I'm not going to use /bugs or /feedback anymore. I'll plow through the game. Since I've played the beta already, I have a general Idea on how I will play....
I'm not going to use /bugs or /feedback anymore. I'll plow through the game. Since I've played the beta already, I have a general Idea on how I will play....
I'll maybe get through character creation by the end of the five days. I might try installing at work and see if I can get away with playing a bit lol. Goal in game would just to level and have fun, hit up pvp a little bit, and find a good way to leve, see what the game has to offer, and try out my build. Unfortunately my weeknights I am completely tied up with kids and other duties and getting ready for the next long day of work.
Spend first four days getting my character to look juuuuuuussst right.
Spend the fifth day looking for a fancy helmet to wear.
I try and do that as well, but the competative side of me is not so easily persuaded.
You would if you've experienced the persistent pain of the "Name Taken" screen for a name you've used since the beginning of time and grown quite fond of. There's a particular name that I've used across several games and had no problems getting it, even in some extremely popular, older titles. In recent years, I often find it's already taken on the first day. In fact, it's already been taken in the ESO beta. Heartbreaking, but there is an upside. ESO allows spaces. That lets me add a last name or a title or something. Now the only problem is I need to figure out a good one to add.
hopfully ill be able to play that is if the beta client would download for me ....
I am looking to jump into the game and create my toon.
My main focus will be on getting our guild going, and start crafting.
how about sitting where everyone starts.. and welcome them all to ESO... lol...
I will just do what most will do.. go out playing the game and exploring and working with guild on some things ...but most important.. having fun and enjoying the game...
1) Make one of my two main characters and reserve the name of my other.
2) Take my time on the STARTER island.
A) Do all the quests
Get all the skyshards
C) collect a lot of crafting supplies
2) Take my time on the NON-STARTER areas
A) Get to level ten and keep going
Get to level 15 and heal the trio of dungeons
C) Collect a lot of crafting supplies
3) Go to the next area. Rinse and repeat until the forth, go to Cyr and kill all the level 10s.
No, I still don't get it Maybe it's coming from a long (long) history of traditional TT RPGs where every character I've ever made had a different name. I guess I get it if you're making it easy for friends who play to find you (I just use email and say "hey! This is my name on this game" but to each their own
If it's fun for you and doesn't hamper anyone else then go for it, it just doesn't make sense to me.
Day 1: swear a lot because I cannot login because the login server is overloaded
Day 2: swear a lot more and wait until they put up more server with a better login handling, that still is overloaded
Day 3: maybe get 1 hour of game time in, then get nagged by the wife when I am going to wallpaper the baby's room
Day 4: probably other family business related stuff
Day 5: hopefully play around a couple of hours
Day 6: swear a lot because I cannot login because the login server is overloaded
Day 7: swear a lot because I cannot login because the login server is overloaded
Day 8+ : play around a couple of hours each day
I figure it'll be something like that.
I am going to start work on the character I am allocating to crafting.
Sit back , take my time and play properly rather than rather than blitz through skipping the story.