I am going to start over and do a few things differently this time around but keep the general character build the same...sniper build so don't really need suggestions on that department. I want to do the DLC's in order or release but I want to do them early. Bored of the Mojave. The only one I have ever played was Honest Hearts and considered that one to be pretty easy to beat at around level 12. I have played a little bit of Old World Blues and that's it, it's pretty tough and I only messed around with it for a few hours. I own all four DLC's. Anyways as for the question, I am wanting to get into Dead Money pretty early. I was thinking around level 10 or so.
What are your thoughts on doing dead money at that low of a level? My skills I focus on are repair and guns. I than try and boost speech, sneak, barter, science, lock pick and explosives. From the start of the game I will make a mad dash to New Vegas, get all my implants, and than go skill book searching and pick up almost all of them in the Mojave, doing that brings me to around level 10-12. My skills should be pretty decent at this point. Equipment doesn't matter since I can't bring it with me into this DLC. Do I lose everything, even headgear?
Anyways tips and hints would be great. Thanks!