frozen wings means you have to stop to cook them or eat a chicken wing popsicle... don't you have a pizza/wing delivery guy you trust who can just come in and bring the food to you without you having to stop playing?
frozen wings means you have to stop to cook them or eat a chicken wing popsicle... don't you have a pizza/wing delivery guy you trust who can just come in and bring the food to you without you having to stop playing?
Heh, or REALLY trust to chew the food for you first?
Sunscreen, never forget sunscreen.
Just set the microwave up next to the computer so you can just pop em in. Or even better a toaster oven, just keep it on a low setting to keep em warm but not hot enough to start burning.
I'm pretty sure your monitor will help filter out any radiation given off by Tamriel's sun.
This... it's about the journey, not the destination. I'm really looking forward to some good AvA battles with you folks over the coming years.
Khajiit was thinking the same thing! =*_*=
dam some of you ppl have seriously unhealthy lifestyles....but hey who am i to judge.
Coffee for me is like a sedative caffine actually relaxes the muscles.
I will be getting Alpen in bags bananas for energy, water, tea and beer. If you are going to be sat down for a long period of time you need to eat healthy or you are going to suffer latter on. So go with healthy foods you like rather than rubbish.
but.. but.. Sweetroll are not "rubbish!" They are made from 100% real moon sugar directly from the GODS!
~This message has been "Khajiit Approve!"~
Guess I'm to new to be allowed to post links but anyone interested in what I've got to say should be able to figure it out.
If you like to cook game inspired meals you should check out Gourmet Gaming. It's a site with recipies for Sweet Rolls, Snowberry Crostata, S'Jirra's Famous Potato bread, Eslweyr fondue, and even a Nirnroot salad for those looking to eat healthy.
Id rather a box of coke, and a bottle of doughnuts. That would keep me up for reals.
Wasnt planning anything crazy but now that its mentioned..... I kind of feel like doing something similar
these forums are such a bad influence
First, get rid of all the liquid, it just makes you have to go pee... (lost time)... yes even with the diapers... the the tube system sounds interesting, though could be messy, unless you hook it up to your water cooled system, but that may cause other problems....
Dots, JuJubees (graqes and strawberries for the health conscious). Though after eating too many of these (day or so on end you may start to feel a little light in the back door), so I recommend some good cheese to add some blockage. The graqes and strawberries will add just enough liquid where you shouldn't have to pee to hydrate you where as the dots/jujubees you are likely to want some liquid (may a coke to add some more sugar on top).
Chocolate would also be a nice addition to this with the caffine, though could cause problems if too near your monitor as may melt, so I recommend M&Ms, no unwrapping. Peanut M&M might be a good filler, and give you a little variety as well. You may also consider Peanut butter cups.
Above should limit your bathroom trips and keep you going. Though your crash once you run out of supplies is going to be hard...
A new headset.
Lots of apples.
Low-back support for the computer chair.
He needs to switch from ground coffee to whole bean. If you have the money (once you get the coffee maker, there is not that much of a difference IMO), there is NO comparison in the taste. Try it, you'll thank me later.
Then ditch the coffee maker and switch to manual lever espresso. Oh, and get a conical burr grinder!
My setup is an old Gaggia Factory, which is identical to a La Pavoni Europicolla.
Well, yes, that would be optimal, but now you are talking some serious cash, depending on how available that equipment is in your area of the world.