Deadliest Warrior Oblivion: New Season New Blood

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:42 am


A tourney begins! You may remember my previous modded Oblivion tournaments. While exciting, i'm no longer doing those. instead I'll be following in Dragatus' footsteps and hosting a tournament similar to his. Same rules. New blood. In case anyone is wondering, I copy/pasted this from Dragatus' previous tourneys threads OP XD


Some of you may be wondering what a Deadliest Warrior Tournament is all about. Basically the contestants tell me what their characters are like, I recreate the characters as an NPCs, they fight it out in the arena, and I record the fights and upload them to youtube. Here are links to the previous torunaments:


The rules section is rather long so I put it in spoiler tags. Click on the spoiler buton to show/hide the detailed rules. At the end there is the tl;dr version. Be warned that the rules have been significantly changed so you should read them even if you participated in the old tournaments.


1.1 Participation

The first 16 people who submit a valid character that fits the rules get to participate in the tournament. I am accepting submission until Friday the 11th.

1.2 Time of submission

If you edit the post in which you submited your character I will count the time of editing as the time you submited your character. This means that placeholder posts will do you no good and while you may edit your character as often as you like before the tournament starts you should be careful that your edit doesn't make you into the officially 17th person who subimted a character. It's best to get it right the first time. ;)

1.3 Multiple characters

You can submit multiple characters, but each one has to be submited in a separate post. Any characters beyond the first will only get to participate in the tournament if less than 16 people enter. Note that the first character is the one with the earlier time of submission. So if you submit two characters the one you edited last will be the second one.

1.4 The tournament

The torunament is composed of 4 rounds. In each round your character will fight a match against another character. Each match is composed of up to 3 individual fights. First one to win 2 fights wins the match and progresses to the next round. In the last match this number is increased and the first one to win 3 fights becomes Deadliest Warrior.

Characters will take the form of autocalculated NPCs under AI control and their level will depend on the round. During the first round they will be level 16, during the second round they will be level 21, during the third round they will be level 26, and in the last round they will be level 31.

Be warned that during the first round their skills will range from 40 to 62 (depending on specialization and racial bonus) and during the final round they will range from 55 to 85


2.1 You submit your character using the following form:

Favored attributes:
Major skils:
Item budget:
Total item value:
Upper body:
Alchemy items:
AI Combat Style:

2.2 Race, and bithsign
You can only use the 10 vanilla races and 13 vanilla birthsigns. Note that the races and birthsigns have been rebalanced and some have a very different effect than in unmodded Oblivion. You can find the full list of changes below in section 3.

2.3 Apperance

Specify desired hairstyle, hair color, eye color, and unusual skin color (if applicable). Vanilla options only.

2.4 Class

Fill out the information about your class.

2.5 Item budget

This is the gold you have available to buy all the equipment that your character will be using. The default budget is 5000 gold but certain skills and character choices can increase it.

2.6 Skill benefits

As part of the balance changes all skills except Athletics are now governed by Personality so skills have no effect on your character's attributes. In order to further balance the skills several of them give your character a special benefit if you have them as major skills.

- Acrobatics: 5% Reflect Damage (represents dodging and counter-attacking)
- Armorer: +1000 gold for your budget
- Blade: +5 Blunt, +5 Hand-to-hand
- Blunt: +5 Blade, +5 Hand-to-hand
- Hand-to-hand: +5 Blade, +5 Blunt
- Heavy Armor: +10 Light Armor
- Light Armor: +10 Heavy Armor
- Mercantile: +1000 gold for your budget
- Security: +1000 gold for your budget
- Sneak: +1000 gold for your budget
- Speechcraft: +1000 gold for your budget

2.7 Weapons

Specify which magic weapons your character is using (this includes staves).

You can buy a magic weapon with the gold from your item budget. You can choose these from and Limitation: the staff can't be worth more than 1000 gold.

If you buy a bow you will also get free Silver Arrows to go along with it.

2.8 Armor, clothing, and jewlery

Select your armor, magic clothing, and magic jewlery from among:

You can also get Blackwood company and Blades armor from Blades armor has no cost in the game, but for the purpose of this tournament it will have the same cost and stats as Iron armor.

Additionally you may pick one of the non-artifact, but the item must have a cost (you can't get free Shrouded armor or a free Black Hands robe).

Unenchanted clothing is free and you can pick anything from the vanilla game. All other worn equipment must be bought with the gold from your budget.

2.9 Alchemy items

If you have Alchemy as a major skill you can buy 200 gold worth of potions and poisons from

2.10 Spells

You can select one magic effect from each magic skill that is a major skill for your character. You must also specify whether the spell effect is on target, on target area, on touch, or on self. You will then be given the best possible that you can cast. As the tournament progresses and your characters level and skills increase weaker spells will get replaced by stronger ones.

Conjuration is a special case. The first tournament I hosted was completly dominated by conjurers so as part of the balance changes you can choose one of 13 available summons, but they all have the same stats (5 damage, 100 Health, 100% Weakness to Poison), they can be used only once per fight, and they last for 10 seconds.

The available summons are:
- Bear
- Flame Atronach
- Frost Atronach
- Storm Atronach
- Clannfear
- Daedroth
- Scamp
- Spider Daedra
- Xivilai
- Skeleton
- Wraith
- Zombie (headless)
- Zombie (normal)

If you have Mysticism as a major skill you can select "extra spell" as your magic effect for Mysticism. This allows you to select one additional spell effect for another magic skill. For example a mage can normally only select one of Fire Damage (on target) and Shock Damage (on target), but if he picks "extra spell" as his Mysticism spell effect he can select both types of damage. This rule allows you to swap your Mysticism spell for a spell from another school of magic.

Chameleon spells are not allowed. Your skill is too low to cast anything that will protect you from th AI so they would only make it harder to follow the fight when I record it.

2.11 AI Combat Style

The available combat styles are Default, DefaultArcher, NPCCnjurer, and custom.

Default is the combat style of most NPCs in the game. This combat style seems to involve engaging the enemy in melee and casting spells from time to time.

DefaultArcher is the combat style used by NPC archers. It involves trying to keep a distance from your enemy and shooting him with a bow. However, if the enemy comes too close this style will pull out a melee weapon and engage in close combat. Spells are sued normally.

NPCConjurer is the style used by conjurers and necromancers. Well, technically necromancers use their own style, but I've looked at them and they are both the same. This style tries to keep a distance from enemies and makes more attacks than default, but it almost never blocks.

Finally, you can request a customized style. The default combat style looks like and you can request tweaks.




Each race has a special ability and gets a +10 bonus to 4 skills.

Special ability: 100 Fortify Magicka
Skills: Alchemy, Alteration, Destruction, Illusion

Special ability: 100% Resist Poison
Skills: Blade, Illusion, Light Armor, Security

Special ability: Bear Summon
Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Marksman, Sneak

Special ability: 20% Resist Magic
Skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Illusion, Restoration

Special ability: 60% Resist Fire
Skills: Blade, Destruction, Light Armor, Mysticism

Special ability: 60% Resist Shock
Skills: Blade, Blunt, Destruction, Heavy Armor

Special ability: 15% Reflect Damage
Skills: Blade, Hand-to-hand, Illusion, Light armor

Special ability: 60% Resist Frost
Skills: Blade, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Restoration

Special ability: 10% Resist Magic, 10% Shield, 10% Resist Paralysis
Skills: Block, Blunt, Hand-to-hand, Heavy Armor

Special ability: 10% Reflect Damage, 10% Shield
Skills: Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Light Armor


Apprentice: 200 Fortify Magicka, 20% Weakness to Magic

Atronach: 20% Spell Absorption, 400 Fortify Magicka, Stunted Magicka

Lady: 20% Resist Magic

Lord: 10 Restore Health for 5 seconds on self (lesser power)

Lover: Paralyze for 2 seconds on touch (lesser power)

Mage: 100 Fortify Magicka

Ritual: 10% Reflect Spell

Serpent: 10 Damage Health for 5 seconds on touch (lesser power)

Shadow: 100% Chameleon for 4 seconds on self (lesser power)

Steed: 10% Resist Magic, 10% Shield, 10% Resist Paralysis

Thief: 20 Fortify Luck

Tower: 15% Reflect Damage

Warrior: 10% Reflect Damage, 10% Shield


All skills except Atheltics are governed by Personality. Athletics is still governed by Speed.


All summoned creatures have 5 damage, 100 Health, and 100% Weakness to Poison. They also only last for 10 seconds and can be summoned only once per fight.

The available summons are:
- Bear
- Flame Atronach
- Frost Atronach
- Storm Atronach
- Clannfear
- Daedroth
- Scamp
- Spider Daedra
- Xivilai
- Skeleton
- Wraith
- Zombie (headless)
- Zombie (normal)


In case that was too long for you to read, here is the tl;dr version:

Copy the form from the beginning of 2. Characters and fill it out. You can only use vanilla options (no modded races or birthsigns or items). You can't use any custom items, but you get 5000 gold to spend on buying equipment. No artifact are allowed. You also can't use a staff that costs more than 1000 gold. The skills Armorer, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, and Speechcraft increase your budget by 1000 gold each. You can only choose one spell effect for each school of magic that you have as major skill. You only get to use standard spells with only one magic effect. If you want to use any potions or poisons you have to have Alchemy as a major skill. That allows you to use 200 gold worth of potions and poisons, which is extra and doesn't count as part of your budget.


Here is a summary of the major changes from the previous tournaments:
- no more free armor and weapons
- can't trade Alteration and Illusion spell for gold
- only Armorer, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, and Speechcraft still give a gold bonus
- balance changes


Name: Gilbert Lehay
Gender: male
Race: Breton
Birthsign: Mage
Appearance: brown eyes, brown hair
Class: Spellsword
Specialization: Magic
Favored attributes: Endurance and Willpower
Major skils:
1. Blade
2. Block
3. Heavy Armor
4. Alteration
5. Destruction
6. Illusion
7. Restoration
Item budget: 5000 gold
Total item value: 4828 gold
Weapons: Shortsword of Blizzards (2053 gold)
Shield: Dwarven Shield (210 gold)
Head: Blades Helm (25 gold)
Upper body: Dwarven cuirass (400 gold)
Hands: Dwarven Gauntlets (115 gold)
Legs: Dwarven Greaves (210 gold)
Feet: Dwarven Boots (115 gold)
Amulet: none
Ring: Base Ring of Nihilism (1700 gold)
Alchemy items: none
Spells: Shield (self), Weakness to Magic (target), Paralyze (touch), Restore Health (self)
AI Combat Style: default

10. Ra 'Zirajh, Khajiit Punch Miser,



1. Francois Mortierre vs. Ra 'Zirajh
2. Mara vs. Iulus the Pious
3. Shaukin Graniteus vs. Travis
4. Irilen Ar Alten vs. Lamont
5. Dragatus vs. Lord Kacj
6. Pox-Foulgrin vs. Tomcat
7. Vrokar vs. Friiga
8. Claude de Monteroy vs. Urlfjir Who-Wolves-Won't-Eat
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:27 am

Name: Francois Mortierre
Gender: Male
Race: Breton
Birthsign: Mage
Appearance: Blue eyes, light brown ponytail, fair skin
Class: Battlemage
Specialization: Magic
Favored attributes: Strength, Intelligence
Major skils:
1. Light Armor
2. Blunt Weapon
3. Destruction
4. Conjuration
5. Restoration
6. Illusion
7. Block
Item budget: 5000 gold
Total item value: 4943
Weapons: Mage's Mace (927)
Shield: Insulated Shield (2000)
Head: Mage's Hood (1)
Upper body: Elven Cuirass (600)
Hands: Mithril Gauntlets (65)
Legs: Elven Greaves (660)
Feet: Elven Boots (170)
Amulet: Base Amulet of Luck (650)
Ring: Base Ring of Intelligence (640)
Alchemy items:
Spells: Restore Health on self, Paralyze on touch, Summon Daedroth, Damage Strength on touch

Francois Mortierre knows a little bit about combat. He was among the mercenaries hired by Count Hassildor to close Oblivion Gates near Skingrad. While fighting in Oblivion, he bound the soul of a Daedroth to his service by besting it in combat and a contest of riddles. Impressed with the Breton's abilities of both body and mind, the creature now answers his summons and personally assists his master in difficult matters. Francois is a trained and deadly master of blunt force weapons, and of combat magic. He feels confident that the others will fall short of his battle-hardened abilities.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:21 am

An interesting character Hairdo Galosh Jam! He isn't per chance inspired by the ingame Francois Mortierre is he?
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:26 pm

No relation whatsoever. The Mortierre clan are wide spread and Francois is a very common Breton first name.

This character is actually Crazy Jim's second cousin, and he grew up in the Reach. He's a bit less sophisticated and erudite than the common Breton. He's more of a barbarian/merc for hire who happens to be a brilliant conjurer. He's also dating a Sload on the down low. I wish I were making that part up.

edit: Note the extra R in his surname. The Francois from Oblivion lacked this. Same basic clan but the Reachmen sometimes spell their names differently. It's a variation and another branch of the family. Similarly to how I'm a descendant of Clain Muir, from Scotland, whose surnames are variously spelled Moar, Moore, Moor, Moir, etc.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am

No relation whatsoever. The Mortierre clan are wide spread and Francois is a very common Breton first name.

This character is actually Crazy Jim's second cousin, and he grew up in the Reach. He's a bit less sophisticated and erudite than the common Breton. He's more of a barbarian/merc for hire who happens to be a brilliant conjurer. He's also dating a Sload on the down low. I wish I were making that part up.

You sir are amazing at back stories for characters! Do you do fan fiction? I'd love to0 read some of your stuff if you do!
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:05 am

I've got a lot of basic storylines and characters but haven't really written much of it down in a coherent manner. I find these tournaments are a good mental exercise for visualizing a character. They all have a back story and a place/purpose in the world.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:27 pm

I've got a lot of basic storylines and characters but haven't really written much of it down in a coherent manner. I find these tournaments are a good mental exercise for visualizing a character. They all have a back story and a place/purpose in the world.

Well I'll be sure make more just so I can read your back stories! :P
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:35 am

Name: Mara
Gender: Female
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: Ritual
Appearance: Kind of young w/ blonde hair
Class: Crusader
Specialization: Combat
Favored attributes: Endurance and Strength
Major skils:
1. Blade
2. Blunt
3. Heavy Armor
4. Acrobatics
5. Speechcraft
6. Destruction
7. Alchemy
Item budget: 6000
Total item value: 5985
Weapons: Battle Axe of Feeding (2754)
Shield: None
Head: Steel Helmet (50)
Upper body: Cuirass of Resilience (880)
Hands: Orcish Gauntlets (250)
Legs: Steel Greaves (95)
Feet: Dwarven Boots (115)
Amulet: None
Ring: Grand Ring of Aegis (1840)
Alchemy items: Strong Potion of Healing (149) Weak Potion of Healing (46) (195 total)
Spells: Fire Damage/target
AI Combat Style: Default
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:34 am

Name: Shaukin Graniteus
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: Lady
Appearance: Old, wrinkly, pale/grey skin and bald, and make his armor look like Steel if you can!
Class: Stormcaller
Specialization: Magic
Favored attributes: Endurance, Speed
Major skils:
1. Destruction
2. Mysticism
3. Blunt
4. Heavy Armor
5. Speechcraft
6. Alchemy
7. Conjuration
Item budget: 6000
Total item value: 5979
Weapons: Voltag 2154
Shield: Dwarven 210
Head: Enchanterbane Helmet 1075
Upper body: Dwarven 400
Hands: Dwarven 115
Legs: Dwarven 210
Feet: Dwarven 115
Amulet: none
Ring: Base Ring of Nihilism 1700
Alchemy items: Potion of Healing (normal) 94, Poison of illness (strong) 93 total: 187
Spells: Shock Damage (Target), *Extra Spell: Weakness to Magic (Target), Summon Storm Atronarch
AI Combat Style: Necromancer
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:07 am

Shaukin likes to ride the lightning!
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:37 am

Here is an alternate character. For emergency use only!

Name: Pox Foulgrin
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Serpent
Appearance: Young, pale, with bright red eyes (if possible), and Dark Blue hair (if possible), and make his armor look like Leather stuff if you can!
Class: Defiler
Specialization: Magic
Favored attributes: Endurance, Speed
Major skils:
1. Blade
2. Light Armor
3. Mysticism
4. Destruction
5. Security
6. Sneak
7. Alchemy
Item budget: 7000
Total item value: 6875
Weapons: Very Fine Madness Longsword 2425
Shield: Mithril Shield 115
Head: Helmet of Magicka Resistance 1715
Upper body: Mithril Curiass 225
Hands: Mithril Gloves 65
Legs: Mithril Greaves 115
Feet: Mithril Boots 65
Amulet: none
Ring: Grand Ring of Nihilism 2150
Alchemy items: Poison of Illness (strong) x2 total: 186
Spells: Damage Health (Target), *Extra Spell: Weakness to Magic (Target)
AI Combat Style: Necromancer
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:09 am

Name : Irilen Ar Alten
Gender : Female
Race : Altmer
Birthsign : The Lady
Appearance : Green eyes, reddish hair up in a Stick Twist, very young for an Altmer.
Class : Healer
Specialisation : Magic
Favored Attributes : Personality and Willpower
Major Skills :
1. Alchemy
2. Alteration
3. Destruction
4. Illusion
5. Restoration
6. Mercantile
7. Speechcraft
Item Budget : 7000
Item Value : 6991
Weapons : Shortsword of Flames ( 809 )
Shield : Sylvan Barkshield ( 1815 )
Head : No Helm
Upper Body : Elven Cuirass ( 600 )
Hands : Elven gauntlets ( 170 )
Legs : Fortify Fatigue Pants ( 377 )
Feet : Elven Boots ( 170 )
Amulet : Base Amulet of Illusion ( 620 )
Ring : Ring of Nihilism ( 2430 )
Alchemy Items : Potion of Healing ( 94 ), Potion of Fire Shield ( 91 )
Spells : Shield on Self, Shock Damage on Target, Paralyse on touch, Restore Health on Self
AI combat style : Default.

Irilen is a lay healer, in the service of the temple of Dibella. She has had to learn to use her blade and spells to defend herself on her journeys to remote villages, where she heals those she can, and sings to bring joy and hope to all.
But times are getting dark, and she takes up her family's sword and armour, resolving to walk a middle path between striking out against the evils of the world, and bringing succour and hope to those who suffer because of those evils.
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john palmer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:46 am

yay tournies! i might enter a char here in a bit xD
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:32 am

Name: Dragatus
Gender: male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: Lady
Appearance: default face, brown eyes, brown hair, HighElfClassic hairstyle
Class: Arcane Knight
Specialization: combat
Favored attributes: Endurance, Luck
Major skils:
1. Alchemy
2. Alteration
3. Blunt
4. Conjuration
5. Destruction
6. Heavy Armor
7. Speechcraft
Item budget: 6000
Total item value: 5979
Weapons: Voltag (2154gold)
Shield: Dwarven Shield (210 gold)
Head: Enchanterbane Helmet (1075 gold)
Upper body: Dwarven cuirass (400 gold)
Hands: Dwarven Gauntlets (115 gold)
Legs: Dwarven Greaves (210 gold)
Feet: Dwarven Boots (115 gold)
Amulet: none
Ring: Base Ring of Nihilism (1700 gold)
Alchemy items: Strong Potion of Healing (149), Strong Poiton of Respite (29 gold), Potion of Respite (18 gold)
Spells: Shield (self), Summon Clannfear, Weakness to Magic (target)
AI Combat Style: custom: make a new style, set Stagger/Recoil Bonus to Attack to 100, set Unconscious Bonus to Attack to 100, and enable advanced settings (lower left of the window)

"I have always been a man of theory, but the scientific method requires each hypothesis to be tested by experiment. And so the time has come to put my acquired knowledge to the test."
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His Bella
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:31 am

Name: Lord Kacj
Gender: male
Race: nord
Birthsign: the warrior
Appearance: blue eyes, brown hair
Class: UndeadNord
Specialization: Combat
Favored attributes: Strength and Willpower
Major skils:
1. Blade
2. Conjuration
3. Heavy Armor
4. Alteration
5. Destruction
6. Illusion
7. Restoration
Item budget: 5000 gold
Total item value: 4704 gold
Weapons: Voltag (2154 gold)
Shield: Dwarven Shield (210 gold)
Head: Blades Helm (25 gold)
Upper body: Orcish cuirass (940 gold)
Hands: Orcish Gauntlets (250 gold)
Legs: Orcish Greaves (460 gold)
Feet: Orcish Boots (250 gold)
Amulet: none
Ring: base Ring of Blades (650 gold)
Alchemy items: none
Spells: Paralyze (touch), Restore Health (self) Summon Daedroth,Hailstone(Target)
AI Combat Style: default

:D I coped and pasted my old charter :D one day he will win
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:46 pm

Should try to find 3 good AI settings and use them for everyone:

Weapon user type
Mage type
Battle Mage type

That way the combatants are not doing as much standing around or stupid actions.

EDIT: @kacj321 Voltag is a mace... so you may want to change his ring and weapon skill accordingly!
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Nicholas C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:41 pm

My new balance mod has a combat style for archers and default works rather well for melee and battlemage characters. The combat style settings have no mention of magic so my guess is that spells are simply treated like an attack.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:01 pm

Ooooo lots of characters, added all of ya in! :D
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 pm

Ooooo lots of characters, added all of ya in! :D

Well, I'm playing a healer, so I will probably get butchered in the first round, but better to enter the type of character I play normally, and lose gracefully ( or in a burned, crumpled heap ), than uber a combat build designed to win.

Good man. Thanks.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:07 am

Gurkog was boring... my characters this time are a lot more stylized. Next tourney I will do some really wacky stuff!
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:41 am

Putting in an alternate:
Name: Vrokar
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Birthsign: Atronach
Appearance: Old
Class: Corruptor
Specialization: Magic
Favored attributes: Endurance and Speed
Major skils:
1. Heavy Armor
2. Illusion
3. Armorer
4. Speechcraft
5. Mercantile
6. Conjuration
7. Sneak
Item budget: 9000
Total item value: 8945
Weapons: Staff of Fire (765)
Shield: None
Head: Orcish Helmet (250)
Upper body: Orcish Cuirass (940)
Hands: Orcish Gauntlets (250)
Legs: Fire Ritual Greaves (1460)
Feet: Orcish Boots (250)
Amulet: None
Ring: Storm Ring (5030)
Alchemy items: N/A
Spells: Summon Frost Atronach, Paralyze
AI Combat Style: Default? will that make him summon in the beginning, and use his staff until they get up close at which point he paralyzes them and resumes the staff barrage? Also, how often does the AI use paralyze, is he just going to use it once or will he use it as much as possible.
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jessica breen
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:14 am


AI Combat Style: Default? will that make him summon in the beginning, and use his staff until they get up close at which point he paralyzes them and resumes the staff barrage? Also, how often does the AI use paralyze, is he just going to use it once or will he use it as much as possible.

All AI uses summons and stuff like shield spell right at the start, usually. Paralyze will be used often if it is your only spell other than a summons. If your only weapon is the staff you will use it until it is drained, I think.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:49 am

Name: Lamont
Gender: Male
Race: Redguard
Birthsign:the warrior
Appearance: young looking with brown eyes, small Afro
Class: swordsman
Favored attributes:strength, endurance
Major skills:
2.heavy armor
Item budget:9000
Total item value:8951
Weapons: Akavari war blade(3030)
Head:witch hunter Helm (1400)
Upper body: general Cuirass (880)
Hands: gauntlets of the north (800)
Legs: greaves of flame(845)
Feet:steel boots(50)
Ring:elemental ring (3030)
Alchemy items:none
AI Combat Style: default
i hope i can get past the first round :sweat:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:31 am


i hope i can get past the first round :sweat:

looks like a solid character so you definitely have a shot!
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:24 am

maybe in the next deadliest warrior you should create special matches or events like team matches or last combatant standing.
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Jenna Fields
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