I have to sit and scratch my head at people who say Dead Money was hard. It wasn't hard. It was tedious and boring. Bomb collars? More a nuisance than a challenge. The gas? The same thing. And the same with the holograms.
You can say the same thing about traps and creatures, though. All of them are obstacles that just have to be clicked on or shot. The difference, of course, is that the bomb collars are instant death rather than portional damage like other Fallout challenges. Which makes Dead Money much harder than the other Fallout 3 and new Vegas DLC's.
I hated Dead Money, but not for any of the reasons you stated. I think you're being a little unfair to those who didn't like it. Not all the criticisms of it are based on difficulty or the impossibility of leaving with all the gold ...
I didn't mean to imply that those were the only objections. I didn't mention the bugs or repetitive combat, for example, because they are a legitimate criticism. But almost every review I read mentioned the fact that you can't go back, can't bring your guns, meds and ammo into the DLC, etc. as a failing.
People keep saying that and I so disagree.
Which Fallout 3 or New Vegas DLC do you think is tougher than Dead Money? I think I died twice in all of the Fallout 3 DLC's combined (even the Super Mutant Overlords were easy to kill once you learned to shoot their tri-beams out of their hands), but on hardcoe mode I probably died at least twelve times in Dead Money. In fact it's probably more like twenty.