I have two questions... (For the developers)
Is it that hard to run a script or something, to check out bodies that been there for a long time, and delete them?
Have you guys paid attention to any feedback from Skyrim at all?
I have two questions... (For the developers)
Is it that hard to run a script or something, to check out bodies that been there for a long time, and delete them?
Have you guys paid attention to any feedback from Skyrim at all?
We definitely need a "bury the dead" mod.
I don't want a mod to clear away all the bodies, but I should be able make a memorial of some kind. Especially if I start repurposing houses.
Funny I havent beed back to that place since first cleaned it up but if their still there will be annoyed, but the funny part is I cleaned up the raider base in that auto plant, and couldnt haul all the loot so left alot of bodies there and went back to clean it up and they were all gone along with their loot, was glad I did pick the better items first.
Yeah, one of my settlements has a bunch of dead feral ghouls... I had to manually pick them up and throw them outside the camp.
On the other hand, I just got the BOS flying in, and I came across them attacking some super mutants. They all died, so I mopped up what they left. By the time I was done, all the BOS bodies/wreckage from their vertibird had vanished. While all the super mutants who were killed before I even got there were still there.
Just odd ya know.
Dead bodies, dead bodies never vanish, and War, War never changes.
The bodies will eventually "clean up" after enough game time has passed. Until then just hold down E to grab them and toss them down the hill behind the red rocket.
they do go away after a time and u can speed the time loot the body, i notice this on Sanctuary with some Roach.
Exactly, I'm pretty sure most people want permanent dead bodies.
What a stupid topic.
If bodies disappeared we would see threads about how its 2015 and bodies shouldn't disappear
I think it's a great touch as they even included circling flies...So many mods/overhauls have increased the "body decay" rate that Bethesda most likely didn't have a problem implementing it in vanilla....Plus, I kind like it, as it gives the world a kind of permanency to it.
To the OP: if it works the same as in Skyrim, most bodies will eventually "despawn" when a "cell resets." Apparently the entire game world is made up of "cells" relatively small packets of data that only load when they are needed I suppose. At least in Skyrim, certain "default items" would always respawn and any "non-default" items (bodies for example) would not and the cell would reset to its default condition, although perhaps with certain types of changes left to the most recent value (e.g., if the player built something or otherwise made a change in the game world that would be "immersion breaking" if it just disappeared). I don't know for sure what the default value was for cell reset in Skyrim, but it was a number of in-game days. It might have been as little as 7 days or as many as 30 I am not sure; I play a very heavily modded Skryim and all these things have functioned very differently in my game for years.
It may not be the same in FO4, but that is my understanding of how it works in Skyrim.
Tossing the bodies down the hill seems like a reasonable interim solution until Mofakin comes up with "Clean Up Your Corpses for FO4 !
Laughing cause his description of that mod used to be hilarious, but it looks like he recently updated and took out all the humor
they dissapear, i went back to concord and there's no raider bodies anywhere, it just takes a while
I know they do ... I was making a joke to go along with Perlman's line ...
Nothing of course! They go great with a nice chianti and cucumber dip!