So I'm in Sierra Madre and I'm in The Tampico theatre trying to hunt down Dean. As I go to the right of the theatre, pass those hologram security guards, and go back stage it stated I was being poisoned by the fog. A bit annoying, as I thought we were past that, but I moved out of the way and it stopped. So I quick saved it as these frequency exploding radios are a huge pain in the butt and I tend to die as I explore for them. I did die but when I reloaded my quick save my health continues to drop. Now, I am playing on hardcoe mode and I do have the implant that regenerates from the New Vegas Medical Center, which does seem to slightly off set the drop. But come on! I take Super Stimpacks and its still dropping way faster than it was in the Villa.
Anyone know anything about this? This is truly miserable. :sadvaultboy:
I'm going to try to make it out of the Theatre to see if that'll stop the issue, but man those holograms hurt!