Dawnguard out, post your BUGS and GLITCHES here !

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:52 pm

so far the only bugs ive encountered are -

the quest marker for the initial dawnguard quest was in the wrong spot

during the quest a new order galmar was located on solstheim so i could no see a quest marker for him while on mainland skyrim (dont think this is a bug, but i did have to wiki it to find him lol)

during the same quest after i had recruited both people, it took galmar a considerable amount of time to catch up and make it to fort dawnguard, however when i entered the fort isran began his dialogue and was talking to galmar like he was there, after he finished the gates wouldnt open and i was stuck, i waited a few hours in game then exited and reentered the keep and galmar was there and the quest proceeded like normal

the game froze one time while trying to load a new area

my save is 13mb, 190hrs played, 160gb ps3 slim
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:52 pm

Another strange bug is:
When you're using the vampiric grip, it's suppossed to do choking damage when the enemy is close, but my grip doesn't do that at all.
I've seen gameplay on x360 and i know how it's suppossed to be, anyone else getting that ?
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:25 am

I have no idea what's going on with my character, but somehow I'm a vampire now (from Sanguinare Vampiris, not the "gift" from Harkon or Serana, so I have no vampire lord power), not a big deal, even though I was sure I had cured my disease.

I gave Serana some Blood potions, and I think when she drinks them, it's registering as if I had drank them, I randomly get a message on the screen saying "Your vampiric powers recede as you feed" while I'm in the middle of combat.

Also, I'm not sure if things were changed with Dawnguard, but the only vampire effects I have are weakness to fire, resistance to frost, weakness to sunlight, Nightstalker's footsteps, Champion of the Night, Vampire's servant, Vampire's seduction (at level 2) and that's it (haven't gone past level 2).

I'm pretty sure pre-Dawnguard, I used to get resistance to poison, disease immunity and Vampire's sight. They're not there. Were they removed with Dawnguard?
Also, my eyes are no different at all.

As I was typing this, I tried to feed on a sleeping person and I can't, I also get no "Falion in Morthal" rumor when I speak to innkeepers.
So I think my character is just bugged.
I suppose I can ask Serana to turn me and then the game will register me as a real vampire and see about curing it then.

EDIT: Yep, immediately after Serana turned me, Hulda gave me the Falion in Morthal rumor. (Also, my eyes and face changed and I now have poison and disease resistance/immunity and Vampire's sight)
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:59 pm

Apart from the ocassional stutter I've not had any major problems just a small bug that when I equipped Ingjard with the Dwarven Crossbow she can't fire it. She raises it up to fire it but not bolts fire from it. I equipped the crossbow on my character and it works fine and when I gave Ingjard her normal Crossbow back she was then able to fire bolts. So it seems she can't use the Dwarven Crossbow.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:11 pm

So I've just started the 'Touching the Sky' quest, and every time I attempt to enter the water that you must drop down into from the old bridge, my game just freezes up. I've tried it multiple times, and every time it's exactly the same outcome.

Has any one else had this? Any work arounds, or am I just going to never be able to finish off the Dawnguard DLC?

Playing it on a 250GB PS3 with about 80GBs left and using a 15MB save file.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:14 pm

Sounds like the old (and I do mean old) water glitch. Try the old fix of deleting your game data and reinstalling it (you'll also have to redownload and isntall all DLC as well) and see if that hepls.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:36 am

Thank you! I hadn't actually heard of the water glitch (Or maybe I had, but I haven't played Skyrim for just over a year so may have forgotten) either way, much appreciated.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:59 pm

i was talking about the VANILLA scroll actually... youre going to need it for 1 of the DG guests hehe
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Jason Rice
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:20 am

thats a bug thats been in the game since the beggining, if youre character is a vampire the ebony shield doenst display
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:30 am

I've googled this, but I can't find anyone having the same problem.

I'm unable to view certain areas on my map. Only the area around Winterhold, Windhelm, Dawnstar, and Solitude are visible. I'm completely unable to move downward toward Whiterun and when using 'current location' it gets sent to way far out on the map where nothing is located. The map is basically rendered useless.
Also had mad lagging in the Winterhold area to the point the screen froze a few moments.
Haven't updated to 1.8 patch only because my internet connection is unreliable in my room (it isn't for my lack of trying).
): All this since dling Dawnguard.

1.8 patch fixed map and most lag.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:16 pm

Signed up today just to vent about the bug I've encountered early in Dawnguard. I'm not sure how closely or seriously Bethesda devs read these bug/glitch threads at this point...but if they are I sincerely hope they are working on a fix for this:

When I complete Awakening and bring Serena home to Castle Volkihar she will not initiate the dialogue on the bridge to say shes "going her own way for awhile" or whatever. I run up and down the bridge, all the way up to the gate and back, and she just won't initiate it. The guard behind the gate won't even acknowledge her standing right there. I've gone and deleted my game data, patch data, and reinstalled all 3 DLCs and loaded my previous save from right before starting the Dawnguard quest. Doesn't matter, get to the same point and she won't initiate the dialogue to continue. Def. seems like a scripting error. Read some stuff online about it, seems like a pretty common bug and its been encountered on all 3 systems. Except unlike the PC folks I don't have the option of using console commands as a workaround.

I really wanna stay optimistic here and assume Bethesda is gonna fix this in an upcoming patch. I'd hate to think I waited all these months to get my hands on this DLC and I can't even really start it with my character. After 230 hours on this character its really not an option for me to just start from scratch. If any devs are reading this and you have ANY intentions at all of releasing another title update...please fix this glitch. Thanks.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:10 am

Works fine for me....apart from crushing lag at times inside Catle Volkihar
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:02 am

I've been having this bugs since I installed Dawnguard:

(Ps3 fat model with 60GB HDD, latest updates, skyrim updated first to latest patch, then all deleted and fresh install done starting by the latest patch, then instaled the game, then the add ons by the order they were released not using background download option.)

- I can enter the Heartfire houses that I have already builded, but I cant exit them. The game hangs on the loading screen forever with the hints and music, the light that indicates the PS3 is using the Hard drive stops blinking after the first minute or so. Using a previous save lets me continue the game as long as i dont try to enter and exit those houses. This only started hapening after I instaled and started doing the side quest (for the forge) in Dawnguard.

- Graphical glitches on what concerns shadows and some minor squares of pixels are showing up on the floor. Saw this at the exit of the first (Aetherium) Lost to the Ages quest site. Stoped playing soon after so dont know if it will hapen in other places too.

- The Proudspire Mansion: I cant open the door to the patio from the outside, it sais I dont have the key, though I already own the house.

- The Zephyr Bow: This item cant be placed on a weapon rack, it just drops on the floor.

I will post more bugs as I find them.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:34 am

^The freeze in the loading screen has happend to me too, but it is just random. Other than that my game has started to run pretty smooth.

Edit: Hit my first hard freeze now
Edit: Nvm, it was my controller that turned off XD
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:51 am

^ The freeze on the loading screen might be random, but I have tried to enter and exit my windstad manor by using the autosave it made, made a new manual save inside wich said was curropted. Used a previous save from when I exited the first site for the pieces of Lost to the Ages, entered the manor, placed armor on the manequins in armory, left the manor and got the freeze. Uninstalled the game etc like I said on the previous post, and still I always freeze upon exit of the manor regardless of how many steps I change.
I did follow the advices on another hearthfire freeze issues post and turned auto save off, checked my disk wich is in pristine condition, so dont know what might be wrong.

Before Dawnguard I had already had some freeze issues on a Solitude quest, in the divine nine catacombs. The game failed to load there 2x, once after I left the dreamworld and clearing the barrier for my helper, the second when I defeated the 2 mage guardians in the end of the quest.

So yes, might be something not directly related to Dawnguard. It did however hapen to me only after the last patch (2.08 europe).
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Mimi BC
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:12 am

Hi, my bug:

When Harkon is supposed to bite me (because of the Vampire Lord) he doesn't do anything. He's justing standing there in front of me doing nothing, while he is supposed to bite me .

I was really exited to play as an Vampire Lord, so I was pretty pissed when this glitch occured.

Can anybode please help me?

(Sorry for any grammatical/spelling mistakes, English is not my main language)
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Laura Samson
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:02 pm

Well, actually I thought patch 1.8 had fixed that, and as you couldn't play the DLC without the patch I assumed you had the patch . Maybe you do and I was wrong about 1.8 fixing the water glitch.
Also, if you try the fix I mentioned, do NOT delete any saves, just delete the game data from the PS3's Game Data Utility. Then restart the game, you should be prompted that you need to get the 1.8 patch before you play, do that, quit the game after that's installed, and go back and re-download and install any DLC you have bought.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:43 pm

I take that back. After waiting in-game for 72 hours then saving it has fixed the lag.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:00 pm

1)try to avoid entering the house til you finish those DG sidequests, see if the infinite load screens remain then

2)that may happen at times, esp with higher save files

3)you should check if the actual key to the house is still in your inventory.. if it is, exit the house, drop the key from your inventory, pick it up again and reenter the house from the same door that wont open from the inside

4)the weapon racks can be stubborn i guess.. happens with several weapons infact, not only zephyr... just try to place it on a different rack
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:17 am

Got one, concerning the rings of blood magic quest;

If a previously slain enemy is chosen as a bearer of one of the rings, or a previously cleared dungeon is chosen as the destination, it may be impossible to complete as the body may have disappeared, meaning the ring cannot be obtained.

Reload a save made before receiving the mission from Feran Sadri, and then initiate the quest again to be assigned different ring locations.

Problem is he ALWAYS sends me to the same two dungeons no matter how many times I reload and get the quest again, and because I'm stuck on this quest i can't do any of the other vampire side quests!

PS3 slim with a self installed 320 gig drive with about 30 gigs free space - save file size 17 MB - time played 320 hours
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:39 am

hmm did you clear those 2 dungeons a long time ago? if not, maybe concider loading a save prior to clearing them and skip going through them?
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:19 am

Moth priest bug. I stayed a werewolf and did not take the counts offer. I kill the vampires there and release a enthralled priest unable to break his enthrall. I get my quest updated and talk with him and he agreed to meet me at dawnguard I get there same thing had to beat him down got quest updated to him talking about the bow and now he is allways to busy to answer anymore questions. PS3 just needs to make a patch on priest
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:39 am

Hi, i have the same problem mentioned by Doromo.

i've tried as suggested :
- delete update data (1.7gb)
- restart & patch the game (109mb)
- quit withouth loading any game
- download and reinstall the 3 dlc i have (beeing sure to don't do that in background mode at least for dawnguard).

Nothing new happens, Harkon keep "killing me" every time he bites me. I've tried with a savegame inside the castle (just before the bite) and with savegame outside the castle, before entering.

Now i'm trying with a save before getting the quest.. but i guess this won't be any help... i've read on another website that this is reported as a ps3-bug and happens if you were a vampire before installing dawnguard (i was indeed a bosmer-vampire) and that curing vampirism and doing that again doesn't help.

EDIT: even doing the quest from scratch won't help.

any advice?

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:58 am

Ok i fixed the problem! reinstalling the data didn't work. What I did is when he transforms into the vampire lord form don't stand in front of him, instead stand on the other side of the table putting it between you and him. He won't be able to lunge at you and bite you and your screen will just fade to black and start at the next section like normal.Thanks for all your help and advice!
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:39 am

I'm having the same problem. After hitting the wrong ones, the didnt go back to start.. They wont move at all when they are hit, and I have tried "waiting" for days. They just wont budge no matter what.. So, impossible to end the quest..
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