» Tue May 07, 2013 2:26 am
The expansion's running surprisingly well so far! I've played about six hours since installing and haven't encountered any bugs, even common ones like the Moth Priest one. There's been a little lag but that's because I was in the Rift after five hours of straight play.
Character stats:
350+ hours, level 71, 21mb save file. 90% of non-DLC Skyrim is done (I had a platinum before the DLC, so all of that is done) and about a third of Solstheim. Have two Hearthfire houses and carry one to two hundred items at any time.
It probably doesn't matter, but it's a 120gb slim with about 3/5ths of the HDD full. I started saving in two new files upon starting Dawnguard and autosaves are off.
So far the game's performing the same as it was before Dawnguard was installed. No change, apart from SLIGHT lag in some spots. Basically performance is just as great as it was when it was just Dragonborn, with small quality drops occasionally. No bugs with Serana either.
Now with all three DLCs installed, it looks like for the most part Bethesda have put a lot into fixing all the issues! They've mostly succeeded, evidently. There's still a decent amount of people who do have those big bugs though, obviously.
If someone with a save file like mine is getting little to no issues, the case may be that for the most part it should be safe and bug-free to get them all installed. :3
Oh, it's frozen once since Dawnguard, but I'd been playing for several hours straight at that point and was sprinting in the very-foggy Reach. Wasn't a temporary lockup like the forced autosaves for Dragonborn (boat travel, and entering/leaving a certain realm), but the typical Skyrim's-had-enough-of-this freeze requiring a reset.
Dawnguard also pushed the save file up to 21mb fairly quickly, whereas it took about 30 hours of Dragonborn and Hearthfire to get it from 19 to 20 (though it was almost there anyway).