There probably was a topic, long time ago. But no, sadly, the sierra madre will forever remain locked once the dlc is complete...on the other hand if your on the pc...there are ways of breaking back in...
I suppose not even an appeal from the players would help Obsidian change its mind? Oh well... I guess I'll have to start a new game again, simply because I missed a single unique piece of equipment.
Im not going to bash the developers for the "non replay ability", its their game, its their choice, but no, an appeal would be about as successful as sarah palins attempet to gain friends
I'm just wondering why it permanently closes in the first place. Is there something about the add-on that would tilt the game too much in the player's favor if a second visit was made?
I'm not bashing the dev's, either... I'm just disappointed that the area, albeit small, is locked permanently after the main quest chain is completed.
Why Frodo get the ring instead of Sam? Tolkien wanted it that way. Same goes here... The creators' choice. As mention before tho, it IS possible to get back in if you've got a PC... ^^
I suppose this is a good spot to ask this question;
Does the dialogue change at all in Dead Money after going through Old World Blues? I would hope you could bring up Big MT, but maybe that's too much to ask.
I suppose this is a good spot to ask this question;
Does the dialogue change at all in Dead Money after going through Old World Blues? I would hope you could bring up Big MT, but maybe that's too much to ask.
The DLCs are independent and do not change nor alter one another in any way, shape, or form.
What's so hard about unique dialogue? There was unique Dialogue with Elijah if you were Vilified by the NCR and exhausted dialogue with Veronica. We got Vanilla to DLC dialogue, and then we got DLC to vanilla dialogue(Elijah's Last Words/Ramblings)