a shiney new gaming rig...runs *heavily* modded Oblivion at maximum video settings like silk...but, apparently DDS Converter 2.1 doesn't work with Windows 7.
Looking for recommendations to create DDS files using freeware...
I use an old version of PSP to create my textures.
I read the Compresonator is a reasonable alternative.
Besides Paint.Net, the free program DXTBmp loads common image formats (.bmp, .png, .tga, etc.) and can save them in any of the .DDS formats used by Oblivion with or without mipmaps. Alternatively, if you have PhotoShop, the nVidia plugins for PhotoShop will do the trick.
Thank you guys for the suggestions. I will try em all out and see which generates the highest quality files. (And no, I am not willing to spring for Photoshop. :wink_smile: )