Hey everyone,
I noticed the Dawnguard lod textures are missing from the Dawnguard.bsa and the high res bsa's.
I looked around a bit on the forum first and noticed some other people have this problem too.
The problem is that for some reason the Dawnguard lod textures are nowhere to be found yet still they are there otherwise the game wouldn't be able to use them i guess. I checked the Dawnguard.bsa and
the High res.bsa's but nowhere are the lod textures to be found thus making it impossible to generate Lod when you are using assets from Dawnguard.
Would anyone know where they are located or does anyone have them perhaps up for download?
It's quite annoying since i spend a couple of days on this mod i'm working on only to find out i can't generate Lod.
Thanks in advance.