» Tue May 07, 2013 7:52 am
I seem to have found on hell'av'a bug. Here is what happened.
1. I approached Selena's padre and he told me that he could make me a Vampire but that would take away my werewolfniess. (Oh No! How can I complete both the werewolf and vampire skill tree achievements if I am no longer a werewolf anymore)
2. I back out of the conversation and load my autosave.
3. I exit the castle and dive into the water, because I am an argonian and that is just what we like to do for some reason.
4. I save the game because I didn't feel like murdering a lot of people as a werewolf at that particular moment in time.
5. I load the game at a later time because I feel like eating some human hearts with my werewolfiness powers.
6. I fast travel to some cave that I have yet to murder the inhabitants of.
7. I find some hostile so I decide to kill them but Oh No I can not turn into a werewolf or even bring up my weapons in order to fight.
A problem has been detected now for my troubleshooting steps
1. I restart my PS3 and reload the game. ( Because I stupidly fast traveled I only have two saves one from in the water right before I fast traveled and one at the cave right after I fast traveled.)
2. I load the game file from when I was in the water. I get back onto land by the castle. I switch weapons, switch magic, switch armor, bring my weapons out, crouch and shout. None of what I tried worked.
3. I fast traveled, slept, entered into a conversation, walked into a building, waited for a few hours, was forced into a conversation (damn children), got on and off a horse, took a potion, ate food, died and even got in and out of the water again. Then I tried all of the things from point #2 that would not work before. Nothing happened.
It seems as though the game thinks that I am still swimming and so I cant preform any of the tasks that I can normally do when not swimming.
Also while looking into this issue I tried to enter the castle and I can not get in even though Selena is my companion.
I guess this is what I get for being greedy and trying to unlock every achievement.
Any suggestions on how to fix this or am I as screwed as I think I am.