I wonder why Dragatus didn't summon his Clannfear? Did you forget to give it to him? Of course, he didn't really need it to beat Kacj anyway, but it might come in handy next round.

Not many surprises so far. As for the fights among the reserve characters, Claude is disappointed that he doesn't get to kill any foul mages, but is nevertheless confident he can best the foul smelling Nord. I also expect Pox and Vrokar to win their battles. I was at first leaning toward predicting Friiga would win, but then I noticed Vrokar has the Storm Ring. Not a bad item for fighting a Storm Priestess!
And two comments about recording:
1. You might want to move the camera closer to the action. Right now for most fights I have to switch into full screen mode if I want to follow what is going on.
2. During the fights the game will play "explore" music. That's the music in the Oblivion/Data/Music/Explore folder. So you can control which music is played by controling which mp3s are in that folder. If you move the regular explore mp3 files from the explore fodler into a subfolder and put in some more actiony music instead, then the game will play that actiony music during the fights.