1.Bioware dosent make RPG's anymore, the DA2 demo was a JRPG with some cutscenes and boring conversations
It's a demo, dude. Of course it's going to be linear.
You'd make a much better case if you cited, say, Mass Effect 2 and the removal of inventory.
2.I find Biowares take on the whole "romances" fiasco to be REALLY stupid, give someone a gift and let them talk your ear of.
Haven't actually been in a real relationship, I take it?
3.it's fan base is the worst I have seen ever, and I mean EVER, they are the biggest bunch of svck-ups ever to crawl out of anything, they call any form of criticism a troll and would gladly pay for a romance DLC if Bioware made one.
I would gladly pay for a (Cass/Veronica) romance DLC if Obsidian made one. Wanting a well done romantic arc in a game is not some grievous sin.
I doubt they'd do something like that since romance isn't really one of Obsidian's signatures, unlike Bioware... But I'd pay for such a DLC.
I'm disappointed in Christine but otherwise everything I've played has been fun and interesting. I'm not quite in the Casino yet, still working on Christine's portion of the Gala.
Hahaha. Well, not to spoil anything, but just you wait before you make a final decision about Chistine.

I would've preferred Christine animated her emotes rather than just being told what she's doing.
This is a point, but I don't really think the engine would support that. At least, not without doing a whole lot of new and time consuming animations