DDS texture standards for Fallout 3?

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:46 pm

so far I've sorted out the obvious stuff, the diffuse map (first Texture Slot), and the normal map(second Texture slot). I also found that the alpha on the normal map sets the specular / shininess / Gloss of the material.

I see there are a few other texture slots, but after playing around with trying out textures in there, assigned through nifskope, as well as making custom texture sets in the GECK, I can't really figure out how to get them to do anything. I assume something here defines a full bright type feature, like you get with lights or switches that are lit even under low/no lighting conditions. I also assume there are some texture maps used to define things with more "glow" on them, like Nuka Cola Quantum.

is there a document or any other information out there in regards to the spec used in Fallout3 for the textures? how they may be implemented in the GECK through Nifskope or otherwise?
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:57 am

Look at a post made by Miaximus. I believe there is a rather good tutorial on this kind of thing in their signature.

Also I can tell you this much. All textures for Fallout 3 must be saved in DDS (Direct Draw Surface) format, with a BC3/DXT5 compression rate, or they wont work. Also, to get things to light up without being 'lit' (i.e. Quantum, switches, or consoles) you must make a Glow Map to go with the object, much like an environment map. (for reflections, like in glass) Hope this helps some.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:48 pm

I found this link on the Elder Scrolls WIKI >

This seems to be a good basic spec like I was looking for, but I know there are some differences between FO3 and ES... you said they all have to be "BC3/DXT5", but this WIKI shows that for some of the maps, there are different requirements. Do you know if this is different in FO3, or the same as ES? also, does it make any difference what "slot" a texture is put in in the nifskope if the tag in the name is set ("_n, _g, etc)?
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:08 pm

NifSkope Texture "Slots"
Slot 1: Diffuse Texture (*.dds)
Slot 2: Normal Map (*
Slot 3: Glow Map (*
Slot 4: N/A
Slot 5: (*
Slot 6: (*

I don't know exactly what slots 5 and 6 are for, but those are the file extensions of whatever textures go there.

And textures do not need to be saved with BC3/DXT5. I don't compress them at all and they work fine.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:27 am

NifSkope Texture "Slots"
Slot 1: Diffuse Texture (*.dds)
Slot 2: Normal Map (*
Slot 3: Glow Map (*
Slot 4: N/A
Slot 5: (*
Slot 6: (*

I don't know exactly what slots 5 and 6 are for, but those are the file extensions of whatever textures go there.

And textures do not need to be saved with BC3/DXT5. I don't compress them at all and they work fine.

The _m files in slot 6 are to do with creating "glass" type reflection effects for buildings. I only know that because I've been playing around (unsuccessfully!) trying to replace the broken windows in one of the buildings with intact ones.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:32 am

Slot 5: Effects map (*
Slot 6: (*

Slot 5 would be for the textues in the \textures\effects\ folder, like ''.
For example, the clock face has a glass front. Without this, the clock is so shiney you can hardly see through it to see the clock hands.

Slot 5 is for 'materials', I think. It also tones down the shineyness so you can see behind the glass. I think it may also apply a 'dirt' type look to the object. Not really sure, I just know I use it on certain objects.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:13 am

Actually Slot #5 is the Environment Map and Slot #6 is the Environment Mask Map -> Slot 6 is to Slot 5 as Slot 3 (Glow Map) is to Emmissive-ness.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:58 am

slot 4: parallax

also note environment maps are not your standard type map, they need to be cube maps or will not render in game. it'll have really boring single glossy bright spot env map if you don't specify a correct map.

if you do not use an env mask map. the specular map comes into play and acts the mask map.

i have a couple patchy tutorials in the article section of falloutnexus going over some findings in regards to _e and _m (or _em) maps.

also note, you need to enable SF_Multiple_Textures shader flag to enable environment map shader.

and SF_LOCALMAP_HIDE_SECRET... IIRC... to enable the parallax shader.
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