Dead Thralling, Progression and Advice

Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:57 am

I'm in the planning stages of a Battle Mage PC (Bound Weapons, Ebonyflesh) and I'll be going the Necromancer route. This LDB is going to be based on Zurin Arctus and will be Tullius' Underking. My main goal is to Dead Thrall Ulfric and play the main quest so that together they become Ysmir Kingmaker.

All sounds pretty cool on paper, but I hate meta-gaming. I like planning stuff out and then rolling with the consequences afterward. Biggest problem for me being that Skyrim won't let the player Dead Thrall NPCs that are above level 40. There's also the fact that to get Conjuration up to 100 with out getting my PC to level 34 requires a fair bit of power gaming. And then there's the Conjuration ritual. I don't know in what order to do the questlines in without breaking immersion. Looks like thralling Ulfric is getting to be more of a hassle than it's worth.

Any suggestions on how to tackle my conundrum in as natural way as possible? I'm on the XBOX so mods and cc's are not an option.

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Gen Daley
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:18 am

Ajuda, por favor.

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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:20 am

OK, I'm not exactly an expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think this should work:

  • Do the College of Winterhold questline first. Bound Weapons should help you level Conjuration, and using Soul Trap on dead bodies levels it even faster.
  • Then do the whole Civil War questline. By that time, hopefully you should still be able to Dead Thrall Ulfric.
  • Then do the Main Quest.

Try not to do any other sidequests, and concentrate your perks in Conjuration. I'd actually use Bound Bow instead of Bound Sword, get a melee follower to be a meat shield and soak up some damage, and ignore Alteration until you've Dead Thralled Ulfric. Then you can go back and make up any things you've missed.

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Mr. Allen
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:24 am

Use a Bound Sword, and keep it active. Casting Soul Trap repeatedly on a Corpse raises Conjuration quickly.

A character has to be a Member of the College of Winterhold to gain access to Mastery Quests in Alteration and Conjuration- Once Saarthal has been explored, get back into the Civil War or begin the Conjuration Ritual (level 90 in Conjuration).

Ulfric does not become Thrallable until the Civil War is done.

Rush to Solitude and join the Legion, finish most of the Civil War.

Join the College when taking Winterhold for the Empire,

rejoin the Civil War and take Windhelm for Tullius.

Ulfric will stay as a Corpse in the Palace of Kings Forever, eagerly awaiting becoming a Thrall.

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Baby K(:
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:02 am

OK, I'm not exactly an expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think this should work:

  • Do the College of Winterhold questline first. Bound Weapons should help you level Conjuration, and using Soul Trap on dead bodies levels it even faster.
  • Then do the whole Civil War questline. By that time, hopefully you should still be able to Dead Thrall Ulfric.
  • Then do the Main Quest.

Try not to do any other sidequests, and concentrate your perks in Conjuration. I'd actually use Bound Bow instead of Bound Sword, get a melee follower to be a meat shield and soak up some damage, and ignore Alteration until you've Dead Thralled Ulfric. Then you can go back and make up any things you've missed.

Thanks, that's what I was thinking. So I'll have to play it very narrow. Right now I got Destruction an Conjuration in the 50's, Illusion in the 30's, and Alteration and Restoration at 20. Haven't joined Winterhold yet. Maybe I can still make it?

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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:41 am

So Ulfric will remain at level he died?? And Joining the College while doing the Civil War, I like it.

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Janine Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:38 am

What's your character's overall level?

It's true you don't have to do the entire CoW questline to get access to the Mastery level quests, but I was assuming you were just starting your character and doing that questline would have been a quick way to level up your Conjuration.

Since you're pretty far progressed in your character, yes, I'd join the CoW and go through Saarthal ASAP, then forget the rest of the questline and focus on raising your Conjuration ASAP. You have to be at 90 Conjuration to get the Ritual Spell quest.

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:23 pm

I'm at 13. Only quest I did was Infiltration to get the Detect Life spell. It was on the way to the College so I figured what the hell. Everything else were misc. junk around Falkreath. I might turn around and go to Solitude, but I'm still thinking CoW first.

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