Dead Money broke the game. Halp.

Post » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:14 pm

So, here's what happened:

I played through Dead Money (and hated it, I should add) on my laptop (I had to). Later, I got my gaming desktop back and really didn't want to go through all that crap again, so... I cheated. I'm not proud of it. I used TCL (toggle collision) and TGM (toggle god mode) for most of the DLC. During that time, my bomb collar went off, which didn't really matter at the time as I had god mode on anyway. After that, the collar never beeped or anything at all.

So I get to the vault, and start grabbing gold bars. Then I access the terminal and Elijah appears. We have a chat, and he says he's coming down to the vault. I kill him.

Obviously, now I've got to get out of the vault and back to Vera Keyes' room. The objective is pointing to the elevator I used to get down to the vault in the first place. So I take the elevator back, and right before I do, I hear Christine say something about keycards, but I didn't catch much of it. When I get back to Vera's room, Christine is back where she was before (when I tried to talk to her, she said her whole "I wish you luck" line like she did before) and the objective marker is pointing to the elevator I just came out of. So I go back through it. Then it's wanting me to go back to Vera's room again. It's like the objective is the elevator, not what's through it.

Since I'm obviously stuck, I use COC to teleport myself back to the Abandoned BOS bunker. All of my crap is in the equipment locker, and I think I'm good. I didn't want to finish that DLC anyway, it svcked.

But then I realize that I'm not good. When I go to the radio section of my Pip-Boy, the only stations are the Mysterious broadcast from OWB, the Sierra Madre broadcast, Black Mountain Radio (which is out of range), and the three collar stations that show up when you start Dead Money. I was really mad, obviously, because I liked Mojave Music radio and Radio New Vegas. I didn't want to listen to the Mysterious Broadcast for the rest of my save.

I get back to the Lucky 38 and drop off all of the stuff I got (including the gold bars) and finally turn off god mode. That's when I notice my second problem: I'm losing health rapidly. I think it started in the Tapico theater with Dean Domino. I let my collar go off (since i was invincible) while I was going through the backstage area. The rapid health loss (several bars of health every second) is most likely a result of my collar going off, and how I was supposed to be dead. Also, I've still got the collar on; it's still in my inventory and won't come off.

Thanks for reading this far. I know it's a long post. I'll sum it up here:

The problems:
  • Radio New Vegas and Mojave Music Radio are missing from pipboy.
  • Bomb collar still on neck.
  • Rapidly losing health.
  • Dead Money remains unfinished (not really a problem since I don't want to do it anyway).
So basically, I need to know how to remove the collar (console commands most likely), reset my condition or something so I'm not losing health, and make the radio stations come back (also possibly a console command).

And don't say to reload an earlier save - I saved right before starting the DLC, but accidentally deleted it when I realized the game was broken (OCD about right clicking, don't ask).

Can someone help, and quickly if possible? I was level 21 and had already finished Honest Hearts, gotten about 50-75% through Lonesome Road, and had gotten to the Lucky 38 already. I really don't want to start over.
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Harry-James Payne
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