Dead Dragon Glitch.......still?

Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:40 pm

ok so i went to Riverwood (i fast traveled) and a blood dragon appeared and i was thinking "ohh [censored] i don't want any NPC's to die cause i love this town i want it to be populated" so i tried to kill it as fast as possible but even then...of course Sven and Alvor died ;( .. so i went back and reloaded the save just before i fast traveled and instead of going to Riverwood i figured i would just go to Falkreath to do what i had to do (sell stuff) so i did my thing and i figured "well i go back to Riverwood now" (hoping the dragon would have despawnd by now) and i walked there instead of fast traveling and as i got there battle music started playing and i knew it was the damn dragon but he was nowhere to be so i look up and sure enough there he was just frozen in mid air in that stupid animation glitch ive seen soo many times in the beginning when Skyrim first came out but i haven't seen it in so long now that it was almost funny and cool to look at for awhile but i figured i will just reload an auto save around the guardian stones so i did and went back to Riverwood and sure enough again hes frozen in mid air! i was annoyed and just decided to kill him with my bow and when i did he gave no soul (not surprised) so i decided to reset the area by going into another cell and when i got back outside..yay!! he died and fell out of the sky and i got the soul everything's fine now right?? WRONG!....i eventually went to Whiterun and as i got into the city he apparead as his full form (soul intact) but dead....just sitting there in the middle of everything..everyone walking through him like nothings there.. ugh :( soo i tried everything to get rid of him reloaded saves,game cache, system cache the whole nine...nothing works! but gets after 20 more hours of gameplay he has decided to duplicate himself! now there's 2 dead dragons fully intact floating around whiterun and every city i enter!... :( :( sooo basically my question..has anyone else had this issue? and is there some kind of fix or special way around it that im missing? or should i just make a new character cause im only level 24 now. :confused:

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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:46 am

never had that happen to me sorry

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:16 am

Why would you make a new character - you have only one save ????

(please can you write with free lines between your comments, for better reading ??? - thanks !!!)

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Saul C
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