» Fri May 04, 2012 3:39 am
A word on boss battles
Oh boy! A boss battle! Against an http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/26/Alien_vs._Predator_(2004)_-_Alien.jpg/215px-Alien_vs._Predator_(2004)_-_Alien.jpg-http://images.wikia.com/pathfinder/images/6/65/Shoggoth.jpeg-http://cdn.thegloss.com/files/2011/02/screaming20zombie1.jpgcreature thing. In case you couldnt follow, this creature can grow an appendage necessary to tear you to pieces, and like the terminator in T2, this thing can just absorb severed limbs and keep going. If we can get a jump on him, we would be able to cut him apart really quick, but I wont let us get a jump on him *evil grin*. Which brings up something else: I want one of us to die in this boss battle.
I think we should have more of these things running around too. Thoughts?