For once I am trying to do the Dawnguard quest. I am stuck.
I went through and shaved the wood off for the reading
Read the scrolls and went to the next place
"survived" the first dark dungeon..
---I really hate the pushy hag Serana.. -just saying..
Talked to the Snow Elf male.
Got the jug and went to the next place..
got through that alright and talked to the first ghost. filled jug and went on to the place after that.
finished that and spoke to another ghost.. once I went through his portal .. He said something like "This is the place of light"
Was back at the place where the poison flowers and oddly painted sabertooths are..
Tried going back to the other two.. Portals now there inside the place where you fill the jug.
2/5 it says..
Right.. So what am I supposed to do now? Leave maybe.. Leave and stab Serana the bossy hag in the face? Yeah -lol-
I swear by Talos I will never do this stupid questline ever again!
No quest arrow and that spell to show where you are supposed to be going does not help either..
thanks for any helps.