» Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:16 am
I have to admit, DM is the toughest DLC in the series and it's not just because of bullet sponges or "kill you in one hit" opponents (like in LR), you have to manage your inventory, ammo and healing items, worry about standard traps, the poison red cloud, radio speakers that can set off your bomb collar, security holograms and a potential race against clock at the end.
I've died in that DLC more times than I care to admit, but in the all my playthroughs I've probably only skipped this DLC once and in each subsequent play-though I've gotten better and better at not dying.
Haven't quite perfected it yet, but I can probably get a low level character, maybe level 5-10 to make it through to the end if I toned down the difficulty. In the beginning it's about having enough ammo to survive the ghosts. Still, even with my experience, I probably wouldn't go near this DLC with a "dead-is-dead" character unless I had the Implant GRX perk.
In retrospect, Bethsidian should have probably released this DLC as the 3rd installment instead of the first and market it as the "super challenging" FONV DLC.
As for the rewards and gear the main advantage is the Sierra Madre vending machine and the regular supply of SM chips that you can get in the bunker and of course the glitched Holorifle that does not need regular repair, or barely needs repair if you use Max Charge cells and hits about as hard as Gauss and does not eat as much ammo but has a small clip, is slow to reload and not nearly as accurate despite the unneeded scope.
The police pistol is easily outclassed by a fully modded .357 Magnum and of course Lucky.
The Automatic Rifle makes a good companion weapon for any of the .308 Sniper Rifles but the weight of the .308 ammo may make it prohibitive in HC mode to use as your primary automatic compared to the lighter .556 ammo for the LMG and the 5mm ammo for the Chaingun/Avenger. Plus, the .308 hand load ammo got nerfed so that it's not as godly as it used to be, but the weapon kits from SM vending machine can help offset the increased damage to CND of the hand loads.
The Reinforced SM Armor is the best Light armor in the game in terms of DT and with the Light Touch Perk light armor is basically THE choice for high critical build characters.
The Assassin Suit is probably the best Sneak Bonus armor in the game, easily edging out the Chinese Stealth Armor. The Recon Armor and the Stealth Suit Mk II suffer for the Medium Armor penalty.
The Melee weapons although not spectacular, deserve an honorable mention. The Knife Spear (and the Clean version) has a "Mauler" special attack that sends your opponents flying. The Super Heated Cosmic Knife has a huge critical multiplier so it almost always criticals, the only negatives are that it's unaffected by the cowboy and pyromaniac perks, which keep it from being godly but it's basically the "choice" standard (Sneak < 50) holdout weapon for Melee characters.