i don't know what someone like you wants from someone like me. It was great work, and well-written, but i did not enjoy it. It's like you're going to hammer on it until i pretend i liked it, or i pretend your counter-points apply to me as a player in any way. And neither one is going to happen. :shrug:
I'm not asking people to like it.
I'm saying people are clearly being drama queens if I died only once on my very first playthrough of Dead Money, and not even to a speaker (to a hologram with a lucky headshot). Hard? Sure whatever. VERY hard? Uhhh, sure, kinda pressing it though. Trial-and-error? My ass.
So many Let's play vids on youtube of idiots who walk forward, hear beeping, spin about for three seconds, then continue forward, then they complain that Dead Money is the hardest game ever.