There seems to be a large amount of criticism directed at those people who were annoyed at some of the game play features. The implications seems to be that we are not patient or that we lack skill. I would argue the opposite. I just believe that I should be able to finish a game like Fallout with out dying. I want to be a real survivor!
As such I am immensely patient and cautious, but like I've said if you have finished DM without dying you are a better person than me. I want to, when I die, say to myself "oh, that was a poor decision on my part and I deserved that." Of course that is not realistic as people die through no fault of their own regularly, but this is a game at the end of the day. In the main game and all the other DLCs I feel like that if I die it is my fault, but not DM. In fact, on my current playthrough, I think that DM is the only place I have died. Having said that, I too loved the change of pace and really wasn't upset that I couldn't just stomp through the DLC. I loved been stripped of my kit and feeling like I was resource poor. However, as I mentioned earlier, learn by dying is poor game design and something that does not exist in the rest of NV. DM is a great idea that was poorly executed.