The game has been crashing on occasion for the first time since I started playing in borderless windowed mode.
The sound keeps cutting out, random words in sentences will not be spoken.
Serena keeps her vampiric look after being made human, can still use vampiric abilities and, according to the wiki, can infect the player with vampirism during combat.
Sarana cannot be asked to perform actions like all other followers can.
Serana's armour is bugged so she will not equip any armour that is not hooded armour (such as the Hooded Thalmor Robes), this cannot be fixed with console commands, either.
Serana seems to be unable to equip a full set of armour, she will randomly decide not to wear a certain pair of gloves, boots, or hood regardless of what I try.
The guy in Dawnstar who will take you to Castle Volkihar does not take you there after you finish talking to him and get into the boat.
I cannot buy the Alchemy lab for my home in Whiterun, if I try to do so, I will lose 500 gold but I will not get the lab.
Serana will start sneaking for no reason, just doing the silent roll forward to catch up to you, and will not stop unless you force her to take another action (sheathing weapons sometimes works, entering battle, or just Shouting at her, which I had to do after she got herself stuck and would not move).
Last night, I got a glitch where she kept getting really high up in the air, or going below the ground both in and out of combat, was fixed by restarting Skyrim, but it did mess up the final boss fight and dialogue scenes with the final boss right before you fight him directly.