I have to admit fellas, right before my drunken-n-high buzz goes on: DG is running rather great for me. Besides some framerate issues at CV & Fort DG, my Skyrim is running as usual. And since I chose to eradicate the dirty vamps, the former is not an issue whatsoever.
I don't know what Bethesda did to harness such great performance for me, but it's certainly working. I have always deemed myself fortunate to enjoy such a pleasurable Skyrim experience. But now that even the dreadful DG is installed, Skyrim continues to run A-ok.
No major crashes or bugs
Limited lag (The Rift has always been somewhat bothersome)
DB plays flawlessly
I've reported some HF issues in its proper forum
Save/load times have increased by 2-4 secs
If anything, I've seen the "infinite load bug" a little more often than usual
I've been playing this game since release & it has always played well. I have never even ran into the Blood on the Ice bug, or any other catastrophic disaster. Take it from me folks, Skyrim CAN run quite nicely on PS3. I say this after over a year of play.
Current playthrough; pure mage:
12MB file
Level 26
250GB PS3 Slim
Over 105GB of free HDD space