First, a thanks to the mods for moving this into the right forum, big dumb moment on my part, sorry for the extra work.

In reply to Gingy, it's not that I'm really having a difficult time with the speakers, actually, to be honest, I really enjoy the mechanic. It's just one speaker in particular, as described in my initial post, that's giving me a headache. I've searched the area completely (well, obviously not 'completely' if the speaker is still around lol) and I can not find hide nor hair of it and it's annoying me more than anything else. As an OCD completionist, it's really bugging me.
As per my description, if someone could tell me where it is, that would be great, but if they really want to avoid spoilers, which I don't really care about, and only tell me 'don't worry, you're just not at it yet,' that would also suffice I suppose.
To update my post, I just ventilated the cloud from the area, so now I don't have that to contend with, but I still can not find this damn radio....It would have been nice if Obsidian put in some sort of detector so I at least know if it's above, below, behind a wall, something to give me a clue as to where this damn thing is, the beeping is just not enough here.
EDIT: Some more info. If I'm standing on the roof with the 743.00Hz ULF and look NE, I see a statue on the 2nd Floor. To the right is a hole in the wall on the second level that is accessed by walking off this roof onto an awning and walking over and to the left on the ground level is the hologram vendor. Between these two locations the beeping happens. If I just enter the store, the beeping stops and if I go to the back of the room on the second floor, the beeping stops, but can I find the stupid radio/speakers ? Nooooooooo of course not ! lol