Artfu1D0dger, do you play DiD? You can't really see how powerful an enemy just by looking at it, especially when it comes to creatures.
I was thinking a bit of maybe applying a new rule, something I did when playing Skyrim, that was to not go into the inventory screen when in battle (and by battle I mean in a situation where you are totally exposed and there are enemies shootring right at you, it can be ok if you can duck down behind a cover and are not in immediate danger).
This way you would have to have slots ready with your combat equipment, like stimpacks and chems so you can use them in realtime. I think this will make the game a lot harder though, in those times when I have really got suprised by a super strong enemy that almost kills me in one hit I usually go into my inventory to first take a deap breath and try to assess the situation I am in, then pump up on chems. But this way you would not be able to do that. Feels a bit scary to try this 
Btw, one of my most epic moments was when I was exploring a sort of flooded factory, it is one of the rare buildings of being part of the main map so there is no loading to go into this complex (even though it is not very big), either way there was some small critters like bloatflies and roaches etc hanging around, nothing dangerous, so I went in and explored it fully, then on my way out, just when I step out of the opening suddenly two bigass Mirlurk variants (not sure what they where called, warriors, kings or something, but I had not seen them before and they looked really mean!) pop out of the ground, I jump into Vats to see their lvl, they are both lvl 22 with a big red skull indicating they are way above my level (I was at about lvl 5). I panic and run back into the building as far as I can, and they continue after on the catwalk down. It is not very big though and I am at a dead end, I quickly run back and place one of my lunchbox mines by the opening. Run back to the dead end that is a small room with some windows, I can see that both these disgusting creatures are now standing on the catwalk looking down on me, I have some luck with their AI here being a bit confused so I unload everything I have in one of them, when his health is around 50% he suddenly starts to get a move on and crawls down the walkway toward me, he goes over my mine that takes him to about 1/4 health, then he is almost on me and I inject everything I have, physchojet, buttmentas and the rest, I manage to take him down while in slowmotion. After he is dead I quickly run out and replace the blown mine with my last lunchbox mine and repeat the procedure with the other creature. Man it was a real terrifying fight, and I was just lucky that they got a bit stuck or I would have been eaten in two bites