Survival Guide
There are some rules that need to be respected....To survive.....
2.What`s 28 Days And A Bit
3.Survival rules
4.Places where to hide
1.Introduction |
Hello.My name is Alex.I decided to make a little modding guide team.This time I am alone.
So,you are a fair player (Not using cheats),got 28 Days and a bit,but can`t survive the zombies??
Well I have to admit,it is hard to survive the zombies.That`s why I am making this guide!
2.What`s 28 Days And A Bit | |
28 Days And A Bit (Shortly,28DAAB) is a mod that adds a "Zombie apocalypse" into the game.
You have the option to Add(or remove) Zombies to any place you like!
It gets a 10 from me,because it of its` Cool name,Cool option to add/remove zombies etc etc.
Survival Rules |
1.NEVER stay in one room.
2.Basemants are not a good place without a good barricade!
3.Remember to kill zombies with weapons that paralyze (Recomanded)
4.When you make a barricade,get someone to guard you till you finish building it!
5.Remember that zombies are hard to kill.They`re undead,wich means if you kill them,they will be alive back.Just make `em one with the ground a few times and they should be dead.
6.Don`t get in panic if alot of zombies are on you,think of the best way to kill them!
7.If you are a low level and can`t kill the zombies,RUN!
8.If you aren`t the killer,you will be the killed!
9.Use bows to kill zombies and use swords with paralys to Stop them if they come close to you!
10.NEVER think that the guards will slaim the zombies.You are the only one who got the power to defeat them all!
11.Always get prepared!Get alot of potions of health and magicka!
12.NEVER think that the zombies will kill you.That`s a form of panic! Example: You are on low health with full magicka in a basemant and with zombies around you.Don`t give up! Heal yourself with spells! Use potions! whatever you got!
13.Summon spells are very powerfull if zombies are chasing you! Remember to use your imp/ghost/goblin/lion! They can guard you till you make a barricade or summon them while the zombies chase you! They will attack the Summoned creature instead!
14.Do not summon zombies.Your summoned zombies are slow! but the zombies from the mod are fast!
15.Remember,take anything you can use! Maybe they will be usefull for later!
16.Don`t be scared of zombies.In your mind make the zombies adoring fans.You like to kill the adoring fan,right?

17.Finally,the zombies wont give up!
Places to hide |
Sorry,that`s all I got for now.If you find good places in cities please send them to or comment with a link.(Recommanded by me:Upload on Imageshack)
Q:The Zombies are weak,what should I do to make them stronger?
A:Hmm...Looks like you are a really high level.Use a character with level 20-70.If it`s under 20,it will be too hard.If it`s over 70 it will be too easy.So I reccomand level 45.