still not ready for it. i need to moved the other tv to my room so im out of the way of people need to get supplies. what has other people got left to do before the 10th
still not ready for it. i need to moved the other tv to my room so im out of the way of people need to get supplies. what has other people got left to do before the 10th
I feel like the time has slowed. I just keep either staring forums & YouTube. Or i walk past my calender and check what day i am living right now.
no offense but gonna get we now 20 of those "x more days before fo" threads? quite pointless dont you think?
I have to ... build my PC!
Everything arrived 3 weeks ago... except the storage drive. It's not due till Thursday.. at the earliest.
SO I have to bit my nails down to the wick while I wait, then build a PC and install Windows over the weekend, eeks!
I think we can just keep this one going for updates and if you think a thread pointless remember you don't have to read or post in it. A bit 'o excitement never hurt anyone and please don't post just to call a thread pointless because really...what is the point in that?
good luck with that have you got time to finish it
I'm just waiting for my fallout beer to get here and more planks & nails to keep the outside world from getting in come the 10th.
I need to pre-order this game so it can pre-install it. Still thinking, get it off Xbox Live or EB games. Not sure if I want the disc or not. No matter what no use taking the day off because of the stupid Day One patch. Maybe Wednesday is the day we will all get sick.
Target better not sell out of Nuka Cola Quantum before I can get my hands on some. I wish I knew someone that worked at Target, that would be so nice right now, I could reserve about 12 bottles.
I still need to decide what supplies to pick up. That and decide if I want to go to the midnight release.
Football is even boring me today. And I love football. But the days are going so, so slow...I need Fallout. Not football
id still get disc as it takes to long to download it if you needs to wipe it off or somthing
Thing that really ticks me off is that Fallout 4 is not releasing on a Friday like Skyrim did, like wtf Bethesda?
Their is no way I am going to bed at 12 am on Monday drinking Nuka Cola Quantum all night, especially because I asked off work November 10th, so their is that. How awesome would it be to ask off on a Friday and have 3 days to go ballz deep into Fallout 4?
i cant get nuka cola so in getting 4lt coca cola, jam mallows biscuits because the ps4 controller runs out quick going to get another one so ill have one on charge at all times, some haribo think that will do to start with my friend has a fridge and Microwave set up a kettle and potnoodle micro burgers coke and he said hes got a large pack of wipes. im not asking him why he needs the wipes lol
it is strange only thing i can think of might have something to do with time zones or psn updates on a tuesday i have the day off but have other thing i cant get out of on that day so im hoping the postman will come very early
iv also not had time to make my costume
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 more day good lord, thanks god this week i have alot of stuff to make time move faster.
=D blizzcon on Thursday and Friday. and then i need to sleep all the weekend =P
Demon Hunter action WOOT!
Ok back to Fallout *coughs*