» Thu May 19, 2011 12:13 am
For the benefit of the viewers this ass got pissed cause i called him a noob, because he said he was taking his crysis 2 servers down.
Boo Hoo, sure i insult everyone, yes, sure i troll these forums, yes, but really dude, fine i'll not join your server, you're a massive ego, that's all.
I played on DDD during EA migration to infamous patch 1.8; Seemed DDD was only server in US that was up. I gotta respect their decision to ban, but I noticed that the level of play was not what I expected. Don't get me wrong DDD is a great Pub, and doing great through the patch migration.
Through a strange server hick up I ended playing 3 other gamers, 3 v 1. They were pawned. But with a nearly full server, which was a miracle last week (patch 1.8), the level of play was noticeable.
Asswipes are welcome on West Coast Gaming, all that we ask is that you bring your game, and toggle any exploits off till you scrim. West Coast is a Pub! League, Pro, Pub Stars, and Clans are welcome; even asswipes as long as you got game.
Hackers= Boom Boom Baby, even if you groupie with League gamers (I know who you are). If you are League/Pro, keep it toggled off in the Pub, seen that before too.
We recently Opened a DLC server, West Coast Gaming [DLC] since EA is making steps in the right direction. So when you are ready for those maps, please come by and game.
Just one tip; if League players come by West Coast Gaming as they do often, give them your best game; you learn by playing the best. We do have admins, and will punt/kick hacks/scripts/exploits, and ask questions later.
I give props to Geronimo for running a successful Pub, which is not easy at this time in the development if EA/Crysis post patch 1.8.
Finally, SLI756 has proven himself helpful with his DLC Download Thread. That was well done. Think about it. He did what no one else in the world was able to do. Created the necessary links to facilitate downloading DLC. Even EA didn't do that.