Dead is Dead (Perma-death)

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:01 am

For those of you who want the ultimate Fallout challenge, see how far you can take your character in a dead-is-dead playthrough. If you're unaware what this is, be warned, it's not for the faint of heart. A dead-is-dead (DID) or a perma-death playthrough is when you create a character and when he or she dies, that's it. No reloads. Period. The only exception could be some inexplicably strange glitch that caused your character to die. For example, falling through the floor of an elevator when your character just clips through the ground.

Please feel free to give a general background of your character here and post updates about his or her adventures. However, if you are posting anything outside of what could be general knowledge about the game, please use the spoiler tag. When and if you character dies list the following and they will be added to the Fallout 4 "Obituary." For each user I'll post your character's under your username in order with the highest level character listed at the top. If you want to post updates we can list them under your name as well.

Player character's name (if you want to add a pic that would be a nice addition as well)

Birth date (if you made one up) and date of death

List any self-imposed rules that you played with

List any mods that you used

List your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats at the time of death.

Level reached

Cause of death

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:26 am


Nathaniel Grant (Level 15)

Born: July 18, 2044

Died: November 14, 2277

Played on survival difficulty with a mod that set both NPC and PC damage to normal.


3 5 6 4 5 5 3

While attempting to help some nearby settlers Nathaniel Grant was overrun by a horde of gouls and perished alongside his friend and companion, Piper Wright. He nearly fought his way out of the goul-infested building, killing many of the foul creatures. However, a legendary reaver goul proved to be too much for him, as he was mortally wounded.


Alexander Vlatko (Level 11)
Born: October 13, 2046

Died: November 1, 2277


2 4 5 5 6 5 5

Mr. Vlatko was killed alongside his friend, Piper, while attempting to clear out a band of Raiders for a group of farmers. He fought valiantly but a Raider's well-placed molotov cocktail spelled doom for Vault 111's last remaining survivor.

He wandered the wasteland on the hardcoe setting (with a mod that re-set damage back to normal). He used self-imposed carrying restrictions.


Natasha Romanov (Level 8)
Born: December 31, 2048
Died: November 5, 2077

1 2 2 10 5 3 5

Natasha met her match against a Fat Man wielding raider in power armor. Had she decided to make an attempt with her .44 Magnum as opposed to her .10 mm, she might still be wandering the wasteland.


Jonathan Hawke (Level 7)
Born: July 24, 2050
Died: October 27, 2277

3 5 5 5 4 2 4

After planting a bottle cap mine near him in order to allow for a quick escape if need be from raiders at the Corvega Plant. A raider's grenade set off his bottle cap mine, killing him in the process.


Daniel III (Level 15)

Eaten by two bloatflies


Outcast III (Level 11)

Was killed by a raider's dog.


Daniel (Level 9)

Killed by a lunchbox mine


Rodger (Level 9)

Killed by his own mine blowing up


Outcast II (Level 7)

Killed by a lunchbox mine


Bruno (Level 7)

Killed by a Level 14 Radscorpion


Outcast (Level 6)

Fried by a Securitron robot


Daniel II (Level 2)

Fell to his death while being hunted by robots



Kate (Level 21)

Wandered the wasteland on hard difficulty setting with a gameplay overhaul mod. She used self-imposed carrying restrictions and limited fast travel.

2 3 9 3 6 3 2

Sadly Kate was killed today by a legendary raider sporting an explosive automatic handgun (and all of her friends). She was investigating a non-descript tower only minutes after signing on with the brotherhood, and opting *not* to use her newly acquired brotherhood power armor for a simple recon field trip. Shot to death in a small kitchen she finally died with a smile on her face, high as a kite and drugged out of her mind.

Ben Castle (Level 18)

Played on survival difficulty with a mod that set player damage back to normal.


4 4 9 1 7 2 1

Ben Castle, an ex-military commando officer, died today in an extremely sudden moment. Walking through Boston Commons, "notorious for not letting anyone come out alive," as Cait said, he ignored her all too appropriate warning. Even though he was in his newly upgraded power armor, a mix of parts from T-45's and T-51's that he'd been able to scrounge together, a legendary super mutant with a plasma-infused hardened sniper rifle shot him to death in the blink of an eye. Being an [censored], he will not be missed, except maybe by Cait, who will no longer have anyone to fuel her drug-abuse and violence addiction.


Ken Forrester (Level 8)

Mr. Forrester wandered the wasteland using an Arbitration (mod) gameplay overhaul. His player damage was set to normal as well.


4 4 9 1 7 2 1

Ken died as a result of a Raider Scum's impeccable aim with a grenade.

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Heather Kush
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:34 am

For a challenge, there ought to be a dead-is-dead difficulty level verifiable by steam that people could play and record their scores on a community board.

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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:13 pm

That would be great. But for now we just have to go on the honor system. When my character dies... that's it.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:34 am

Hah Hah Hah haaaaahhhhh....yeah, you guys do you.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:36 am

As I play Fallout 4, the first thing I think is "No way in hell can I play this game DiD".

Even if I know there's a missile launching lunatic, that's never going to protect me from the blast radius, which now magically penetrates walls. :angry:

I have no idea how to protect myself from that attack, save go to Sanctuary and never leave it again.

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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:47 pm

I was thinking DiD was not going to be an option in FO 4 just because of all the mini nukes. Walking east from Sanctuary I ran into a raider in power armour with a fat man at about level 6. I killed him eventually but had to reload 5 times.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:08 pm

if I ever do this, I'll go with 10 points on perception and agility right from the beginning, ultra sneak, and suppressed sniper rifle and pistols.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:07 pm

Yeah, I've had too many insta-deaths I could do nothing about.

Exit building right next to a suicider, Vertibird crashing on head, etc.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:21 pm

Have 3 suiciders run round around the corner of a building straight at you :)

I tend to be a bit of an ambulance chaser with Vertibirds. Yes they try to crash on my head but they drop dead BoS all over the place with excellent equipment. I now have a complete set of T60 PA armour panels thanks to the Gunner HQ shooting down 3 of them.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:40 pm

You could do this but the amount of time it would take would be absolutely ridiculous. What I want to see is perma death for our settlers to more round out the settlement builder or even total settlement losses if they get to beat up. Also WTH happened to the sleep, drink, eat thing? Thought that was pretty popular for all hard core players. But I will give it a try so look for my posts coming up.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:35 pm

DiD could be a fun challenge though, just to see how far one could get.. how easily you die forever. xD

Assume the one who makes it through the main story in one piece is the real sole survivor :P

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Rach B
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:29 pm

This could be fun. So I've been playing the game as permadeath on survival difficulty since about 3 days after I got it, things have been rough to say the least. I don't have any interesting back story like you, but here are the highlights of my adventures so far with some estimations on timing and levels.

1. First death, 3 hours in, level 7, molerat with 2 land mines strapped to it's back at satellite close to Sanctuary, death was instant and hilarious.

2. 2nd character, 6 hours in, I messed with a certain unique raider east of ten pines, according to VATS a headshot would kill him.... VATS lied, he tossed me a nuke and I earned the "Touchdown" award.

3. Same as #2, this time I was perfectly hidden, but my companion was not, Dogmeat ate a nuke 3 feet away from me. Lesson learned: don't eff with that guy.

4. 6-7 hours in, level 8-10, similar circumstances, I was being stealthy at Corvegga, Codsworth was being shiny and useless, 2-3 fragmentation grenades landed on me while I was still "Hidden". This one angered me. Lesson learned: companions are a liability, time to go it alone.

5. 3-4 hours in, ran over a fragmentation mine on the stairs at starlight. At this point I realized it would be nearly impossible for me to finish the game on permadeath on a blind-ish play through without using power armor a lot. Things started going MUCH better after this one.

6. 20ish hours in, I had absolutely dominated everything in my path on this play through, running around with my power armor on 99.9% of the time. A lone wanderer, walking tank-badass. I had just finished demolishing the raiders in Corvegga without breaking a sweat and I decided it was time to follow this distress signal from Cambridge. As I was strolling south I saw 3 adorable 2-headed cows grazing and just then an angry scorpion popped out of the ground and laid into them like he was at an all you can eat cow buffet. VATS informed me this bug was a Legendary, but pshh, I was invincible in my cage of steel, time to do some exterminating.... Learned a real fun lesson on this one: The scorpion teleported to me, I thought "oh thanks, saved me from having to run your crunchy butt down, I wonder what scorpion kabobs taste like". Despite my confidence/cockiness I wasn't going to take any chances (or so I thought) with a Legendary so I popped my pip boy ,equipped my minigun, and mainlined some Pscho and Jet. As I closed my inventory and the world went slowmo I thought " shredding time bi***". I laid into this puny bug with a fury, but it's health was going down slower than the death claw. By the time the scorpion died I was under 30% health and before I could breathe a sigh of relief I learned another hard lesson: Scorpion poison doesn't give a crap about your fancy tank armor. I got to watch in slow motion as my health drained away faster than my stimpack could counter :(.

Oh I also realized at this point that it you spec in rifle and sneak attack you shouldn't carry an automatic minigun around as your fallback plan for emergencies.

After that I did a bit of research on poison and which bugs to avoid. Doing even better on my 7th try. Probably close to 30 hours in, but I'm being cautious about wandering too far south or east
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:49 pm

Man that's too much like work and not much like fun if you ask me. If you complete the main quest without dying its not like you'll get 500 gamer points or something. There doesn't seem to be an incentive for that. And OP you have way too much time on your hands coming up with elaborate stories about your digital character. Not meant as an offense just my opinion:)
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:28 pm

Dead is dead, but at 4 am, bed is bed. (sorry, couldn't resist the stupid pun.)

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:47 pm

It's about self satisfaction of an accomplishment and/or getting some kind of replay value out of the game. Honestly it's a different way to enjoy the game. Hell back when Crysis was out and big I did a SCAR/pistol only play through on Delta difficulty. I didn't have too, but I wanted to see if it could be done. Well it can be done, with the few exceptions of using explosives for objectives to progress, you definitely use the suit more than a normal playthrough. It was a different way to experience the game.

Role Playing Game... Yeah this game doesn't have much of it, but that shouldn't stop those of us that like to role play and escape our own life for a bit to live another life.

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:10 am

So for DiD challenges the commonly agreed upon difficulty is... normal? Please?

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:09 pm

Again... only for the hardest of hardcoe. And check the Elder Scrolls forums. Backstories like this are quite common with those of us who enjoy role playing.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:20 pm

I always play normal on dead-is-dead. But I implement many rules that I refuse to break.

1. No stimpacks while in either [ Caution ] or [ Danger ]. However, I have altered this since I downloaded a mod to give stimpacks healing over time rather than instantaneous healing while still maintaining the normal damage ratio for me and enemies.

2. No using stimpacks if I have a crippled limb. I must find a doctor.

3. Never, ever fast travel. Ever.

4. Only allowed to carry three guns at a time. One handgun, one rifle, and one automatic (or a secondary handgun).

Also when the following mods come out I'll be using them...

Ammo has weight

Required to eat, drink, and sleep

Killable companions

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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:33 pm

I think I'll actually give this a go when I come home from work. Will be a nice change of pace from my close-to-immortal power armor, gatling gun wielding, one-man-army :)

Thinking of going with S:3 A:3 E:10 C:3 I:5 A:3 L:1, getting Int -> 9 asap. No VATS because that feels really out-of-character for me.

I wonder if it's possible to play the game enjoyably without picking up tons of stuff. I always feel it's extremely immersion-breaking that I carry enough loot to fill a train, but the game mechanics ARE built around it. Maybe restrict carrying things to only be able to take 3-4 weapons, 2 changes of clothes and 20 items or such? And of course NOT return to pick up stuff you left behind. I'm not sure it would be enjoyable/playable at all, seeing how much stuff I need to upgrade my weapons and armor, but it's one of the most immersive-breaking things for me. Thoughts?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:12 pm

this thread has the official support of the chameleon deathclaw and assaultron dominators cartel

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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:01 pm

My character just got mininuke in to the face yesterday from raider I did not notice as I was sniping his buddy. Death svcks in DiD :(

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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:05 pm

You can do any difficulty which suits your taste. But normal is difficult enough in DiD.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:51 am

You would be struggling against the game which is build on ability to carry lot of stuff around in my opinion. You can take it as an abstraction of something more realistic, like having sled to put your stuff and pull it around (just example). Remember, goal of DiD is to have more fun, not to get frustrated. So as long as you can enjoy something, do it.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:46 am

Then why not just mod carryweight to infinity and abstract that I mark the area for sweep and retrieve for my scavengers? Oh GOD I hope it's possible for someone to make that mod in the future! Finally something to use the flare gun for!

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