Dead is Dead (Perma-death)

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:21 pm

Very Hard and Survival use the same damage multiplier though. The only differance between these modes is that you heal slower on Survival.

What multipliers do you use if you think normal became to high after a while? I think you doing 1x damage to enemies and the enemies doing double damage to you should be kind of even and feel more realistic, but I guess it depends on what kind of enemies you face.

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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:50 am

Ah, I must have misremembered. I thought there were a .9 multiplier available but I was wrong. I blame sleep-deprivation due to Fallout 4.

I'm using .75 damage now which IMO is perfect. 1.0 became a bit OP when you've got your guns and perks in place around lvl 13-18. But your mileage may vary. I don't use VATS much and have a reasonably decent aim from all my fps gaming. Assaultrons, Mr. Gutsy's and the like still scare the crap out of me though.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:55 pm

Could perhaps try .75 also. So you use 0.75x on your damage and 2x for enemies on you? Or do you just play on vanilla hard or do you use a mod for survival that modified the values?

I am not really looking to change it based on difficulty, it is more that I feel the immersion gets hurt when the enemies are to much of bullet spoonges.

Also I feel that the replayability is lower because of this since it is hard to play a character that only focuses on one type of weapon, say only energy weapons, since you still need to carry other guns to have enough ammo when you need so many bullets to take down something else besides low level raiders,rats or dogs. I guess another way to counter the latter would to install the mod that lets you craft ammo and invest some perk points in the weapon of choice. That might be a good alternative.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:53 pm

I play on survival and only mod my damage up to 75% of normal. Using perk points to increase weapon damage is pretty much assumed to be a part of your progression and enemies will ramp up in HP to account for that expectation.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:54 pm

Yes I also used perks points for weapon damage when playing on survival. But that for me is often a choice to make the game feel more balanced then an "in character" choice. For example it might fit your character to put perk points in weapon skills if you are a soldier type character, but if you are playing a scientist character it does not fit as well. So then you are basically just putting points in there to balance the game which is not optimal imo. Or do you make a roleplaying character or play more as "yourself" without a certain character type?

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kevin ball
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:17 pm

So far I'm lvl 32 and haven't died yet on my second playthrough on survival.

Starting Special :

S 6

P 1

E 9

C 3

I 6

A 2

L 1

It's a build with power armor and automatic weapons that doesn't use VATS. I've been avoiding ponds and lakes because I know those poisoned bugs can kill me, but everything else isn't a problem.

Important perks to get : Armorer, steady aim, lone wanderer, medic, hacker, science, chemist, commando.

Not so important perks to get : strong back, toughness, life giver, chem resistant, ghoulish, solar powered, attack dog, sneak, bloody mess, ricochet.

Self imposed rules : Don't change armor during battle, don't eat or drink during battles, only stimpacks. Also, no balistic weave on helmets, only on clothings.

Once you can, get an automatic laser and plasma pistol. Always sell everything to a weapon vendor and buy every laser and plasma cartridge you can. The toughness and DPS of this build is god like.

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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:48 pm

I have a "character theme" I play, but I find that the game doesn't allow for a lot of different character archetypes. I'll just leave it at that.

I connect the character a lot more to the SPECIAL than to the perks I pick. Perks are just what tools I find most useful to survive at the time, SPECIAL and imagined background is who "I" am.

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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:06 am

Level 32 is rather impressive! :) It's usually explosives that do me in, I'm surprised you've managed to avoid any mishaps. I also found automatic weapons to be surprisingly good btw.

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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:53 pm

An always updated power armor and maxed endurance helps soak grenade and missile damage. Enemies rarely throw grenades though when you're somewhat close to them.

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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:18 pm

Overran by gouls... my latest DID character (Nathaniel Grant) is gone.

This was somewhat frustrating to me because I was attempting to flee a building under [ Caution ] no [ Danger] yet when I entered another load area I was completely surrounded by gouls. Literally could not move. In a real-life scenario there is no chance that they would have beat me out the door in which I exited. Again, I could not even see them down the hallway where I was so they had to be at least 20-30 feet away from me. I don't like how the game loads enemies in your new cell at the same time as you. If you're 50 feet ahead of them you should be able to make a quick exit. I thought about reloading but can't bring myself to do it.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:56 pm

Oh this ************************ had to make his thread.../face[censored]ing palm.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:45 pm

I had the same happen to me, just with raiders. I was lucky though, had a Molotov ready. Not being able to flee out the door is something I consider an engine misdesign rather than a legitimate reason for dying, but up to you m8. It svcks though.

Now I really have to share my latest DiD start, and how awesome it is because of this selection of mods:

Loot reduction: (Loot from level-list reduced by 95-75%, no meat from most animals)

Item weight: (Because stuff has weight you know )

Hunger/thirst mod (Food and water doesn't heal. Gives an addiction that needs food & water each day)

Deadly rad storms to 10% chance and 25dmg)

Crippled limb fix autorecovery, needs stim)

Craftable ammo:

Carry weight adjustment: to 100!)

So with loot reduction, what you find is HEAVILY reduced, and you can't get meat from almost anything before you've found a bunch of survival magazines. This coupled with the need for food and water, and reduced output from farms, makes for a very interesting gameplay. You now need to actually eat the Dandy Boy Apples and deal with the consequences. And you won't find much radaway either. Those doctors sure come in handy now! I actually had to buy food to plant in Sanctuary and I still haven't fed everyone. Also, food doesn't heal you anymore, it just keeps you out of hunger, so your only source of healing is the rare stimpack, and the occational doctor. And of course a good nights rest. (now all I need is an ambush@sleep mod!)

So Laura Black is now lvl 8, and is a very lucky gunslinger of stealthy awesomeness. Except it really doesn't feel that way. I have barely managed to keep myself alive through the first expeditions into Lexington, and I'm now even more afraid of ghouls as they rad me up and I have trouble enough as it is with keeping radiation in check. I'm running a bit low on ammo and safe-ish places to go, but I got a request from a farm to go look for some raiders holed up in an old satellite bunker. I'm looking for a locket, if you can believe it. But it seemed like a place I might score some ammo. I have enough food and water for at least 3 days, so off I go.

I make my way there and manage to get in seemingly ok. I'm out of stimpacks (got ambushed by some raiders in the forest on the way there, and had to use the last one). I sneak my way in, but MISS a raider to my left and his dog jumps me. The dog CRIPPLES my head immediately but I gun him down while my dog is ripping out the throat of the bandit. Ok, cool. I'm alive, but blind. Can't see a damn thing. I decide to use my last two mines, and set them up on either side. I sneak attack a raider and blasts his head of with my musket. One mine goes of, but no one else is coming. I go further down, see a raider, and blasts him. Suddenly I see a raider with a MINIGUN (and I've modded it's damage up from 8->12) which just UNLOADS on my ass as I get the [censored] out of dodge. I run away with a slimmer of health left as I hear the enjoyable shattering of caps behind me and one dead raider. Thinking the coast is clear I head back, and to my surprise find ANOTHER raider coming at me. I pop into VATS, 3% chance to hit (I'm BLIND) but I've got a crit loaded up. Push play baby, you're dead.

So I'm alive. Crippled and maimed, but alive. Now I hope to God one of them have a stimpack so I can survive the way home.

Good God Fallout is so much better when I make it a struggle.

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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:58 pm

Haha that is cool! :D

Love the setup you have there with mods, might have to try that out! It sounds much more like how the survival difficulty should have been like, with the food and really having to scavange for resources. Also the crafting of ammo instead of finding it everywhere also sounds better for immersion. How do you find this bullet crafting mod btw, is it wellmade and feel intergrated well? To bad still that you cant have weight on ammo. How many guns are you able to bring with you with carry weight 100? Do you feel like you have enough bullets, still doing with x0.75 for damage? (what was that with modding the minigun doing 12 instead of 8?)

Also these you might already bee using, but they help my immersion:


in Fallout4Prefs.ini to remove the compass from the game (and the red blips for enemies)

Also makes exploring more fun I find since you are not always just looking for the nearest blip on the compass but actually looking around the environment to find interesting locations.

And of course in the iname console the command:

set timescale to "xx" (I use 10)

to decrease the flow of time to a bit more realistic one where it wont change from day to night so extremely fast.

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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:05 pm

I actually have the compass, but I've turned off enemy indicators with My Hud ( I'd like to see where cool stuff is, but not enemies. I haven't fiddled with timescale. Could be something to look into.

I'm currently sporting a machete, pipe gun, 10mm gun, laser musket and hunting rifle. I had to leave the shotgun and .44 gun at home. I *am* running low-ish on ammo, but nothing too severe. I just have to take the last 20% of with my machete after I've crippled them. Perfectly good grizzly "end of the world" scenario. Shoot someones kneecaps off and while they are lying on the ground screaming you whip out your machete and hack their head off. Ammo and caps isn't that big a problem because all enemies carries them anyway, you just don't find much of it laying about. I still have 600-700 caps for when I need to buy ammo at some point.

In terms of carrying restrictions, I am not picking up much in terms of loot. When I leave base I have around 65-70 lbs of gear, and I can carry 115. Which to me actually seems not entirely unreasonable. That leaves room for a good handful of junk and a couple of weapons. Weapons is where the money is, so that's fine. I'm currently saddled with dogmeat, which can't carry more than an item or two (according to me), but once I get a human on board I'll let them carry a bit more.

The ammo crafting seems really well done. You need quite a bit of stuff as well as relevant perks, and with the reduced loot it's not going to replace buying ammo. It's just a little extra way to squeeze something out of the wasteland. You use the same things as for crafting other stuff, so you have to choose... "Should I build that generator? I could build a water pump and get some PURE WATER!! (OMG I so need this). OR I could use another 50 bullets... I only have 39 left... that's like... 18 kills with clean shots... can I get to Diamond City on 18 kills? Maybeeeeee"

I'm really curious how this will play out in the long run

P.S. The minigun is pathetic at 8 dmg per shot. 12 makes it a bit more intimidating. You should be pissing your pants when you see someone with a minigun, not laughing as the bullets go *ploink* against your armor as if you're superman. It *burns* through ammo, so it's not somethink you're going to use all the time anyway. It's for special occations :). The pipegun-version big weapons.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:41 am

Love this and couldn't agree more. I love feeling a sense of danger and fear around every corner, not running around carefree. That's why DID is such a fun playstyle for me. I am going to have to get some of those mods. I've been waiting for a hunger/thirst mod. Is there one that requires sleep yet?

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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:36 pm

No, I'm pretty sure that'll require scripting, which means we need the creation kit. However if you only have a handful of stims and food doesn't heal you, there's a limit to how many fights you're going to want to go through before heading home! I find it a very good temporary solution in place of a proper sleep mod.

Another cool thing is that perks you would never consider, like Lead Belly and Cannibalism, now seems like reeeaaally good choices
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:51 pm

I just downloaded the hunger/thirst mod. I used Nexus Mod Manager to install it. Will that work or do I need to install it manually? Even when I install mods "manually" I still run them through NMM. There's no way I'd be able to remember which files to remove if I ever want to delete a particular mod.

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renee Duhamel
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:14 pm

It works fine. You do have to eat and drink something once to start it.

I have a whole bunch of mods running with 0 problems. :) Steady launch. The only thing I needed to install manually was the extra radio songs. ("More where that came from" + the extra 111 tracks mod).
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:46 am

So I eat any type of food and drink any water?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:18 pm

That hunger/thirst mod has my latest character ten kinds of jacked up.

All of my SPECIAL stats are super low (some at 0) and I've disabled the mod. I went to a doctor to cure all of my addictions and now I don't see any on my status screen. But when I go into my stats all of my SPECIAL stats are if they were being affected by not having food or water. Is there a console command to reset affects?

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:58 pm

So this happend after you disabled the mod? I think the console commands should fix this :)

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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:24 pm

I thought it would take longer than two weeks for someone to set one of these up. Guess I was barely right. I'll start one of these one day.

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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:22 pm

Yes. I disabled the mod, loaded my game and it still showed my "addictions." So I went to a doctor to get a chems addiction fix, which cleared them but my SPECIAL stats are still royally screwed. I had to go back to a previous save from about 3-4 hours ago. Ugh.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:26 pm

Oh you still can carry 5 weapons with only 100 carry weight, I was not expecting that! This mod also looks cool, even though it is just cosmetical as I understand it:

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:23 pm

I wish cannibalism was done in a better way, I used that perk on my physcho killer character. I don't like the way you just drop to your knees over a body and starts to slash away and put meat in your mouth. It looks so cartoonish and silly, not immersive at all. I hope someone makes a mod where you actually cut off a slab off meat that you can cook later.

About the Immersive Loot Reduction I am not sure I like all the features when it comes to food. I mean you should be able to cutt of meat from an animal to cook even if you don't have that much skill, especially if your survival counts on it. Also read that you can't even harvest crops yourself anymore which does not make sense.

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