Dead Money is SO AWFUL. Total Chore Factory with NO FUN.

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:56 am

I thought dead money would be pretty cool. An old casino? Sweet, ill walk in, meet people, find some quests to do, maybe play some games and win some caps. Sounds pretty fun....NOPE. There is actually ZERO fun to be had. Dead Money is a total chore factory.

Start off with NONE of your equipment....then you're told you're in some collar that will make you explode if you go in certain gets worse too! You cant even access the casino right away. You're put in some stupid ass maze of a "villa" and told you have to find 3 other people before you can even get in to the casino. Every spot in the place looks the same, its incredibly boring and tedious. All the while you're trying to avoid getting blown up by that stupid collar and getting killed by some lame poisonous cloud. Oh did i mention the stupid ass "ghost" people? Yeah, well, you cant kill them unless you chop them up, so if you're a guns or energy weapons person, have fun! They are just a waste of supplies. I found myself just trying to avoid them rather than waste time and supplies fighting. After you deal with all this crap and find your 3 people, you finally get into the casino.....but wait, the casino is almost completely locked down, except for the lobby and like 2 rooms. Did i forget to mention there is also no power in the place? Yeah, totally shut down, no ones even there, except dumb ass HOLOGRAM GUARDS THAT ARE UNTOUCHABLE BUT SOMEHOW THEY CAN SHOOT [censored] LASERS OUT OF THEIR HEAD AND KILL YOU ALMOST INSTANTLY. At this point i just said "Wow, totally not worth my time" so i reloaded and let go of any motivation to complete that DLC. I missed out on the B.A.R. (which is the only thing that makes Dead Money even worth exploring) , but whatever, ive got better guns anyway. If you're thinking of playing this DLC, DONT. If you've got the ultimate edition like me maybe you could check it out, but you'll probably regret it. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS DLC. Its simply just NOT FUN. The extra 5 levels are cool, because you get 2 or 3 perks from that, but that is the ONLY reason to have it. Thank god the level cap raises without you actually having to endure exploration and completion this piece of [censored] addon.

Oh yeah and if you do even complete it, you cant go back ever. Totally pointless.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:18 am

Cool story bro.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:15 am

How original
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:50 am

The bomb collar is simple to those who don't run into situation like they're playing a FPS, the poisonous gas is easy to deal with if you can quickly assess your surroundings and get out fast, ghost people are no problem no matter what weapon you're using, the Villa is SUPPOSE to look the same (have you ever been to a hotel? Yeah, it looks the same everywhere), the Holograms are also easy to handle if you've ever even tried stealth (they're invincible but can be shut down if you didn't know), the BAR isn't great (I prefer the Police Pistol) and the motivation to complete the DLC is to get those 37 gold bars, and the point of the DLC is for it to have horror elements and incredible writing.

You didn't like it then great but don't tell people who could like it (like me) to not buy something you didn't like.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:26 pm

Please, stop stating your opinion like it is fact and don't dare try to defend yourself when the people who loved the DLC (Me included) descend upon you, you shall receive no mercy.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:36 am

blah blah blah

Nope, you're wrong :biggrin:
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:43 am

Im sure there are plenty of others who hate it, as well as people who love it
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rebecca moody
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:23 pm

Im sure there are plenty of others who hate it, as well as people who love it

Then don't state your opinion as fact.

I love it, you hate it, who cares.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:51 am

Sorry, but the word "fact" doesnt even appear one time in my post. Its pretty obvious that they are my opinions, anyone should be able to tell that.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:14 pm

Im sure there are plenty of others who hate it, as well as people who love it

Yep - I'm in the I loved it category, BTW. It's still my favorite New Vegas DLC.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:33 am

How original

So was your pointless rant. Seriously, why waste the energy to post something so pointless? It can be summarized with a simple "I HATE DED MONIES RAGE RAGE RAGE!!!!1" I don't understand.

Edit: Didn't you at least appreciate or even notice the brilliantly written dialogue and fascinating characters? Those were Dead Money's main strengths imo.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:59 pm

Now retry.. instead of Rage quiting try to anolyze what went wrong.
You already know what happened and without spoiling anything halfway towards the end.
A lot of pointers have been given already..

Avoiding Ghostpeople can be helpful, but a gun orientated character should be able to defeat them
Holograms can be disabled or avoided. (stealth, science repair or destroying the emitters)
The reward is IMHO not the gold bars but the dispenser codes. Once you finish and if either picking up a perk or doing well in the casino one will likely never be without important supplies...

That and missing out on great personal stories, backstories and missing an arc in a story across 4 DLC's

Here I go writing, what I feel is balanced reply.... and you post this garbage..

lol, hate all you want you trolls. Dont like it, dont read it. Pretty simple.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:44 am

lol, hate all you want you trolls. Dont like it, dont read it. Pretty simple.


Edit: Didn't you at least appreciate or even notice the brilliantly written dialogue and fascinating characters? Those were Dead Money's main strengths imo.

Do you have an answer to this? Maybe if you focused on this, you would like the DLC more. :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:49 am

i didnt "rage quit" . im sure i could complete it if i was willing to invest the time, but if im investing time into a game i like to be doing things i consider to be fun. Nothing about dead money was fun to me.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:17 pm

Sorry, but the word "fact" doesnt even appear one time in my post. Its pretty obvious that they are my opinions, anyone should be able to tell that.

You said, and I quote:
If you're thinking of playing this DLC, DONT. If you've got the ultimate edition like me maybe you could check it out, but you'll probably regret it. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS DLC. Its simply just NOT FUN.

That is stating things as facts if you didn't know.

lol, hate all you want you trolls. Dont like it, dont read it. Pretty simple.

Calling people trolls is against the rules and we're not trolling, we're explaining to you what an opinion is.

i didnt "rage quit" . im sure i could complete it if i was willing to invest the time, but if im investing time into a game i like to be doing things i consider to be fun. Nothing about dead money was fun to me.

Honestly with how much you hated everything I doubt you could get through the very difficult end game.

I loved and mastered every new gameplay aspect and it was still a challenge.

EDIT: I'm a master now? YES FINALLY!
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:01 pm

If by end game you mean hoover dam I have beaten it 2 different ways, it was awesome. I dont hate things that are hard, i hate things that are boring.
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meg knight
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:09 am

If by end game you mean hoover dam I have beaten it 2 different ways, it was awesome. I dont hate things that are hard, i hate things that are boring.

No by end game I mean heading into and out of the Vault in Dead Money.
Why would I say Hoover Dam?
Hoover Dam is nothing compared to the DLC finales.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:34 am

Id say hoover dam was more climactic than the other 3 dlcs
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:00 am

Also i feel that money is kind of pointless since ive got all the best stuff, so i dont see that as a reason to finish that piece of trash dlc.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:22 am

11. At this point i just said "Wow, totally not worth my time" so i reloaded and let go of any motivation to complete that DLC. I missed out on the B.A.R. (which is the only thing that makes Dead Money even worth exploring) , but whatever, ive got better guns anyway.
12. If you're thinking of playing this DLC, DONT. If you've got the ultimate edition like me maybe you could check it out, but you'll probably regret it. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS DLC. Its simply just NOT FUN.
13. The extra 5 levels are cool, because you get 2 or 3 perks from that, but that is the ONLY reason to have it.
14. Oh yeah and if you do even complete it, you cant go back ever. Totally pointless.
1. That's because it's a survival DLC, what point would there be if you kept your equipment?
2. Go near radio signals, not places, radio signals.
3. That is because it's the climix of the DLC, that's where it's all leading to, it's the big prize, what prize would there be if we could enter it right away? We can't enter the Strip right away.
4. Not really that much of a maze, I could free roam pretty much as I pleased.
5. So does Zion and Big Empty though.
6. Well it seems like the poisonous cloud did it's job, otherwise you wouldn't be so /rage about it. :laugh:
7. What makes them stupid?
8. I did just fine with Energy Weapons, both times I went into the DLC.
9. Uh... Yeah... The gas released from the experiment which killed just about everything, not to mention the gas and the rouge security holograms, and also the building detoriorating over time, why wouldn't it be locked down and empty of life?
10. There are actually these things that look like home fire-alarms which can be hacked or shot, and why so mad about them being dangerous? Would you prefer facing off radroaches or something?
11. Ah, right, you're missing out though.
12. Don't persuade people into not buying a DLC just cause you can't learn it's new gameplay mechanics and refuse to alter the way you play the game. If you had such a horrible time in the DLC it's because you didn't adapt to it. It doesn't mean the DLC is bad, it means you can't adapt. Doesn't mean others can't adapt.
13. Actually the storyline, the survival atmosphere, the dispensor that unlocks back at the Abandoned BOS Bunker, it's unique weapons, especially the Holorifle, and other things make it worth getting too.
14. That's because it's about letting go, that is the message of the DLC, which you never got as you didn't finish it.

There, is that a good enough answer or am I also a troll?

Also i feel that money is kind of pointless since ive got all the best stuff, so i dont see that as a reason to finish that piece of trash dlc.
So the only reason you do the DLC's is for items?
Not for the storylines, atmosphere, characters and roleplaying moments?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:43 am

Id say hoover dam was more climactic than the other 3 dlcs


Just kidding. Getting points across that way doesn't get you any sympathy. Just makes you look like a five year old who mistakenly convinced their parents to buy them the game.

I think Lonesome Road and Dead Money were much more climactic than Hoover Dam by far.
Also i feel that money is kind of pointless since ive got all the best stuff, so i dont see that as a reason to finish that piece of trash dlc.

Hehehehe. That statement sounds like almost the exact same thing console-command-users spew onto this forum.

Best stuff? I think the BAR is the best fully-automatic weapon (if you get used to the iron-sight), not to mention, the countless amounts of money in the vault, which (using glitches you can get out with all 37, so you could technically walk out with more than 100k caps I believe), the dispenser formulas, the Holorifle (if you are an energy-weapon user), the bear trap fist is fun to play with, there's great exploration, great story, great backstory, it's the first Fallout DLC that really challenged me the first time I played it, my god this list could go on forever but I'll stop now.

There are people who dislike it and intelligently explain why, and I can respect that.

You are not one of those people.

Stop acting like a child, and try understand why people like the DLC.

Oh, and you don't have to say "fact" to state your opinion as fact.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:57 pm

I enjoy a good story and dialogue just as much as the next guy, but like i said, DM was just too tedious and boring for me.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:54 pm

I enjoy a good story and dialogue just as much as the next guy, but like i said, DM was just too tedious and boring for me.

I feel that way about Honest Hearts, but I don't try to talk the forums out of buying it.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:52 pm

For the "you cant adapt" thing....i can adapt, and i do. However in this case, i CHOSE NOT TO, BECAUSE I WAS BORED TO DEATH. Pretty simple really.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:58 pm

Yes, it is pretty simple isn't it.
You chose to be bored and frustrated.
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