flurry. Very sharp during combat and uses environment to his advantage. Also a great speaker and bargainer.
History: Arturo was born into a rich, influential, and prestigious and family, and since childhood had taken a liking to the arena, and gladiators. His father used to take him there as a boy. However, his father took to drinking and gambling, and eventually, they lost everything. Unable to continue with his education, Arturo took what little he knew of combat, and improved it until he was able to join the arena. With his family finally supported once more, Arturo was pleased with life when suddenly an enemy of his father performed the black sacrament, ordering the Dark Brotherhood to kill his father. The contract went wrong, and his entire family was killed in the process, while looters took everything they could, and burned the house down. He survived only because he was at a match at the time. He acts as if nothing ever happened, and carried on with his life, but this deeply scarred him.



Name: Daedalus
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Physical description: Daedalus is of average height and a somewhat lean build. He has short dark brown hair and and a trimmed stubbly short beard. His eyes are a deep green. Daedalus is average in attraction but makes up for it with his quick wit.
Mental description: Daedalus is quick witted and sharp but is somewhat lazy. Being a bard, Daedalus is a great speaker and has a deep rich voice. Daedalus also has a cynical sense of humor and can be pessimistic.
equipment: regular pants with a leather shirt. Daedalus is armed with an ebony dagger that he won in a bet with a drunken dunmer(but that's a different story), and a wide array of deadly poisons
Combat skills: Daedalus can be quite formidable with his ebony dagger (named snake tongue) which is laced with many dangerous poisons. Daedalus is an expert Alchemist
Other skills: Speech craft
History: Daedalus was born from a wealthy family in High Rock. Being a Breton, his family tested him for any signs of magical talent. But Daedalus is no mage and his parents were disappointed at his lack of magical capabilities. At the age of 10 his mother began to notice that Daedalus had a way with words and a beautiful singing voice and decided that he should be a bard, much to the disapproval of her husband. Arrangement were made and at the age of 12 Daedalus was enrolled into the bards college in Solitude. Despite being homesick, Daedalus soon learned to love his new home. 8 years later, now a full fledged bard, Daedalus decided to seek adventure and traveled the land. After 2 years of hardship and adventure, Daedalus returned to his homeland to see what had happened to his family. On arrival Daedalus learned that his mother had died of rockjoint and his father was a decrepit recluse who shooed Daedalus away. Deeply saddened by what had befallen his mother, Daedalus was not alert on his journey home and was ambushed by bandits. Daedalus managed to escape but was mortally wounded by an arrow. With his life blood leaving him Daedalus lay by the roadside and excepted his fate. Much to his surprise, Daedalus did awaken in a lone cottage. Not long an alchemist by the name of Sinderion entered and told him of how he found him by the roadside and nursed him back to health. They soon became fast friends and the older man taught Daedalus all he knew about alchemy. After 2 years of being Sinderion's assistant, Sinderion suddenly left. Only leaving a letter explaining that he had gone on an expedition to the providence of Skyrim in search of a rare plant known as crimson nirnroot. Somewhat disheartened Daedalus gathered his belongings and left for the imperial city. When he arrives he gets much more than he bargained for...



Name: Parvo Sestius
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Physical Description: Parvo is roughly averaged height for his age at 6 foot 1. His hair is a dark brown and he keeps it cut short however most of the time it is hidden underneath his hood. Whilst he has been out of proper training for a while he has kept himself as trim as possible but a life of priesthood does not lend itself it to the intense conditioning he would need to keep his former shape, he is still broad shouldered and slightly more muscled than your average priest.
Mental Description: Pious and deeply devoted to the Nine, specifically Stendarr because of this he abhors the unnatural. He has been known to optionally accompany groups of temple hired knights to root out necromancers and daedra worshipers out of his want to take the fight to them.
Equipment: A flanged steel mace, his old vigilant armor (slightly worn and not as protective as it used to be), copies of various religious books and a bedroll.
Combat Skills: After his time as a Vigilant, however brief, he is proficient with the weapon of Stendarr's choice, the mace. He also learnt to use the partial, concealed armor of the Vigilants, knowing almost instinctively how to twist to take strikes as a glancing shot rather than full on on the flat chest plate.
Magic Skills: Basic restoration magic learnt working as a priest healing the infirm.
Other Skills: None as such his life in the priesthood, whilst not being easy, provided him with the basics he needed to survive. The only survival tricks he has left to him are fading memories of his time as a Vigilant.
History: Born in the Imperial City Parvo grew up without any real trade or skills. He became a wanderer, drifting his way from province to province, city to city. He was in Bruma when the Mythic Dawn attempted to destroy it by opening a great gate outside it. The sight of a former priest of Akatosh leading the combined forces, accompanied by the Champion, into battle was staggering to him. This inspired him to find a calling of his own.
Parvo was one of the first Vigilants, joining the order straight after the horrors of the the Oblivion Crisis. He found a home in the Order of Vigilants and companionship to boot. They took his raw energy and directed it, turning it into fervor for the Divines.
He spent as much time as he could with the Vigilants training and working to seek out Daedra worshipers but eventually a time came when he thought it would be best to settle

Mangnus the Red

Name:Julius Scipion
Age:172(appear in about late 30's)
Class/Profession:Retired Battlemage,now Imperial surveyor
Physical description:Lean but not overly muscular he stands at 6`3,Black hair tinges of grey,Grey eyes,Clean shaven,Smooth wave(see oblivion),Scars on right shoulder and slight limp sometimes on the right leg.
Mental description:Having seen alot in his life Julius is sometimes is withdrawn but most of the time he prefers company,however under his calm facade is a man pained by some of the atrocities he was forced to commit while in the legion and blades.
Equipment:Elven longsword,Grey hood,Blade Armour (apart from helmet),bagpack with maps,measurement tools ETC. and a whetstone,flannel and some biscuits.
Combat skills:Well trained in the blade and generally favours heavier armours.
Magic skills:Well versed in destruction magic and conjuration but recently more focused on restoration.
Backstory:Julius Was an orphan left outside an orphanage one night there he was a normal boy who kept to himself until he was eligible to join the legion he did straight away and was tested for magic then took to the battle college before service, while in service one day he was forced to massacre a small hamlet due to their apparent 'threat' to the empire however afterwards he saw service in the blades after years of service he retired only to join the Imperial Surveyors where he was ever since until now.

The Tamriel Terror

Name: Gearalt the Valiant
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Age: 35
Physical: Standing at an impressive seven feet and three inches, Gearalt towers over other races and stands out in a group. His long blonde hair draqes to his waist and is held together by a leather strap. Gearalt's face is of a blocky and chiseled nature, only blemished with small beard stubble. He would be a looker if not for a large scar seamlessly running down his nose.
Mental: Gearalt does not always think things through under pressure, resorting to brute force if taken by surprise. During his time with the Fighters Guild, this sudden behavior shift made many an easy task more difficult to complete. He cares little for other races, but will not leave a comrade behind if there is no other alternative. More friendly swords means more chances to swing your sword in the future.
Equipment: A Silver claymore enchanted with the devastating cold of the north. A full set of steel armor sans helmet. Slung across his body is a leather hide sack filled with rations.
Combat: Gearalt only knows how to use that big sword of his and is surprisingly agile with it. However, given any other weapon and he will be reduced to a novice.
Magic: When there's not enough room to swing your sword, you need to at least do something. While he's not the best mage, Gearalt can at least use a frost spell to keep close enemies at bay and a healing spell when a chapel is too far.
Stealth: Stealth is not Gearalt's strong suit. But if there is a rock big enough, he could perhaps execute a well timed chop on an unsuspecting enemy.
History: Born in Snowhawk and raised by a tavern wench, Gearalt did not have much going for him and tried his best to find something that interested him. It was not until he found a big stick outside and swinging it at the bushes and trees did he discover his calling. To travel Tamriel with a big sword. At the ripe age of 16, Gearalt left Snowhawk to adventure, hoping to help his mother and make himself a living. He found himself doing odd ball jobs given to him by the Fighters Guild who saw no future for the kid. That was until he was given an assignment by his friend and mentor, Gallaron the Valiant, who believed the young Gearalt could accomplish the task rather than he. Gearalt was to stop a small group of smugglers in the northern reaches of High Rock. He escaped death countless of times just to even catch a glimpse of these criminals, and when he did catch up to the smugglers, Gearalt sheathed his claymore into their bodies. When word reached Gallaron, he was overcome with joy, and bestowed on Gearalt his moniker. Thus dubbing him, Gearalt the Valiant. Since then, Gearalt has helped countless people with his heroics.

Name: Vannas Andrethi
Race: Dunmer
Gender: male
Age:born 87 years old.
Birth sign: The Mage
Affiliations: ex-Telvanni, ex-Dark Brotherhood, the Daedric princes
Physical description: Vannas is a tall man, standing at 6'3''. He has sharp, handsome, features and the burning crimson eyes of his kin. He has thick, black hair that reaches just passed his shoulders. His skin is the same pale ash color of other Dunmer. His body structure is lean and wiry, with well trained-muscles. He has several scars, most of which aren't noticeable except for a large scar on his chest in the from of a clawing hand. Several tattoos adorn his body. They consist of blessings and words of power given to him by the Daedric princes. They have a bluish, purple color and are written in old Dunmeric and Daedric runes.
Mental description: He is usually a nice man to get along with. He used to be somewhat naive but that completely changed after his father's dead.
When he isn't drunk or passed out on the street he can be found outside the cities, hunting the zombies that now plague the lands, because they remind him of his father in his last stages of the disease that struck him. He believes he brings his father peace that way.
He hungers for power, something everyone of the Andrethi clan has or had in common and he especially seeks the remedy for death. It are also the same people that were responsible for this hunger, who he hates the most. Especially his own brother, Sindorill, who is the only other Andrethi still alive.
His favorite passing of time is using his knowledge of runes to blow things up. The larger the better, and if he can do this he often doesn't care how much of his magicka reserves it will cost.
Skills: As the son of two Telvanni wizards he was taught the ways of magic from the day he was old enough to speak and logically think. His favorite schools being conjuration and alteration (with the sub-schools: Thaumaturgy and mysticism) in which he already excelled at a young age, eventually even mastering them. He is an expert at summoning all kinds of unique creatures from Oblivion, depending on the situation. His knowledge of alteration goes further than the common spells taught at the different Mages Guilds.
He is also well trained in the use of rune magic, especially the exploding ones have been mastered since he loves to set up a rune and wait until something or someone (enemies) gets blown apart by it. He knows little about the school of restoration save some basic healing spells and a spell to cure poison or disease and a bit about Illusion, how to silence or paralyze someone..
Apart from his knowledge in the ways of magic, he also knows his way around weapons. The sword and bow being his favorite. Practicing archery and swordplay started out as a hobby his parents allowed him to have but after a few years he turned it into another field of study. He became a capable swordsman, able to hold his ground in battle without much effort, and is a pretty darn good archer.
Due to his former profession he also knows how to move around unseen by blending in into crowds, shadows, nature, … He knows how not to be seen when he doesn't want to be.
Other minor skills include cooking, survival, tracking and simple non-magical medical treatment and alchemy. He had to learn the last two skills since he doesn't have much knowledge of restoration.
Weapons: he carries no weapons with him because they only weight him down. Instead he relies on bound bow or bound swords to fight when he has to. Apart from summoning these weapons, he tries not to use his magicka to spare his rather large magicka reserves for real dire situations. He tries to do this, but when he is drunk he can't be bothered.
Clothing/Armor: he usually dresses in dyed-black leather armor, reinforced at the vital areas by dyed-black chainmail. It gives relative protection although it will not stop a swordchop or arrows, but in return it gives him a lot of movement possibility which he wouldn't get when wearing heavier armor. Over his leather armor he wears a long coat, with hood. It is of a very dark grey, almost black color. It is worn, covered in stains of blood and other liquids, dirt, the right sleeve has been torn apart just above the elbow and the buttons he uses to close it have been torn off and lost so he can close it anymore. On his left shoulder pad is the symbol of Boethiah and on his right a symbol of Mephala.
Brief History: He is the child of two Telvanni wizards. His mother died during childbirth so he never knew her although he has a clear image of her by the stories his father used to tell. He grew up learning magic and fighting with sword and bow until his father got ill when an experiment went bad. Vannas had no idea how to cure his father since it seemed to be a magickal disease so he travelled to most of the Telvanni wizards and master wizards seeking their help but they all bluntly refused. Even his own brother, who was so jealous of his father, refused to help.
His father's state became worse quickly and Vannas even tried something he had never done before He prayed to the eight and one. Being a daedra worshipper it was a hard thing to do for him but he knew the daedric princes wouldn't help him and he was ready to convert to the church of the eight and one if they'd help him and his father. But his prayers were good for nothing. (Making him hate the Eight and One.)
At home the day finally came his father couldn't live on. The man had become a raving lunatic, his flesh was rotting, his mind was failing until the point he was just a sort of zombie only interested in ripping apart the people in front of him.
Vannas had no choice but to put him down. He became bitter and a drunk. He had spend all his money and belongings in inns and bars pumping his body full of alcohol while getting into brawls until the Dark Brotherhood found him. They took him in, seeing potential in him and trained him as good as they could.
When a contract came in to assassinate one of the Telvanni wizards that had refused to cure his father, Vannas ordered it to be given to him. He completed his task without wasting any time and with great efficiency. Locating these wizards and killing them became an obsession. At first he would do it in-between his contracts and with his own funds but he began to refuse orders from his superiors to locate the Telvanni wizards and kill them. When they found out he had started using Dark Brotherhood funds for his operation they decided he was uncontrollable and unable to continue his line of work.
They've put him on inactive and he has been kicked out of the brotherhood with the threat that if he ever mentions the brotherhood again they would end his life and that of all his relatives. (something he has considered once and a while, just to get rid of his brother as well.) he fell into that same hole again: drinking, brawling, with the addition of moon sugar, skooma and gambling.
When the zombie apocalips started he managed to get his life somewhat on track again, although he still drinks to much when he is in the safe, walled cities. But it became his new mission to get on the roads to hunt down as much zombies as possible.

Here it is. chapter two. continue
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:40 am

12 hours after events of Chapter one

Daedalus, South East of Bruma.

The Breton shivered and pulled his cloak tightly around his slim build. The last two days had been hell on Nirn for the few survivors of the epidemic.

Daedalus remembered being awakened by Varth just after the rag tag group of survivors had managed to kill whatever that thing that attacked them had been. Much to the Dunmer's suspicions, the zombies
had cleared out the once great imperial City and had begun to redirect their attention elsewhere.

The group had little time to mourn the dead. They had practically had to run for the past twenty four hours to stay ahead of the horde and the trials the group had survived had taken a toll on the lot. Everyone
had drooping shoulders and a shell shocked look on their face. Add to that the cold of Nighttime in northern Cyrodil.

Daedalus had reached his limit and decided to speak up," Listen, we need rest. There is no use escaping if we all die from exhaustion."
(ooc: Crappy post I know... I hope no one minds that I changed the setting.)
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:53 pm

Gearalt: "What? and become easy pickings for the horde? Bruma is just just beyond that there mountain chain."

The Nord pointed a thick index finger towards the Jerell Mountains a few hours walk ahead.

Gearalt: "Once we get over those mountains, we can rest in the nice cozy beds."

Even though Gearalt petitioned to continue, he showed signs of exhaustion.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:13 pm

"And what makes you think Bruma is any safer than the Imperial City?" Daedalus questioned.

"I say we rest while we can. The last we saw of the horde was hours ago."
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:46 am

"Daedalus is right." Huffed Trannigan tiredly. "The weather is getting worse by the moment and it will be dark soon as well. I'd rather not be right out in the open for any threats to take our lives. Perhaps we will be able to find a cave or building nearby."

It had indeed started to rain as they gained altitude, and soon enough that rain would turn to snow. There was no telling how prepared the group currently was for handling bone chilling weather, but the group figured maybe snow would slow the undead down.Even though Trannigan was used to being in the wilderness, every time he heard a stick crack or an acorn fall to the earth it did make him jump slightly. With the way that the undead seemed to spread out of hand in the Imperial City he wasn't sure where else the problem could have been. Not to mention that deadly creature they had fought at Weye...

A shiver ran up his spine while he thought about the creature. The Imperial scanned around the horizon for any place to take a rest when his eyes finally fell across a cave. "There might be a spot to stop!" He called out rather loudly and lifted his good arm to point out the direction. Though there was a very good chance that they might run into a bear or some bandits he was tired and was ready to stop almost anywhere. His legs were stinging with exhaustion from the hard fighting and his burnt arm was causing him immense discomfort.

OOC: I hope you all don't mind if i take a little initiative with the type of weather they are in.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:13 am

Aenar trugged on through the cold and rain without a word as the rag-tag group of survivors made theyre way north. The fight with the monstrous shadowy creature had shocked him into speechlessness and the trek through the snow had left him exhausted and chilled to the bone.

He looked up with tired eyes as Trannigan pointed out a cave. "What if there are undead in there? All of the undead couldn't have been in the Imperial City could they?" He peered into the cave trying to see through the darkness. He took his sword off his belt and held the sheath near the hilt.

OOC: I just realized there is no women o.o Its one big sausage fest.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:36 pm

"Yeah I have considered that. It is very likely there is at least some kind of threat in there. We do not have many other options though, walking at night could prove even more dangerous for us considering some of us are already injured and we all are tired. I suppose that we can take a vote if need be... I say we chance it though and try to get some sleep in before heading out again. Hopefully we can find something edible too."
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:44 pm

Aenar opened his bag and tossed Trannigan a loaf of bread. "I stocked up on food and drink before I fled the city. Some of it may have fallen out but I'm sure there's enough in here for all of us." He pulled out an apple and took a bite out of it looking around at the others. "I assume everyone else is hungry?"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:24 pm

OOC: Me is back! Also, writing in first person now, because my Fallout Fan-Fic has inspired me to use 1st person all over da place.

The wind whipped at our group of survivors, the snow boring down on us like icy teeth, threatening to throw us into an early grave. “Listen” spoke up a Breton in our group, Daeldus. Daeldus was a good man, with a slim build and average, unassuming height. I had developed a keen friendship with him in the past few weeks, and learning to respect him and his meek intellect. “We need rest. There is no use escaping if we all die from exhaustion” he said, his green eyes screaming with exhaustion.

He was, of course, referring to our flight from the Imperial City, the crown jewel of the Empire. Or at least whatever was left of the Empire. Mere weeks ago, I had been eating an overly salty meal in some high class inn, enjoying a cheap drink, worrying only about what book I would be reading before I went to bed, or what I was going to wear in the morning. Then all that changed. Then they came.

It was only a few at first. One or two men or mer probably just died of the disease, keeling over in the streets. When someone went to help, the dead person was back on their feet, but not as a human- but a bonewalker. A zombie. A walking hunk of undead flesh with a ravenous appetite. Needless to say, the disease spread like wildfire through the city, and I barely escaped the city in one piece with Daeldus, in the company of several other survivors. Among their- our ranks are two hardy warriors of the north, powerful and savage just as the sermons say; an Imperial swordsman whose thirst for adventure was the only thing that spared him from certain death; an Altmer warrior whose battles sent him to the brink of death, with several fractured bones and a shattered suit of armor; a piss-drunk-crazy Nordic priest; Daeldus the sharp tongued bard, and of course, yours truly. A simple pilgrim by the name of Varth, sent to find and observe the sin and heresy that soaks society in its filth.

I found an adventure that I was not looking for. After fighting some ungodly creature that surely had to be spawned in the darkest depths of Oblivion which killed the majority of our party, followed by an utterly grueling trek north into the harsh snows of country Bruma, I was nearly done for. But it is here where I decided to begin recanting my tale, in the violent snow storms of Skyrim, the burning ashes of the Imperial City at our heels.

“What? and become easy pickings for the horde? Bruma is just just beyond that there mountain chain” lectured one of the burly Nords, nearly unphased by the horrific weather. “Once we get over those mountains, we can rest in the nice cozy beds.” The way he said that was painted with exhaustion, as well as a gentle longing.

“And what makes you think Bruma is any safer than the Imperial City?” snapped Daeldus sharply. “I say we rest while we can. The last we saw of the horde was hours ago.”

Many voices began to pipe up and concur with the green-eyed Breton, and the Imperial of our group spotted the gaping maw of a cave through the din of the snow storm. Our party began to walk towards it, some wondering if it was inhabited by some sort of undead. It was now my turn to speak up. “Truly, the horde will have trouble moving through this” I said indicating the snow storm. “In addition, it is unknown if they can withstand this weather like us living human beings can. If not, they might be smart enough to shelter in some cave systems…”

We reached the mouth of the cave, and I began to work a spell before anyone else could procure a torch. A bright green light dripped down my fingers like dew, and extended into the cave. The illumination cast the shadows back, revealing a small chamber, uninhabited by all except for some refuse and a few small snow drifts. “Right then, in we go!” I said, eager to escape the cold. Little did I consider how much of a deadly trap this cave was, and little did I know how much that would come back to haunt us later…
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:03 pm

Julius Scipion, a random cave

Julius strode tall determined not to show weakness he walked in the middle if someone fell behind he fell back and rallied back to the front finally after what seemed like an eternity they stopped to explore a cave Julius looked in peering into the darkness beside him Varth lit up the cave with a spell Julius cast a small light as well before gathering some sticks, grouped them together before tossing a small fireball into it he shivered before pulling a blanket out of his pack, wrapping it around him, then he munched on a few biscuits before warming his hands he piped up “anyone got any good tales to share?”.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 pm

Aenar stood nervously near Trannigan as he was the only one that the Nord had previously spoken to. He quietly chewed on his apple while looking around the cave searching for any hidden traps or any dangerous creatures. He took his shield off and sat it down behind him along with his pack.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:33 pm

Trannigan leaned back in a slight pain induced daze when a 'flying' loaf of bread thumped softly against his armor. ( :lol: )

"I stocked up on food and drink before I fled the city. Some of it may have fallen out but I'm sure there's enough in here for all of us." Aenar spoke up as he pulled out an apple and took a bite out of it looking around at the others. "I assume everyone else is hungry?"

Trannigan awkwardly grasped at the loaf with his good hand, then pulled a little bite off and brought it to his lips. "I too have some preserved provisions. Enough to feed myself for 2 days if need be, but you are all welcome to some if you need. I have preserved meat and some dried fruits."

Trannigan continued slowly eating the bread as the others talked a little bit. It seemed that Varth agreed that the weather should slow down the undead at least a little and that stopping in the cave was probably a smart, if still dangerous, idea. When Julius asked if anyone had any stories to share he shifted a bit to get himself a little more comfortable then spoke up.

"Afraid not at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow I will be in a better mood for conversation but tonight I need some rest." With that he moved off a little distance from the others and began taking his armor off. He made sure to be extra careful with his injured arm and changed into a different set of clothes, then layed a fur out on the ground to rest on. "Good night all!" He called out loud enough for every one to hear him.

(Was going to try to think of a past adventure but coudlnt think of nothing funny haha.)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:07 pm

Aenar watched Trannigan lay out his armor then turned to the others in their group. "I'll take first watch. You all should get some rest." He sat down at the cave entrance wanting to sleep but afraid of the nightmares that awaited him. He drew his sword and pulled out a whetstone to sharpen his blade looking across the cold landscape.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:18 am

Vannas Andrethi, a random cave near Bruma.

Entry 27 - 5th of Frostfall
Drip, drip, drip. I have been listening at the water drops for atleast an hour now. The wall of the cave has been pressing my back for all that time, but I’m good where I sit now. Sheltered from eyes and ears on the road, especially the bonewalkers I have noticed earlier. And I have a perfect view over the dying sun. A view I haven’t had in a long time now and every day I fear it will be the last time I see it.

It’s been how long? About eleven or twelve hours since the Imperial city fell. The great city itself. I believed to be safe there for atleast a few days but they caught up. The people died on the streets and stood up the next second to feast upon their once friends. the sight was terrible.. and I have seen it happen too many times before. First Leyawiin, then Bravil and then the Imperial city itself. I fear the disease has spread across the whole of Tamriel.

I managed to escape the city though. Through the underground sewer systems, where no bonewalkers were found, I managed to find an exit leading to the red ring road. With the flaming city in my back I decided to keep on going North. While most of the landscape was still intact, I could sense even here the disease raged on.

The roads where mostly empty and the only wildlife I came across was a pack of five wolves, to whom I thank my survival in the harsh weather of the Jerall Mountains. If it isn’t for their furs I won’t be able to survive the incoming winter and the cold weather it will bring with it.

I travelled until evening began to fall and managed to spot a cave in which I could hide for the night. It was empty of live and all that was in it was some snow and dripping water. I wi ..-

He could hear sounds coming closer but he couldn’t make out what it was due to the howling winds distorting them. With quick but precise movements he closed his diary and placed it in his backpack which he took on his back while getting on his feet. Did they find the cave? How long until they reach it? The questions kept going through his head, but one thing was certain. “This place isn’t safe anymore.”

He quickly prepared a spell and waited until he was sure they were coming to his cave. When he was sure they were coming his way he used the readied spell and turned completely invisible. He then patiently waited as he prepared to conjure his swords.

He saw a large group of men entering the cave. They didn’t see him, invisible and hidden in the shadows as he was. Two of them, a Dunmer and Altmer stepped forward and lightened up the cave. Then the Altmer took some branches and lit a fire. The Altmer took a blanket and wrapped himself in it before eating some biscuits. He then continued to ask a question. Vannas remained hidden in the shadows as he watched them converse all the time hoping one of them would be smart enough to put the fire out.

It got clear that none of them had enough intellect to think of that so Vannas jumped forward and kicked the fire out without caring if he’d hit someone with the sticks or ashes. The sight must have been a strange one for the newcomers since an invisible something seemed to be kicking their fire out.

He then got rid of his invisibility and instead conjured two wicked looking swords in his hands. He faced the two man in the cave. “Fools! How stupid can you be to light a fire when the hordes of Bonewalkers are travelling the roads and wilderness.” He exclaimed with anger. “The light would attract them and I’d miss out on another night of sleeping again.”

“who are you?”
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:12 am

Aenar spun around drawing his sword at the sudden appearance of an unwanted "guest". "Who the hell are you?! Where in shor's name did you come from?!" He held his sword in front of him watching his every movement carefully.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:20 am

We all began to settle into the cave, the injured Altmer man starting a fire, and the Nords began swapping food and requesting a tale. I would have been resting down on the rocky floor too, if not for the strange feeling I had. Something was just plain wrong about the cave, and I couldn’t understand what. The cavern’s walls seemed to be naturally formed, and I sensed no foul magic staining the earth.

It wasn’t until he dropped the illusion spell that I understood my discomfort. A Dunmer man, not much unlike myself, tore a cloak of magical energy from his body, making himself visible to all the eyes of the party, while kicking out the roaring fire I was very much enjoying. Two wickedly curved blades rested in his palms, arms tense and ready to be set loose into a killing spree.

“Fools! How stupid can you be to light a fire when the hordes of Bonewalkers are travelling the roads and wilderness!” raged the man. “Who are you?!”

Well, I didn’t like that very much. I really hate it when people are aggressive towards me, or my friends. So, can you truly blame me for what I did? It’s not like my spell hurt him that bad. Yes, well, anyways; energy was flowing from my body to his, my alteration magic taking hold of his body. The Dunmer found his boots magnetically drawn to the stone floor (a tricky spell, that one), and his blood began to run thin, his muscles lacking the proper energy to move as I sapped the strength from his body.

Aenar drew his own blade. “Who the hell are you?! Where in Shor's name did you come from?!”

“Yes” I concurred. “Who might you be?” My voice contained a rough, fiery edge.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:41 am

Julius Scipion, CREEPY cave near Bruma

Julius’s heart stopped for at least a second when a mad dark elf jumped out of nowhere and started ranting at them Julius leapt up with a cry of “By Talos’ privates” He ran outside and dived into the snow thinking it was a dream before realising it was real.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:37 pm

Vannas Andrethi, Random cCve.

After he revealed himself a Nord and Dunmer turned and faced him. The Nord drew his blade while the Dunmer cast a spell on him. It was clear that it had been to long since Vannas had actually managed to sleep more than a few hours since his reaction towards the spell was way too slow.

He decided to keep one eye on the Nord while he focused on the spell to learn its effects. It was a nifty little spell that wasn’t really taught during classes. It was meant to keep his boots impossible to move while it also weakened him, rendering him unable to lift up his blades. But accepting the spell and learning more about it also learned him a few tricks about the caster.

The Dunmer was still young and as such less experienced in using magic than he was. This weak point, if you could call it a weak point since he could also sense that the Dunmer had a lot more skill than the average man or mer around the mer’s age, was used against the spell. He concentrated on a few, small weak points in the Dunmer’s magic and weaved his own spells in it.

As soon as his spells were done it immediately started negating the effects of the Dunmer’s spell. This all took only a dozen seconds and not long after he could feel his strength growing in his arms while he felt he could start moving his feet again. I can’t be caught off guard like this again. He then tried to decide who he’d address. The Nord looks dumb, the Dunmer on the other hands looks like an intelligent person.

He focused his attention on the Dunmer, not losing the Nord’s movement out of his eyes for a second. The Dunmer stood tall and wore a black leather duster jacket that hid the mer’s body structure. He recognized the mer’s hawk-like features and when he added these with the magical skills the boy possessed he could make a well educated guess to who this was.

“I asked you the same question. Give me your name and I shall give you mine.” He demanded again while readying his magic to block any incoming spells. Just like the young Dunmer’s voice, his voice too contained a rough, fiery edge although it was deeper. “Although I might know who you are, Dunmer.”
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:53 am

The seemingly hostile Dunmer once again showed his prowess in the arts of sorcery, by subtly undoing the effects of my spell. “I asked you the same question. Give me your name and I shall give you mine” he said. “Although I might know who you are, Dunmer.”

I let the effects of my spell negate. “I am Varth, son of Vvardenfell, and student of the Three-in-One” I replied slowly, concerned that he was somehow tricking me. Now that the tension had been mostly dissolved, he did seem as hostile, but he still didn’t look friendly. His comment about possibly knowing me took me off my guard. I love hearing about myself, for I am quite renowned among the inner circles of Vvardenfell for my completion of the Seven Graces at such a young age. Yea, I know. I’m a conceited little bastard.

“And you, sera?” I asked as politely as I could, still wary of the ash brother before me.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:46 am

Vannas Andrethi, Random Cave near Bruma.

The dunmer seemed to allow him taking down the spell so Vannas saw it as an indication that Varth meant him no harm and trusted him enough to think he didn’t as well. He was also confirmed in his suspicions that Varth was the same he had heard of. He sure thinks a lot of himself.” I have heard of you before.”

“I am Vannas, Vannas Andrethi.” He introduced himself before turning to the Nord. “You better point that sword in the direction of the road and go make sure if no bonewalkers saw your fire,” He said still angered and on edge. “Idiots” he muttered to himself.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:58 am

Aenar growled and made no move to lower his blade. "Who are you to command me boy?! We could just as easily throw you out in the cold to distract the bonewalkers." He glared at the Dunmer. He didn't enjoy being called an idiot. While he wasn't the smartest Nord he definitely was not an idiot and did not like being branded as such.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:10 am

"Cool it, Aenar." Daedalus said and placed his hand on the shoulder of the large Nord. "We have enough problems as it is."

The Breton turned his attention to the newcomer. He had an intensity in his eyes that spooked him a little bit. The look of a desperate Mer. A look probably inscribed on each and every one
in the snug little cave.

"Nice to meet you Vannas. My name's Daedalus."
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:34 am

Vannas Andrethi, Random Cave near Bruma.

“Boy? Seriously? .. Boy?” He said with anger and a little bit of pleasure in his voice. “I have twice your age, son. Don’t they teach you Nords the value of respect for your elders anymore?” He asked. He just about ready to give it a shot in blowing the Nord up.

He had it already drawn out. The location of the rune for maximum impact on both the Nord and the cave. He took a deep breath and decided, after glancing at Varth, to keep peace. He did it as a sign of goodwill and to show he meant them no harm, how stupid they might be. Another one of the newcomers tried to calm the Nord down though.

"Cool it, Aenar." The breton said and placed his hand on the shoulder of the large Nord. "We have enough problems as it is."

"Nice to meet you Vannas. My name's Daedalus."

Vannas ignored the breton’s introduction and answered the Nord first. “Listen up, boy.” He replied to the Nord. “next time you call me boy again you better make sure you got eyes in your back. You can call me sera though, understood?” he asked with a clear threat in his voice. “Now I suggest you get walking and check the environment to make sure no bonewalkers saw the fire.”

He then turned to Varth and Daedalus, smiling while also acknowledging he heard the introduction of Daedalus. “Don’t you agree that that’s a great idea? That way us civilized people can talk about how and why you stumbled upon my little cave where I had a great night of at least ten hours sleep planned.”
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:47 am

Aenar sheathed his sword still glaring at the dark elf and laughed. "I'll call you whatever I wish. I don't have time for arrogance. I'd prefer to focus on survival." He looked over his shoulder to check for any undead and he took a small piece of cold meat to chew on. He took a step further into the cave peering into the darkness. 'Stupid elf' he thought to himself. He looked at the elf and leaned against the cave wall. "So how do you suggest we keep warm without a fire?"
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:26 pm

Daedalus wasn't sure if he entirely trusted this strange Mer. He looked like a caged animal, and his eyes betrayed tortured feelings that were housed inside his skull.

"So how do you suggest we keep warm without a fire?"asked Aenar, the agitation showing in his voice.

"I'm sure are friend here has a method if he's survived for this long." He turned his attention to Vannas. "Dont you?"

Before the Dunmer could speak, Daedalus gazed at Varth's eyes. When he caught his attention, he tapped the hilt of his dagger twice. It was an old scouting trick Daedalus had picked up from a couple of Bosmer
fellows he met back in Falkreath. Daedalus was asking Varth what they should do next. one tap meant attack, two meant keep your guard up, and three taps meant that they should trust him.

Daedalus wasn't sure if Varth would understand what he was trying to get across, but it wouldn't hurt to try.
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